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Co- ord between SFs. Ways and means of Ensuring National Security. Relations and Co-ordination between Security Forces. The Armed Forces. Armed Forces. The Army Land Navy Sea Marine Corps Amphibious Air Force Air Space Coast Guard Sea Coast. Police and policing.
Ways and means of Ensuring National Security Relations and Co-ordination between Security Forces
Armed Forces The Army Land Navy Sea Marine Corps Amphibious Air Force Air Space Coast Guard Sea Coast
Police and policing • History of civilization - societies have sought protection for their members and possessions; members of one's family provided this protection. Development in Policing Style: • 1st stage: informal policing, where all members of a society shared equally in the responsibility for providing protection and keeping order. • 2nd stage: transitional policing, occurred when police functions were informally assigned to particular members of the society. • 3rd stage: organic societies, different from mechanical societies, more specialized Policing was required. • Modern policing: Wilson and Kelling stressed the importance of controlling minor crimes and disorders in an effort to curb more serious crime. Authority: All police systems rely on state authority. (the source of state power ultimately represents the basis of police authority as well)
Policing Preventing crime thorough preventive patrol Better to prevent crime than to punish the culprit • Making citizens feel safer and improving their quality of life should be the goal of police. • In 1970s and 80s, The philosophy of community policing is built upon the premise that reducing citizens' fear of crime while forming a partnership between the police and the community • Tactics utilized in this philosophy include foot patrol, problem solving, police substations, and community groups, among others. Police force ; Constabulary, Police, Sheriff, Gendarmerie
Policing Models of policing (Shelley) • Communist: obtains legitimacy through the communist political party, is organized as a centralized, armed militarized force, and performs the functions of crime control and enforcement of state ideology • The continental: Have similar organizational structures and functions as the communist model, however the continental model obtains its legitimacy through the central government. • Colonial: Establishes legitimacy through the colonial authority. • Anglo-Saxon: Obtains legitimacy through local governments and is based in law. This model is organized as a decentralized force that is armed in democratic countries. Functions: crime control, order maintenance, and welfare and administrative responsibilities.
Para-military Forces • It is a force whose function and organization are similar to those of a military force, w/o having the same status. The term uses the Greek prefix para- (proximity), also seen in words such as para-medic. • The term paramilitary is subjective, depending on what is considered similar to a military force, and what status a force is considered to have. Its nature therefore varies greatly according to the speaker and the context. • Examples: Northern Ireland, “any illegally armed group with a political purpose” • Colombia, “illegally armed groups which do not combat the govt (for example United SDForces) of Colombia, while illegally armed groups rebeled against the government, such as Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, are referred to as guerrillas.
Forces organized on Mil-Lines • Law enforcement agencies may include police forces organized along military or semi-military lines, sometimes called gendarmeries, such as: • Canada: Royal Canadian Mounted Police • Ontario Provincial police • USA: Connecticut State Police • Florida High Way Patrol • New Jersey State Police • NY State Police • North Carolina High Way Patrol • Pennsylvania State Police • Turkey: Jandarma • Italy: Carabinieri • French: Gendarmerie nataionale • Ireland: Former Royal Irish Constabulary • PRC: China Armed Police Force • Portugal: National Republican Guard
List of Para-mil forces-India • Assam Rifles 40,000 / 31 bns/ LTG • Border Security Forces 180,000 • Central Industrial Security Forces: 90,000 • Central Reserve Police Force: 172,000 /200 bns • (Rapid Action Force)8000 (Anti-riot Police of center) • Indo-Tibetan Border Police 12,000 • Rastriya Rifles: 40,000 • Defense Security Corps - 30,000 (security to MoD facilities and installations nationwide. • SSB 100,000 • TOTAL 582,000
Concept of nation-state and Nepal • Nation and state • After the 1990s, nationalism has become the issue • People are born into one or several overlapping communities • -ethnic groups • with specific values • cultures • religious beliefs • traditions • Forcibly incorporated other nationalities started searching their identity.
Nepal and nationalism • Nationalism: complex and varying constellation of different forms of communities, languages, ethnic groups, or religions. It has become more complex by the interplay of objectively existing reality and subjective perceptions. • Nationalism in Nepal: complex and varying constellation of (living together)103 languages, over 60 ethnic groups, uncounted number of communities and four major religions (Hindu, Buddhist, Muslims and Christian). • It has become more complex by the interplay of objectively existing reality and subjective perceptions due to overlap between inter-caste marriage, migration and inter-religious marriages.
