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El pret érito. You may remember reading about the use of the preterit - that it is used for “ completed actions ”. The acronym SOFIA will help you remember the distinct uses of the preterit , just as PWATER and DUWIT help you to remember the uses of the imperfect . . S O F I A.
El pretérito Youmayrememberreadingaboutthe use of thepreterit- thatitisusedfor “completedactions”. TheacronymSOFIAwillhelpyourememberthedistinct uses of thepreterit, just as PWATER and DUWIThelpyoutorememberthe uses of theimperfect.
S O F I A S – start, orbeginning of anaction • look forwordslike : primero, al principio, thebeginning of a day, event, etc.. • look forany of thekeywords: ayer, el otro día, etc…(complete listwww.studyspanish .com) O- order of events, whenthingshappen in a sequence. • look for ordinal numbers, entonces, después, antes.
F-finish, theend , indicatesthattheeventisover- done.. I – interruptingaction, ifanotheractionisoccurring “in thebackground”, and anotheraction “interrupts”, theinterruptingactionis in thepreterite, whilethe “background” actionis in theimperfect. Yo estabaleyendocuando mi mamá me llamó imperfecto(backgroundaction) pretérito(interrupting) Iwasreadingwhen my momcalledme.
Acciones que interrumpen • Patinábamos en el hielo, cuando mecaí. imperfecto pretérito Decide cual de los verbos es la acción que interrumpe la otra: • Jugaban un partido de beísbol, cuando empezó a llover. • Yo conducía al colegio cuando un perro cruzó la calle enfrente del carro. • Juancho dormía profundamente, cuando su hermano le echó agua en la cara.
A- action-oriented • Thepreteritisan “action tense”. Itkeeps a storymoving. Anybackgroundinformationordescriptivecharacteristicswouldbe in theimperfect. Look at theexamplebelow, and theexplanation as towhythepret. orimperfectwereused. Ejemplo: Todos los veranos , íbamos a la playa. Un día, llegamos a nuestra casa y descubrimos que había otra familia allí. Everysummer, weusedtogotothebeach. (imperfect - usedto do) Oneday, wearrived at ourhouse and discovered (sequence, movesalong) …thattherewasanother familia there. (imperfect – describes)
Try some of yourownsentencesusing SOFIA S- startorbeginning _______________________________________. O – orderor secuencia _______________________________________. F – finish _______________________________________. I – interruptingaction(youwill use thepret and imp.) ________________________________________. A- action-oriented ___________________________________________