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WP2 – Tools development. Deliverable 2.1: e-Institutions oriented to the use of reputation. Jordi Sabater-Mir Isaac Pinyol Daniel Villatoro Guifré Cuní Carles Sierra Juan Antonio Rodriguez Josep Lluís Arcos. IIIA - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
WP2 – Tools development Deliverable 2.1: e-Institutions oriented to the use of reputation Jordi Sabater-Mir Isaac Pinyol Daniel Villatoro Guifré Cuní Carles Sierra Juan Antonio Rodriguez Josep Lluís Arcos IIIA - Artificial Intelligence Research Institute CSIC – Spanish Council for Scientific Research
IIIA-CSIC • Annex I: • Using the tool for e-institutions developed by partner number 4, study and design of the extra elements that are necessary to facilitate and study the use of reputation in an e-institution environment. • Development of an alpha version of the e-institution tool for reputation modelling. • Help to develop the applications allowing the different experiments described in the rest of workpackages to be run. • Corresponding deliverables list: • T0 + 12 (D2.1): e-Institutions oriented to the use of Reputation • T0 + 20 (D2.2): e-Institution reputation software
IIIA-CSIC E-Institutions In human societies, institutions regulate the behaviour of people by enforcing laws, fixing protocols, etc. Open multiagent systems are populated by autonomous entities and therefore, there is no guarantee about what will be the behaviour of these entities. An e-institutions is the electronic equivalent of a traditional institution but for virtual environments.
IIIA-CSIC E-Institutions Some vocabulari: Role. Standardised patterns of behaviour required by all agents playing part in a given functional relationship. Dialogic Framework. Ontological elements and communication language (ACL) employed during an agent interaction. Scene. Agents meetings whose interaction is shaped by a well-defined protocol. Performative Structure. Complex activities specified as connections among scenes. Normative rules. Define the consequences of the agent actions within scenes.
IIIA-CSIC Institutional agents Scenes Performative structure E-Institutions
IIIA-CSIC E-Institutions governor governor
IIIA-CSIC E-Institutions
IIIA-CSIC Using reputation in e-institutions • Integration of reputation mechanisms in the eI. • Integration of a cognitive agent architecture in the context of an eI. • Specification and implementation of a common ontology for reputation. • Human interface with the eI.
IIIA-CSIC Integration of reputation mechanisms Centralized reputation (eBay, Sporas...) E-Institution eI-service Governor Agent Rep. system Distributed reputation (RepAge, ReGreT...) E-Institution Governor Rep. system Agent
IIIA-CSIC Using reputation in e-institutions • Integration of reputation mechanisms in the eI. • Integration of a cognitive agent architecture in the context of an eI. • Specification and implementation of a common ontology for reputation. • Human interface with the eI.
IIIA-CSIC EIAgent architecture
IIIA-CSIC EIAgent architecture
IIIA-CSIC Jadex architecture
IIIA-CSIC Jadex architecture
IIIA-CSIC Jadex architecture
IIIA-CSIC Jadex architecture
IIIA-CSIC Using reputation in e-institutions • Integration of reputation mechanisms in the eI. • Integration of a cognitive agent architecture in the context of an eI. • Specification and implementation of a common ontology for reputation. • Human interface with the eI.
IIIA-CSIC The problem • What if agents using different reputation models are in the same community? • Different semantics, different representation of evaluations…. CTR1 CTR1 OK! Pepe is Good? CTR1 CTR1 CTR2 ? ??? Pepe is 0.7? ? ? CTR3 Pepe is 5?
IIIA-CSIC • Let’s speak the same language! Communication Common Reputation Ontology Ontology Mapping for CTR1 Ontology Mapping for CTR2 CTR1 CTR2
IIIA-CSIC 0..1 Gossiper has belongs to Voice 0..1 Recipient has Eval. belongs to The Ontology: Social Evaluation Single Agent 0..1 Source belongs to is Entity Group 1 Target Institution belongs to has 0..1 Evaluation [0,1] R Strength belongs to 1 Value Value Skill belongs to is 1 Focus Context Standard Norm
IIIA-CSIC EvalBelief is MetaBelief SimpleBelief is is SharedImage Image DExperience SharedVoice Reputation has has has has has 1..n 1 1 1..n 1 1 1 1 Eval. Voice Entities Eval. Eval. IdTrans Entities Voice belongs to belongs to belongs to belongs to belongs to belongs to belongs to Voice Entity Evaluation Evaluation Real Voice Entity The Ontology: Evaluative Belief
IIIA-CSIC Value Boolean False/True 0..1 Gossiper has belongs to Voice 0..1 Recipient has Discrete Sets {VB, B, N, G, VG} 0..1 Eval. Source belongs to Entity belongs to 1 Target Bounded Real [0,1] has belongs to 1 Evaluation Context Focus belongs to 1 Value Value Probability Distribution Fuzzy Sets belongs to 0..1 Strength [0,1] R 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 VB B N G VG Value Representation - Accuracy +
IIIA-CSIC Value Max Max Max Boolean {False,True} goodness goodness goodness Discrete Sets {VB, B, N, G, VG} Min Min Min 0.5 1 0 VB B N G VG False True Bounded Real [0,1] Probability Distribution 1 1 1 0.5 0 0 VB B N G VG VB B N G VG 0 VB B N G VG Semantic of the representations Boolean Discrete Set Bounded Real Prob. Distribution Max Min
IIIA-CSIC VB B N G VG VB B N G VG Conversions between types Some of them… Boolean {False,True} false true X ≥ 0.5 Prob. Distribution Real [0,1] VB VG Discrete Set {VB,B,N,G,VG} VB B N G VG VB B N G VG
IIIA-CSIC Conversion Uncertainty (CU) • Uncertainty produced by conversion between representation types. • Let X,Y be representation types, then the CU value associated to the conversion from type X to Y is defined as: CU(X,Y) = H(Y | X) (Conditional entropy) CU values
IIIA-CSIC API Interface Input calls directExp(DExperience) comm(EvalBelief) Output calls getReputation(Entity)Reputation getReputation(Entity,Focus)Reputation Decision Making Module getImage(Entity,Focus)Image CTRy APIy Communication Module Implementation(1) API interface and agent architecture
IIIA-CSIC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U- U U0 T U+ VT VU Implementation(2) API interface for Abdul-Rahman & Hailes Model • Distributed Model • Agents evaluate direct experiences with {VU,U,T,VT} • Agents can receive recommendations (direct experiences) from others. • The model returns a degree of trust of agent A in context C with the values • {Very Trustworthy, Trustworthy, Untrustworthy, Very Untrustworthy} or with an • uncertain value: U+, U0,U- (between VT-T, T-U, U-VU) API Implementation • Comm(DExperience) • directExp(DExperience) Evaluation: discrete sets {VB,B,G,VG} • getImage(Entity, Focus) Image Evaluation: probability distribution
IIIA-CSIC Implementation(3) API interface for eBay Model • Centralized Model • Users evaluate their transactions sending to the system {+1,0,-1} • The reputation of a concrete user is a number between 0 and 100.000, • represented by a system of colored stars. API Implementation • Comm(DExperience) Evaluation: discrete sets • getReputation(simpleAgent)Reputation Evaluation: bounded real
IIIA-CSIC Using reputation in e-institutions • Integration of reputation mechanisms in the eI. • Integration of a cognitive agent architecture in the context of an eI. • Specification and implementation of a common ontology for reputation. • Human interface with the eI.