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PARCC Results: Spring 2018 Administrations GREATER BRUNSWICK CHARTER SCHOOL 11-28-18

PARCC Results: Spring 2018 Administrations GREATER BRUNSWICK CHARTER SCHOOL 11-28-18. Measuring College and Career Readiness. PARCC Performance levels. Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations

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PARCC Results: Spring 2018 Administrations GREATER BRUNSWICK CHARTER SCHOOL 11-28-18

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  1. PARCC Results:Spring 2018 AdministrationsGREATER BRUNSWICK CHARTER SCHOOL11-28-18 Measuring College and Career Readiness

  2. PARCC Performance levels • Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations • Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations • Level 3: Approaching grade-level expectations • Level 4: Meeting grade-level expectations • Level 5: Exceeding grade-level expectations

  3. Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS 2017-2018 Spring PARCC AdministrationsENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACYPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY

  4. Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS 2017-2018 Spring PARCC AdministrationsENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACYPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS ELA Scores Percent Meeting or Exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5)

  5. Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS 2017-2018 Spring PARCC AdministrationsMathematicsPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) Mathematics

  6. Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS 2017-2018 Spring PARCC AdministrationsMathematicsPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) Comparison of State, GBCS and NBPS MathScores Percent Meeting or Exceeding Expectations

  7. GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACYPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY

  8. GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACYPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY

  9. GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 MathematicsPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) Mathematics

  10. GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 MathematicsPercent meeting or exceeding Expectations (level 4 or level 5) GBCS Growth from 2017 to 2018 Math

  11. 2018-2019 Plan • Increase Instructional rigor and intervention practice: • Established a calendar of a professional development sequence. • Create list of non-negotiable practices(including formative assessments and data analysis) required of each classroom teacher for instructional expectations. • Math Coach was hired to work with teachers all year long. • Rigorous, PARCC-aligned benchmarks are created and implemented for each unit. Results are analyzed for steps to improvement and needed intervention.

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