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Flow Measurement (variable head meter)

Flow Measurement (variable head meter). by Ashfaq Md. Ansery. Venturimeter. Venturimeter. Theory (Venturimeter). Discharge Coefficient C d. Dimensional analysis of venturi tube indicates C = f (Re, D 1 , D 2 ). Discharge Coefficient. Venturimeter cont…. The value of C

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Flow Measurement (variable head meter)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flow Measurement(variable head meter) by Ashfaq Md. Ansery

  2. Venturimeter

  3. Venturimeter

  4. Theory (Venturimeter)

  5. Discharge Coefficient Cd • Dimensional analysis of venturi tube indicates C = f (Re, D1, D2)

  6. Discharge Coefficient

  7. Venturimeter cont…. • The value of C • C = 0.99 for large tube • C= 0.97-0.98 for small tube • Provided the value is such as to give reasonably high Reynolds number • A roughing of the surface of the converging section from age or scale deposit will reduce the coefficient slightly (1-2%)

  8. Venturimeter cont… Limitations • High installation cost • It occupies considerable space

  9. Limitations (cont…) • Ratio of throat to pipe diameter (D2/D1) cannot be changed- • the maximum measurable flow rate is fixed So if the flow range is changed, the throat diameter may be too large to give an accurate reading or to small to accommodate the next maximum flow rate

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