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Aboriginal Spirituality. By Despina Ikik , Jamie Liddell, Zack Lopez, Tamkin Naghshbandi , Rachel Tam. Timeline. 35,000 - 15,000 BCE. Scientists theorize that people migrated from Asia to North America over the Bering land bridge. 1000 CE.
Aboriginal Spirituality By DespinaIkik, Jamie Liddell, Zack Lopez, TamkinNaghshbandi, Rachel Tam
35,000 - 15,000 BCE Scientists theorize that people migrated from Asia to North America over the Bering land bridge
1000 CE The first recorded meeting between Europeans (Norse) and Aboriginal peoples in Newfoundland
1784 CE the leadership of Joseph Brant, Mohawks settle on the Grand River after being displaced following the American Revolution
1815 CE 1800 CE • Handsome Lake dies, Aug 10 The code of Handsome Lake is developed
1830’s CE Creation of residential school system
1876 CE • 1970 CE 1884 CE • A residential school is turned into the Woodland Cultural Centre in Brantford, Ontario Indian Act is passed Potlatch ceremonies are banned by the federal government
1990 CE Elijah Harper stops Meech Lake Accord The Oka Crisis explodes when plans for a golf course clash with Aboriginal sacred burial grounds
1998 CE Canadian Government expresses profound regret to Canada’s Aboriginal peoples for past mistreatment and issues Statement of Reconciliation
1999 CE The new territory of Nunavut is created
Origin • Cannot pinpoint an origin/founder of Aboriginal spirituality • Origins are ancient beyond record, theory says they “came out of this ground” • Archaeological evidence supports that Aboriginal people migrated from Asia to North and South America by land bridge over Bering Strait (between Alaska & Russia), approx. 35,000 years ago
Origin • 80% of the world’s Aboriginal peoples live in Asia • 13% live in North/South America • Currently, 800,000 Aboriginal people live in Canada, some in every province
Key Beliefs • Many Aboriginal’s believe that everything in the world is alive • All things human & non-human have spirits or souls Known as Animism.
Key Beliefs • Some say this belief is polytheistic, believing in many gods • Believe in a supreme Creator • Black Elk, born 1863, Sioux holy man from the Great Plains • His theory was that every living thing was related and we were at one with all of them
Totem Poles • Link Aboriginal people to their mythical ancestors • They are protective entities (plant, animal or mythological being of a clean individual) • People of the same totem are considered to be close relatives and may not marry
The Tree of Peace • Connects earth to heaven • Integral to the sun dance • The white pine is key for Iroquois because they gather around it to offer thanks to the earth
Dream Catchers • With this device the Aboriginals believe that bad dreams are filtered through the web and displaced into the universe and good dreams are held onto the web for you to hold on to
Medicine Wheel • Made by laying many stones in a particular pattern • Symbol of healing and connection with the elements • All over North America • Manifestation of spiritual energy • Usually, there are four sections
Morning Dance/ Wabeno • southern Ontario • cleanse • Male elders lead • Dance around a cotton wood tree • Gives respect to the Tree of the Universe • This lasts from dawn to noon • A huge feast of meat and fish follows
Sun Dance • in the Great Plains • 8 to 16 days • Summer • Banned in the 1880s but is practised now What they do: • Prayer • Promises • Dance
Potlatch Ceremony • Northwest Pacific coast • Banned in 1884, ban lifted in 1951 • Celebration of important events • Songs and dance are performed to the Great Spirit • Host distributes wealth • The more they give away,the more prestigious the host becomes.
Sweat Lodge • Great Plains nations • Renews the soul and helps to regain focus • Cleanses bodies • A sauna like dome is built and participants go inside • Prayers and sacred pipes are also shared
Shaking Tent • Sub Arctic to Great Lakes region • Represents the values and beliefs of the supernatural world • Communicate with spirits • Build a cylindrical tent • This is ceremony always at night
Smudging • Practised all over • Cleansing, purification • Burns sweet grass and Tobacco
Oral Teachings • Prayers are passed down through generations by telling and retelling stories and events • Elders and Shamans memorise the stories and become “keeper” who then pass them on to younger generations
Adherence and Influence on 21st Century • Ancestry: 2001: 1.3 million report Aboriginal ancestry [4.4%/ total population] • 2001: 1 million identified as being Aboriginal • Aboriginal fertility > above overall Canadian birth rate
Adherence and Influence on 21st Century • Medicine: “medicine men” (rarely women) • Medicine men > only people to pronounce illness/disease • Use plants + magic • Methods/ Plants used in 21st Century : • Lemongrass, tamarind, red ash
Religious Significance • Religion changeable, absorbs elements of other beliefs • “Feeling of oneness and belonging” • Spiritual connection to land • Ceremonies (corroborees): totems, community gathering, story telling, dreaming, storytelling