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Pelaporan dan Akuntansi Keuangan. Assets. Probable future economic benefits obtained and controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events. Cash, Receivables, and Financial Instruments. Financial Instruments. Financial instrument:
Assets • Probable future economic benefits obtained and controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events
Financial Instruments • Financial instrument: • Any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity • Financial asset and financial liability • Financial asset example: cash, receivables • Financial liability example: long-term debt
Cash • Cash: cash on hand and demand deposits with banks or other financial institutions • Cash equivalents: short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subjects to an insignificant risk of changes in value
Receivables • Trade receivables: amounts due from customers for goods sold or services performed in the normal course of business • Notes receivable written promissory notes
Bad Debt Expense • Proper matching if bad debt expense is recorded in the same fiscal period as the revenues to which they are related • Estimation techniques: • Percentage-of-sales method • Aging method
Pledging, Assigning, and Factoring • Pledging: an agreement whereby accounts receivable are used as collateral for loans Disclosure • Assignment: more formalized transfer of the asset to the lending institution Disclosure • Factoring: outright sale of receivables to a financing institution known as factor • Transfers of receivables with recourse
Anjak Piutang • Jenis pembiayaan dalam bentuk pembelian dan/atau pengalihan piutang atau tagihan jangka pendek suatu perusahaan yang berasal dari transaksi usaha
Anjak Piutang Tanpa Recourse • Penjualan piutang atas dasar notifikasi • Factor menanggung penuh risiko penagihan dan hak menerima pembayaran dari klien apabila terjadi kerugian atas piutang alihan yang tidak tertagih • Diperlakukan sebagai penjualan piutang
Anjak Piutang Dengan Recourse • Klien mempunyai kewajiban membayar seluruh atau sebagian dana yang diperoleh dari piutang alihan, atau membeli kembali piutang alihan, dalam hal nasabah tidak membayar piutang alihan tersebut kepada factor pada saat jatuh tempo • Diakui sebagai kewajiban anjak piutang sebesar nilai piutang yang dialihkan
Inventory • Inventory: items that are held for sale in the ordinary course of business; in the process of production for such sale; or in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services
Two Types of Entities • Merchandising entity merchandise inventory • Manufacturer: • Raw materials • Work in process • Finished goods
Inventory • Basis for valuation: the lower of cost and net realizable value • Cost flow assumptions: • FIFO • Weighted-average
Ownership of Goods • 4 matters that may cause confusion about proper ownership • Goods in transit • Consignment sales • Product financing arrangements • Sales made with the buyer having generous or unusual right of return
Goods in Transit • Goods are included in the inventory of the firm financially responsible for transportation costs • FOB destination: part of seller’s inventory while in transit • FOB shipping: part of buyer’s inventory while in transit
Consignment Sales • Goods out on consignment are properly included in the inventory of the consignor and excluded from the inventory of consignee
Product Financing Arrangements • A transaction in which an entity sells and agrees to repurchase inventory with repurchase price equal to the original sales price plus the carrying and financing costs • The substance is a borrowing
Right to Return Purchases • The sale is to be recorded if the future amount of the returns can be reasonably estimated
Accounting for Inventories • Two systems: • Periodic inventory system • The inventory quantity is determined periodically by a physical count • Perpetual inventory system • Keeps a running total of the quantity of inventory on hand by recording all sales and purchases as they occur
Valuation of Inventories • The primary basis of accounting for inventories is cost • Cost is defined as the sum of all costs of purchase, costs of conversion, and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition
Methods of Inventory Costing • Specific Identification • First-In, First-Out (FIFO) • Weighted-Average
Methods of Inventory Costing • Net realizable value: • The estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale • If cost exceeds NRV a loss is recognized
Rumus Biaya • Identifikasi khusus • FIFI • Rata-rata tertimbang • LIFO • ED PSAK No. 14 (Revisi 2008): LIFO dihilangkan
Definisi • Aset berwujud yang: • Dimiliki untuk digunakan dalam produksi atau penyediaan barang atau jasa, untuk direntalkan kepada pihak lain, atau untuk tujuan administratif; dan • Diharapkan untuk digunakan selama lebih dari satu periode
