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The Slovak Republic. Slovak flag. « It is located in Central Europe « area – 49, 036 sq km « population – about 5,5 million people « The climate is mild , the warmest areas being in the South Slovakian and East Slovakian Plains
« Itislocated in CentralEurope « area – 49, 036 sq km « population – about 5,5 millionpeople « Theclimateismild, thewarmestareasbeing in theSouthSlovakian and EastSlovakianPlains « Thecapital city oftheSlovak Republic - Bratislava Basicfacts
« isanindustrialaswellasagricultiral country « chemicalindustry, engineeringindustry, metallurgyindustry « foodindustryisbased on theproductionoflocalagriculturalco-operatives and farms Industry
« Slovakia is a democratic state. « Theheadof Slovakia isthepresident. « Govenmentisdividedintothreebranches: • thelegislative– represented by theParliament (150 members) • theexecutive– represented by Government and thePresident • thejudicial– represented by courtsatvariouslevels Government
« iscompulsoryfromtheagefrom 6 to 15. « Children do notwearuniforms. « Theschoolyearstarts on 2nd September and ends on 30th June. « Pupils are evaluted by marksfrom 1 to 5. « Educationincludes 4 stages – pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary Education
« Pre-school – aged 3 to 6 « Primaryschools – aged 6 to 15 « Secondaryschools – grammarschools - specialschools - vocationalschools « Tertiaryeducationprovidesuniversities and colleges Education
« Slovakia is a country ofmountains and forests, woods and backwoods, mineralwaters and spas, natural and artificiallakes. Mountains: « TheHighTatras – Gerlachpeak- thehighest « TheLow Tatra « TheLittle Fatra – are knownfortheirbizarre rock formations, deepholes Interestingplaces
Karstcaves « Dobšinská IceCaves « Domica caves Spas «Turčianske Teplice « Piešťany « Dudince «Bardejovské kúpele Interestingplaces