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English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. College and Career Ready Standards Implementation Team Grades 6-12 Quarterly Meeting – Session 2. Today’s Outcomes. Participants will:

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English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

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  1. English Language Artsand Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects College and Career Ready Standards Implementation Team Grades 6-12 Quarterly Meeting – Session 2

  2. Today’s Outcomes Participants will: • gain a deeper understanding of the vertical alignment of the grade level standards (6-12). • gain a deeper understanding of how the key shifts support implementation of the standards (6-12). • clarify their understanding of what the standards look like in practice (6-12).

  3. Alabama Continuum for Teacher Development - AQTS 1.4 Designs instructional activities based on state content standards. Integrating • Collaborates with colleagues in using a wide range of materials and methods to plan and implement instructional activities that promote learners’ deep understanding of content and enable them to demonstrate the knowledge and skills embedded in state standards. 2.6 Designs coherent lessons that integrate a variety of appropriate and effective instructional strategies. Emerging • Designs lessons that follow a logical sequence and provide learners with clear outcomes and learning tasks. • Applies a variety of research-based instructional strategies that are appropriately matched to the content being taught and that engage all learners in meaningful ways. 2.8 Uses formative assessments to provide specific and timely feedback to assist learners in meeting learning targets and to adjust instruction. Emerging • Implements checks for understanding. 3.3 Uses age-appropriate instructional strategies to improve learners’ skills in critical literacy components Emerging • Provides explicit vocabulary instruction in content areas and employs strategies to improve learner skills in comprehension of subject matter. Applying • Implements appropriate instructional strategies to support all learners in increasing literacy skills across content areas.

  4. Things to Remember This is an extended process toward full implementation. The process should not be rushed – it’s a marathon, not a race. Our focus today is to learn HOW to explore the ELA and literacy standards. We are not exploring all standards today. We will share a process that may be duplicated in your school.

  5. Portrait of a Literate Individual • Think about each characteristic of a literate individual. • Jot down what each characteristic might look like in your discipline. • Read the description of each characteristic on page 7 of the Common Core State Standards document. • With your partner, discuss how these descriptions compare to what you jotted.

  6. Where We Want To Be Students who are college and career ready … • Demonstrate independence • Build strong content knowledge • Respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline • Comprehend as well as critique • Use technology and digital media strategically and capably • Understand other perspectives and cultures • Value Evidence

  7. Prepared Graduate Defined Knowledge and Skills Ability to Apply Learning Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two or four year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner.

  8. Making Science Relevant with Current Events • https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/teaching-science-with-current-events

  9. GOAL Strands

  10. Reading Informational Text • Reading Informational Text • Reading Literature Reading Foundational Skills K-5

  11. + = 26 Alabama-added Standards

  12. Anchor Standards Were Developed for… • Reading (10) • Writing (10) • Speaking and Listening (6) • Language (6)

  13. Anchor Standards for Reading (pg 9 and pg 102)

  14. Grade Level Standards • Grade level standards define what students should understand and be able to do by the end of each grade. • Grade level standards complement the anchor standards. • Together they define the skills and understandings that all students must demonstrate in order to be college- and career-ready.

  15. Three Key Shifts in ELA/Literacy • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts. 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language

  16. Why Informational Text? • Go to Handout from Appendix A. • Find the starred paragraphs. • Read these three paragraphs to investigate and note the importance of informational text in the standards. • Write your “aha’s and questions” on Handout #2. • Think about and discuss examples you could use throughout the day, across the curriculum. • Jot examples on the chart.

  17. Informational Text subgenres expository text functional text literary nonfiction argument

  18. Informational Text subgenres functional text exposition argument

  19. Content-Rich NonfictionIS . . . • informational text that gives factual information on a specifictopic or event. • designed primarily to explain, argue or describe rather than to entertain.

  20. Balance of text

  21. Tracing the Standards • Locate the CCSS Reading Information Text Standards document for your content area. • English Language Arts • History/Social Studies • Science & Technical Subjects

  22. T O O L

  23. Tracing the Standards • Read each grade level standard for Standard 1, beginning with Grade 6 or Grade Band 6-8. • Underline key words that show how the grade level standards are related. • Circle key words that show how the expectation becomes more rigorous at each grade level. • Have some table discussion about your overall impressions. • Repeat activity with Standards 2-9.

  24. What could students do to show attainment of this standard? What does the student need to know to aid in the attainment of this standard? What procedural skill(s) does the student need to demonstrate for attainment of the standard?

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