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Lithium Rechargeable Battery: Benefits and Safety Measures

Understand the workings of lithium rechargeable batteries, their energy efficiency, and potential dangers. Explore methods to prevent damage and maintain battery integrity for prolonged use.

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Lithium Rechargeable Battery: Benefits and Safety Measures

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  1. Rechargeable Battery by Michel Zarate MEEN 3344 Spring 2008

  2. A battery is an electric storage device, which can come in a variety of shape, size, voltage and capacity, and translate chemical energy into electricity and is an efficient way to make electricity portable. When two materials (often dissimilar metals) are immersed in a solution (electrolyte) they conduct electricity, between the "plates" causing an electrical potential. Examples are: lead acid, nickel cadmium, lithium, silver alkaline, etc.

  3. Lithium Battery Lithium Battery is "general name" that battery uses lithium metal or lithium aluminum alloy etc in its negative electrode (Anode). lithium battery have high energy density, high voltage and other benefits A rechargeable battery use solid polymer as electrolyte. Most Lithium polymer batteries require heat to promote conductivity. the Lithium ions inside the battery transfer between the positive electrode and the negative electrode during charge or discharge, namely Rocking Chair Batteries (RCB).

  4. LI-ION: HOW CELLS ARE DAMAGED The biggest problem with the Li-Ion battery is the ease with which it can be damaged during use: The Li-Ion battery carries a very large amount of energy in a small package. Combined with the fact that the internal resistance is fairly high, you have the potential for a very dangerous product: If the cell is accidentally shorted, it could get hot enough to burn a user (and possibly explode). The Li-Ion cell should never be allowed to drop below about 2.4V, or an internal chemical reaction will occur where one of the battery electrodes can oxidize (corrode) through a process which can not be reversed by recharging. A similar process will occur if an Li-Ion cell is charged to too high of a voltage. If current is continually forced into a fully charged cell, internal corrosion can take place which will reduce cell capacity


  6. REFERENCES • Ormond, Tom. Rechargeable Batteries. EDN Magazine, Dec. 8, 1988. • 2. Harrison, Michael. Rechargeable Batteries Are Included. Powertechnics Magazine, May 1988. • 3. Baay, David. Nickel-Cadmium Batteries. Electronic Products, December 1988. • 4. Costello, John. Choosing the Right Battery to Power the Portable Product. Electronic Products, • December 1992. • 5. Small, Charles. Nickel-Hydride Cells Avert Environmental Headaches. EDN Magazine, December • 1992. • 6. Panasonic Corp. Nickel Cadmium Batteries Technical Handbook. • 7. Sanyo Corp. Rechargeable Nickel Cadmium Batteries, Engineering Databook. • 8. Matusita Battery Industrial Co.,Ltd. Development of Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery . • 9. Sanyo Energy (USA) Corp., Sanyo: Lithium Ion Battery. • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gaston-narada.com/images/tech-liion.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.gaston-narada.com/techcertificates.html&h=440&w=520&sz=19&hl=en&start=150&um=1&tbnid=VBiElOT26grfcM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaterials%2BRechargeable%2Bbatteries%26start%3D144%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN • http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&q=Lithium+Battery+&btnG=Search+Images • http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Rechargeable+battery+characteristics&spell=1 • http://www.gaston-narada.com/tech-certificates.html

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