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Price of Being a Breeder Organization. Hamdi Çiftçiler MAY Seed / Deputy Chairman of Board of Management. As MAY Seed we have been investing in plant breeding since 1996. As of 2013 we have 31 permanent personnel in our R&D Department .
Price of Being a BreederOrganization Hamdi Çiftçiler MAY Seed / Deputy Chairman of Board of Management
As MAY Seedwehave beeninvesting in plant breeding since 1996
As of 2013 wehave31 permanentpersonnel in our R&D Department.
ThesepersonnelareeitherAgricultural Engineerand/orMolecularBiologist where 4 of themhavegotdoctoratedegree, 5 of themgotgraduatedegree, 15 of themundergraduatedegree
and as of year 2013 we spend about 6 million TL for “Conventional and Molecular Breeding”.
Inthe EU, Balkans, BlackSea, Middle East, CentralAsiaandAfricanCountrieswhichwehaveidentified as targetgeography, wehavemorethan 160 varietiesregistered and/or taken under protection or within continuing the process
We pay specialattentiontoourbreederstowork within a systemandpropertyconcept of innovations emerginghavingbeendefined explicitly.
We are grateful to the supports like TÜBİTAK, R&D tax exemptions provided by our state for the activities of R&D/BREEDING centered in our country
Werequestthatthesesupportsaredevelopedas to be moreprivilegedandincludethegrantthrougheffectiveinspection of realbreedingorganizations
Wewouldliketoemphasizeoncemoretheimportance of interpretingprivatedomesticbreedingorganizations as a subunit of TAGEM andplacingthem in a privilegedposition.
Breeding is independence But in meanwhile it is a costlyprocesswhichrequiressignificantfinancialresourceandcommittment.
Undertoday’s global competitionconditions it is veryimportanttoestablish a sustainableinstitutionalstructure.
CURRENT Legislation (UPOV 1991) BreederExemption
Wearefollowingwithsensitivitytheissue of obeyingtoallexemptionsandconditions in UPOV 1991 conventiontowhichourcountry is also a party.
Inrelationtothiswe pay specialattentiontothefollowing; • To be an establishmentwhichunconditionallyrespectstonationalandinternationalagreementssignedmutuallyincludingallkinds of industrialpropertyapproaches, • Toenable transfer of allkinds of materialmutuallyonlythroughMTAsandeffectivelyfollowingtheprocessupandreportingthem
Exchanging of resultsaccuratelyandtimely, • Issuesto be considered in registration, • Definingthewayforourbreederstobenefitfromresearchactivitiesconductedwithinourcompanyandensuretheircontinousdevelopment
Additionally; Wecloselyfollowdiscussions of ISF on “Idea of IndustrialProperty”, evaluations of industrialproperty /patent persistingwithinthescope of “SeedTechnology in theWorld” anddebates on thisissuebetweenEuropeandthe USA andweperformdetailedstudies on appropriatepositioninganddevelopingpolicies in linewithourinterests.
Protectionandregistering of emerginglinesandhybrids in themostaccurateway in domestic/foreignmarketswhichwesee as a target market, • Touchinguponourindustrialpropertyrightsandsecuringthem in alltypes of agreements of transfer of licenses, varities, etc. made in the country and abroad
Interpretingcommonvarietydevelopmentactivities in thecountryand in abroadalsowithinthescope of industrialpropertyconcept, • In order to have our advantages sustainable in terms of our specific and strong characteristics we specially care for the issues regarding industrial property rights to be fulfilled.
Hamdi Çiftçiler MAY Seed/ DeputyChairman of Board of Management