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By Wyatt Boone and Bryan Guzman. Feudalism. Development of Feudalism. Developed because of invasion. Started in 8th century. Best in 11 th through 13 th century. Began in the Franks kingdom . How Feudalism works. Lords gave land to vassals Vassals would give services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Wyatt Boone and Bryan Guzman Feudalism

  2. Development of Feudalism • Developed because of invasion. • Started in 8th century. • Best in 11th through 13th century. • Began in the Franks kingdom.

  3. How Feudalism works • Lords gave land to vassals • Vassals would give services in return • Had knights to protect land • Vassals bound by Feudal Contract

  4. Payments • Granted fiefs to live on • Provided Military Service • Gave food and coin • Fiefs came with serfs to work

  5. Castles • Lords built castles for defense • Serfs would retreat to castles for protection • High walls, Towers drawbridges, and moats

  6. Social Structure

  7. Knights • Started at age of seven • Training was rough • Fought on horseback • Had heavy armor and shields • Used swords axes and lances

  8. Chivalry • Brave, loyal, and honest • Fight fairly in war • Treat other knights with respect • Protect the weak

  9. Significance • Shaped Europe • Resistance to Monarchy • Chivalry • Architecture • Epic Romance • Courtly literature

  10. Decline • Lower class overthrew nobles • Changed to parliamentary monarchy • Knights replaced by infantry • Bubonic plague

  11. Questions • How was military protection central to life in the middle ages? • What was the relationship between lords and vassals? • Did Feudalism help or hurt Europe?

  12. THE END

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