Initial Measurement • All costs required to bring an asset into working condition should be recorded as part of the cost of the asset • Exclude administrative costs • Interest cost during construction of certain assets • Decommissioning costs is included
Cost Subsequent to Purchase or Self-Construction • To qualify for capitalization, costs must be associated with incremental benefits • Extend useful life • Increase capacity • Improve quality of outputs or permits a reduction in other cost inputs
Depreciation • Systematic and rational allocation of the depreciable amount of the asset over the asset’s expected useful life • Requires a component approach for depreciation • Each material component of a composite asset with different useful lives or different patterns of depreciation is accounted for separately
Depreciation Methods • Straight-line • Accelerated methods • Diminishing balance • Sum-of-the years’ digits • Units of production
Measurement Subsequent to Initial Recognition • Cost model carried at its cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses • Revaluation model fair value
Revaluation • Fair value: the amount for which the asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s-length transaction • Could use depreciated replacement cost approach • Revaluation adjustments are to be recognized in other comprehensive income • If a revalued asset is subsequently found to be impaired, the impairment provision is first offset against the revaluation surplus, and only when that has been exhausted is it expensed
Revaluation • The depreciation should be based on the new valuation over the number of remaining years of the asset’s useful life at the time of the latest valuation
Impairment • At each financial reporting date the reporting entity should determine whether there are conditions that would indicate that impairments may have occurred • Impairment is the excess of carrying value over recoverable amount • Recoverable amount: net selling price and value in use (greater of these two amounts)
Accounting for Impairments • Historical cost • Recognized as charges against current period profit • Revaluation • Treated as the partial reversal of a previous upward revaluation • Any excess impairment should be charged to expense
Impairment • Reversing an impairment loss • The increased carrying amount of an asset other than goodwill shall not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation or depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in prior years. • A reversal of an impairment loss for an asset other than goodwill shall be recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at revalued amount
Retirements and Other Disposal • Both the asset and accumulated depreciation should be eliminated • Assets that have been identified for disposal classified as “held for sale” • Measured at the lower of the carrying value or fair value less cost to sale • No longer subject to systematic depreciation
Nonmonetary Transaction • The cost of an item of PPE acquired in exchange for a similar asset is to be measured at fair value
Capitalization of Borrowing Costs • Borrowing costs eligible for capitalization, directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, are those borrowing costs that would have been avoided if the expenditure on this asset has not been made • Actual borrowing costs less any investment income on the temporary investment of those borrowing
Capitalization of Borrowing Costs • Qualifying assets are those that normally take an extended period of time to prepare for their intended uses • 3 conditions must be made before the capitalization period should begin: • Expenditures for the asset are being incurred • Borrowing costs are being incurred • Activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use are in progress
Perolehan Secara Gabungan • Perolehan tanah dan prasarana-sarana secara gabungan, dialokasikan kepada aset tetap tanah secara proporsional berdasarkan perbandingan nilai wajar aset tetap tanah dan aset non tanah • Apabila harga tanah amat handal harga tanah ditentukan lebih dahulu, lalu sisanya menjadi harga perolehan prasarana dan sarana
Tanah Sumbangan • Dicatat berdasarkan nilai wajar lokasi setempat dan diakui sebagai Modal Berasal dari Sumbangan
Properti Investasi • Properti Investasi adalah properti (tanah atau bangunan atau bagian dari suatu bangunan atau kedua-duanya) yang dikuasai (oleh pemilik atau lessee/penyewa melalui sewa pembiayaan) untuk menghasilkan rental atau untuk kenaikan nilai atau kedua-duanya, dan tidak untuk: • Digunakan dalam produksi atau penyediaan barang atau jasa untuk tujuan administratif; atau • Dijual dalam kegiatan usaha sehari-hari
Pengukuran Setelah Perolehan Awal • Model nilai wajar • Seluruh properti investasi dinilai berdasarkan nilai wajar • Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari perubahan nilai wajar atas properti investasi harus diakui dalam laporan laba rugi pada periode terjadinya • Model biaya • Sesuai PSAK No. 16