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Table of Contents

Table of Contents. Chapter: Minerals. Section 1: Minerals. Section 2: Mineral Identification. Section 3: Uses of Minerals. Minerals. 1. What is a mineral?. A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and an orderly arrangement of atoms.

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  1. Table of Contents Chapter: Minerals Section 1: Minerals Section 2: Mineral Identification Section 3: Uses of Minerals

  2. Minerals 1 What is a mineral? • A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and an orderly arrangement of atoms. • About 4,000 different minerals are found on Earth, but they all share these four characteristics.

  3. Minerals 1 Mineral Characteristics • First, all minerals are formed by natural processes. • These are processes that occur on or inside Earth with no input from humans.

  4. Minerals 1 Mineral Characteristics • Second, minerals are inorganic. This means that they aren’t made by life processes. • Third, every mineral is an element or compound with a definite chemical composition.

  5. Minerals 1 Mineral Characteristics • Fourth, minerals are crystalline solids. All solids have a definite volume and shape. • Only a solid can be a mineral, but not all solids are minerals.

  6. Minerals 1 Atom Patterns • The word crystalline means that atoms are arranged in a pattern that is repeated over and over again. • For example, graphite’s atoms are arranged in layers.

  7. Minerals 1 The Structure of Minerals • A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in orderly, repeating patterns. • A crystal system is a group of crystals that have similar atomic arrangements and therefore similar external crystal shapes.

  8. Minerals 1 Crystals • Not all mineral crystals have smooth surfaces and regular shapes. • There are six major crystal systems, which classify minerals according to their crystal structures.

  9. Minerals 1 Crystals

  10. Minerals 1 Crystals from Magma • Hot melted rock material, called magma, cools when it reaches Earth’s surface, or even if it’s trapped below the surface. • As magma cools, its atoms lose heat energy, move closer together, and begin to combine into compounds.

  11. Minerals 1 Crystals from Magma • Atoms of the different compounds arrange themselves into orderly, repeating patterns. • The type and amount of elements present in magma partly determine which minerals will form.

  12. Minerals 1 Crystals from Magma • When magma cools slowly, the crystals that form are generally large enough to see with the unaided eye. • When magma cools rapidly, the crystals that form will be small.

  13. Minerals 1 Crystals from Solution • Crystals also can form from minerals dissolved in water. • When water evaporates, as in a dry climate, ions that are left behind can come together to form crystals.

  14. Minerals 1 Crystals from Solution • Or, if too much of a substance is dissolved in water, ions can come together and crystals of that substance can begin to form in the solution. • Minerals can form from a solution in this way without the need for evaporation.

  15. Minerals 1 Mineral Compositions and Groups • Ninety elements occur naturally in Earth’s crust. Approximately 98 percent (by weight) of the crust is made of only eight of these elements.

  16. Minerals 1 Mineral Compositions and Groups • Most of the common rock-forming minerals belong to a group called the silicates. • Silicates(SIH luh kayts) are minerals that contain silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) and usually one or more other elements. • These two elements alone combine to form the basic building blocks of most of the minerals in Earth’s crust and mantle.

  17. Minerals 1 Question 1 Which of these is a characteristic of minerals? A. crystalline solid B. formed by life processes C. indefinite chemical composition D. organic substances

  18. Minerals 1 Answer The answer is A. Minerals are crystalline solids. Only a solid can be a mineral, but not all solids are minerals.

  19. Minerals 1 Question 2 When magma cools rapidly, it forms __________. A. evaporites B. large crystals C. opals D. small crystals

  20. Minerals 1 Answer The answer is D. When magma cools rapidly, it forms small crystals that are difficult to see.

  21. Minerals 1 Question 3 Minerals that contain silicon and oxygen are __________. A. magma B. opals C. silicates D. solutions

  22. Minerals 1 Answer The answer is C. Silicates contain silicon and oxygen and usually one or more other elements.

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