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is. This. ______. Your. With. Host. Dr. Vivo. Glomerulo-pathies. Bloody mess. Dirty pipes. Fruit medley. JEOPARDY. Glomerulo-pathies. Bloody mess. Fruit medley. Dirty pipes. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. is This ______

  2. Your With Host... Dr. Vivo

  3. Glomerulo-pathies

  4. Bloody mess

  5. Dirty pipes

  6. Fruit medley

  7. JEOPARDY Glomerulo-pathies Bloody mess Fruit medley Dirty pipes 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  8. If you meet a patient with rapidly progressive GN and alveolar hemorrhage, suspect this condition marked by antibodies against type IV collagen

  9. What is Goodpasture’s syndrome?

  10. Patients with this diagnosis have a higher risk of malignancy, especially solid tumors; it is also the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults

  11. What is membranous nephropathy?

  12. This cause ofnephrotic syndrome is frequently associated with HIV and heroin use; the “collapsing” variant is most common among African Americans

  13. What is focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?


  15. Majority with this disease, marked by hematuria, proteinuria and low complement, are Hepatitis C (+). Don’t forget to look for palpable purpura and skin necrosis.

  16. What is mixed cryoglobulinemia?

  17. Often heralded by hematuria 1-3 days post-URI, this is the most common cause of GN worldwide most prevalent in Asians and rare in blacks

  18. What is IgA nephropathy?

  19. What is a hypersegmented neutrophil? (Megaloblastic anemia)

  20. What are sickle cells? (Sickle cell anemia)

  21. What is a Reed-Sternberg cell? (Hodgkin’s lymphoma)

  22. What are Howell-Jolly bodies? (Asplenia; hemolytic, megaloblastic anemia)

  23. What are hairy cells? (Hairy cell leukemia)

  24. A long latency of about 30-40 years occurs from exposure to this mineral and mesothelioma

  25. What is Asbestos?

  26. Miners and sandblasters exposed to this crystalline mineral are at high risk for tuberculosis and should have their PPD checked

  27. What is Silica?

  28. Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis+Rheumatoid arthritis+Multiple pulmonary nodules

  29. What is Caplan’s syndrome?

  30. First described in fluorescent lamp workers, this disease may present with skin and lung nodules showing noncaseating granuloma

  31. What is Berylliosis?

  32. A reactive airway disease in textile mill workers exposed to cotton dust, it presents with wheezing and causes “Monday chest tightness” that improves at the end of the work week

  33. What is Byssinosis?

  34. Strawberry cervix

  35. What is Trichomonas vaginalis infection?

  36. Apple-core lesion

  37. What is colon cancer?

  38. Strawberry tongue

  39. What is Kawasaki disease? (also Scarlet fever)

  40. Cherry red spot on macula

  41. What is Tay-Sachs disease? (also Central Retinal Artery occlusion)

  42. Watermelon stomach

  43. What is Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (GAVE)?


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