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Messing with Mixtures Lab

Messing with Mixtures Lab. Multi-Part Lab. How can you separate these mixtures?. Separating Mixtures. Separating Mixtures. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous?. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous?. Heterogeneous. Sand and Iron Filings Salad Salt and Water Muddy Water Dust in Air. Heterogeneous.

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Messing with Mixtures Lab

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Messing with Mixtures Lab Multi-Part Lab

  2. How can you separate these mixtures?

  3. Separating Mixtures

  4. Separating Mixtures

  5. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous?

  6. Homogeneous or Heterogeneous? Heterogeneous • Sand and Iron Filings • Salad • Salt and Water • Muddy Water • Dust in Air Heterogeneous Homogeneous Homogeneous Heterogeneous

  7. Identify the Solutes and Solvents

  8. Identify the Solutes and Solvents

  9. Rate of Dissolving

  10. Rate of Dissolving

  11. What factors affect the Rate of Dissolving? • Temperature- Warmer Solvent means molecules are moving faster and more spaced out so solute mixes in faster. • Stirring- Stirring increases Kinetic motion of molecules so solute mixes in faster. • Particle Size (Crystals vs. Cube)- Smaller particles can fill spaces between particles faster. Larger cubes have to have many particles move from the surface before the inside particles can dissolve. • Larger Surface Area!! Faster Dissolving.

  12. Part II: Mixtures and Masses How does the mass of the mixture compare to the mass of the parts?

  13. Saturated vs. Unsaturated Solution • Saturated Solution- a solution that holds as much solute as it can. Maximum amount of solute has been dissolve. Can you change saturation?

  14. Saturation Can Change… • Increase the temperature of the solvent ->Increase the solubility.

  15. Exit Slip 10/28 • Identify 2 ways a mixture is different from a compound. • Identify 2 factors that increase the rate of dissolving? Explain what happens to the molecules. • How does the mass of the mixture compare with the mass of the parts of the mixture? • Is sugar water a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture? • On the back…Draw a molecule diagram of a sugar water solution. Label the solute and the solvent. Use different colors.

  16. Exit Slip 10/28 • Identify 2 ways a mixture is different from a compound. • Identify 2 factors that increase the rate of dissolving? Explain what happens to the molecules. • How does the mass of the mixture compare with the mass of the parts of the mixture? • Is sugar water a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture? • On the back…Draw a molecule diagram of a sugar water solution. Label the solute and the solvent. Use different colors.

  17. Open Messing with Mixtures Lab

  18. How can you separate a Mixture? • What physical property helps you separate a mixture of Kool-aid powder and sand? • Solubility -> Kool-aid powder dissolves in water, but sand does not. • Then Particle Size Kool-aid will go through the filter, sand will not. • Follow the procedure exactly! I’ll know based on the results. • Results: Calculate the % Recovery = Total final mass x 100 Total starting mass

  19. S7- Folding the Filter

  20. Data Table

  21. Data Table

  22. The Remaining Slides Apply only to Honors Science 7

  23. HS7-Data Table for Separating Mixtures Lab

  24. Separating Mixtures Lab ReportHonors Science • Purpose (Can Copy from Messing with Mixtures LabHS7) • Procedure Detailed Step by Step Instructions on how you would separate the mixture. Formal Language • Materials List of the materials you needed and used: Edit this today. • Data Table(s) Show mass of mixtures, cups, and each part of the mixture. Don’t Forget to put in Units!! • Results • Conclusions and Reflections

  25. ResultsHonors Science • Summarize how you separated the mixture. • Summarize the data. (Show a chart) • How close were you to the actual results for each item? • What is your % error? (Make a chart) • % error = (Your data/ actual measurements) x 100 • What was your percent recovery. • % Recovery = (Mass of final/ mass of starting mixture) x 100 • Describe how and where you had to change your procedure.

  26. Conclusions and ReflectionsHonors Science • Summarize what went right and what went wrong in the experiment and with your procedure. • How would you change the procedure next time? • Would you use different tools or techniques? • What did you learn from separating this mixture?

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