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Becoming an Author: A Resident’s Point-of-View

Becoming an Author: A Resident’s Point-of-View. Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD Clinical Toxicology Fellow Maryland Poison Center University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. Objectives. Identify the steps involved in submitting a resident study for publication

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Becoming an Author: A Resident’s Point-of-View

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  1. Becoming an Author: A Resident’s Point-of-View Bryan D. Hayes, PharmD Clinical Toxicology Fellow Maryland Poison Center University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

  2. Objectives • Identify the steps involved in submitting a resident study for publication • Estimate a timeline for submission and decisions • Analyze peer-reviewer comments

  3. The Process • Evaluation of project • Is it suitable for submission? • Select a journal • Register online, if possible, with journal • Obtain journal’s submission criteria

  4. The Manuscript • Write it • Have it critiqued • Revise it • Submit it

  5. Timeline* * Disclaimer: All timeframes are from two experiences with AJHP. Other journals may vary.

  6. The Decision • Accepted • Accepted/interested, pending revisions • Rejected

  7. Assessing a Review • Grammatical/organizational vs. content • Objective vs. subjective • Not every comment must lead to revision!

  8. Making the Revisions • Draft a document to address comments • Address each comment • Even if you are not making a change • Timely fashion

  9. Things to Remember • Stay focused • Preceptors are there to help • Add publication to CV • Keep status updated (i.e. submitted, accepted)

  10. Questions?

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