Nation-state and its boundary • Is the entire geographical area owned by a state like the way every individual property owner owns his person and the property ? (inherited, worked for, or gained in voluntary exchange) • Many nation's boundaries were: • -acquired by force and violence, • interstate agreement w/o the consent or knowledge of the people. • boundaries shifted many times • Are not there your own people living out side your boundary ? • Is it just to proclaim for “territorial integrity”? Is not it truly ludicrous? • Will total privatization help solve nationality problems? (open borders, free immigration, global village ….will it help?
Security • Security: A condition of being protected against danger or loss. Protection from dangers that originate from outside. Individuals or actions that encroach upon the condition of protection are responsible for the breach of security. Not only safety but security! (keep in a safe(no harm) place but protect (like the padlock, vigilante) • National Security: • -Securing what? Territory within the boundary? People living within the boundaries? Territory and People living within the boundaries? Do we have to protect other things as well? What are these other things ? -Who decides as to what should be protected? How can we ensure total security ? • -Who will be accountable for the failure of this (future and life of its citizen)? National Security:“Maintain the survival of the nation-state through the use of available power and the exercise of diplomacy”
Available Powers and use of it • Hard Power : Armed Forces • Soft Power: Political power; Economic, Diplomacy, …….. Only the state has the monopoly of power • Securing What? -Preservation of an Independent, sovereign, unified and territorially secured Nepal. • What are the threats? What means do we have? -Maintain domestic law, order and peace: rule of law to protect the people's lives and property. • What are the threats? What means do we have?
Available Powers and use of it…. • Preservation of sovereign rights of the people, democratic system, democratic rights and values. Human rights, equality and freedom. • Threats? means available? • What about the duties of citizen?
Hard Power and National Security of Nepal • Securing National territory and people of Nepal: Constitutional commitment Hard forces: • Nepal Army Task, Strength, Equipments, Other means. • APF Task, Strength, Equipments, Other means. • Nepal Police Task, Strength, Equipments, Other means.
Forces in Nepal Nepal Army 92653 + 4711 = 97,164 Nepal Police 62,000 Armed Police Force 32,000 + 2,200= 34,200 NID 1,500 (?) NB: Nepal Army strength rose to 97,164 after integration of MACs APF strength rose to 34,200 after the mandate of Industrial Security
Comparison of Mandates • Nepal ArmyAPFNPOther Security • Def of nationComplement to NA Protector of LawHuman SecurityAgainst internal div Against terrorismPublic disorderInter-state boundary Developmental RoleBorder SecurityPublic safety State-Intl boundary Peacekeeping RolePeacekeepingPeacekeepingFood SecurityInstallation SecurityVVIP SecurityVVIP Security Endemic/ Epidemic Disaster MgmtDisaster Mgmt Disaster Mgmt Energy SecurityWild-life ResHigh way SecurityInvestigation-CrimeCyber Security National pksAnti TerroristCrime Control Floods/Land slidesInternal SecurityRiot ControlMassive fire controlOff/Def Role Industrial SecuritySmuggle Peacekeeping Role ?Narcotic corruptionInternal Security ? Money Laundering • Disaster Mgmt ?Ungoverned space • Developmental Role? Nepali living abroad • Industrial Security Creation of national Security and developmental Directorate under NA ?
Forces • Police will become Central Force vs State Force ? • APF Service ? • How to keep APF role balanced ? Role-APF, NA and NP. • How to keep it apolitical ? • Enhancing Professionalism (who is responsible ?) • Avoiding duplication of work by state, how? • Relationship with MoH and MoD • Complementing vs competing with other forces ? • Work and accountability of individual officers and men. • International / regional commitments and accountability.
Conclusion • Nepal Army works for National Security • Nepal Army – Constitution, Parliamentary Cttees, Cabinet, PM/President. • Nepal Army is not included on RastriyaSurakchyaSamiti (National Security Committee). • Nepal Armed Police works for both the Mil and NP • Nepal Armed Police and Nepal Police works under Ministry of Home.
Conclusion • National Security Strategy and all SF s being hooked to it. • NA/APF/NP’s contribution in formulating NSS and owning the NSS. • Formulation of ANA/PF/NP’s own strategy • Mandate, resources (men and material) • Formulation of Operational plan • Organizational structure and modification of it on periodic basic • Weapon procurement (more relevant to NA) • Training within. • Cross training between the NA/APF/NP • Deployment • Work for the mandate