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Obsessive –Compulsive Personality Disorder . Guadalupe Jaramillo Psychology Per.1. Defenition. What is Obsessive - Compulsive Personality Disorder ? What does it mean?
Obsessive –Compulsive Personality Disorder Guadalupe Jaramillo Psychology Per.1
Defenition WhatisObsessive- CompulsivePersonalityDisorder? Whatdoesit mean? -Obsessive- CompulsivePersonalitydisorderis a condition in which a personispreoccupiedwithrules,orderliness, and control -EX. When a personislookingfor a shopping list and ittooklongerthanactuallywrittingitagain off memory.
AssociatedFeatures Whatthoughts, feelings, and behaiviors are characterizedbythedisorder? -suffer of neatness -difficultymakeingdecisions -feelimobilizedbytheirinability of makeingdecisions -are intenselyperfectionistic and inflexible
AssociatedFeatures Continues… -inabilitytothrowthingsaway, evenwhentheobjectshave no value -lack of generosity -notallowingothersto do thingsforthem -notwillingto show affection -controlling and bossy -dontdependonothers
AssociatedFeatures DSM-IV-TR Criteria -A pervasivepattern of preoccupationwithorderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, beginningbyearlyadulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicatedbyfour (or more) of thefollowing: -(1) ispreoccupiedwithdetails, rules, lists, order, organization, orschedulestotheextentthatthemajorpoint of theactivityislost -(2) shows perfectionismthatinterfereswithtaskcompletion (e.g., isunableto complete a projectbecausehisorherownoverlystrictstandards are notmet) -(3) isexcessivelydevotedtowork and productivitytotheexclusion of leisureactivities and friendships (notaccountedforbyobviouseconomicnecessity)
AssociatedFeatures DSM-IV-TR Criteriacontinue.. -(4) isoverconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible aboutmatters of morality, ethics, orvalues (notaccountedforby cultural orreligiousidentification) -(5) isunabletodiscardworn-outorworthlessobjectsevenwhentheyhave no sentimental value -(6) isreluctanttodelegatetasksortoworkwithothersunlesstheysubmittoexactlyhisorherway of doingthings -(7) adopts a miserlyspendingstyletowardbothself and others; moneyisviewed as somethingto be hoardedforfuturecatastrophes -(8) shows rigidity and stubbornness
Etiology -What are thepotential causes of thedisorder? -Genes may be involved -Freud believedthattheobsessivecompulsivestylerepresentedfixation at orregressiontothe anal stage of psychosexualdevelopment(anal stage :18-36 months ,Pleasurefocusesonbowel and bladderelimination;copingwithdemands of control) -Ifpotty training occuredtoearlythepersonwillgrow up to be overlyneat and fussyaboutorganization and details -a personschildhood and environmentmayalsoplay role
Preveleance Howcommonisthedisorder? -Obsessive-CumpulsivePersonalityDisorderisone of themostcommonpersonalitydisorders (Weissman 1993) -itis more common in MEN thenwomen -Obsessive-Compulsivepersonalitydisorderisapproximatelytwice as prevalent in males thanfemales, and occurs in about 1 percent of the general population. -Theprevalence of lifetime OCPD was 7.8%, withratesthesameformen and women. OCPD wassignificantlylesscommon in youngeradults and in Asians and Hispanicsbutwassignificantly more common in individualswith a highschooleducationorless.(notsuch a reliablesource)
Treatment What are the various forms of treatment used for people with the disorder? -Psychodynamic Psychotherapy(helps patients understand their thoughts and feelings) -Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) -medications combined with talk therapy may be more effective than either treatment alone -Hospitalization (rarely) -Prozac (a medication that gives relief to patients)
Prognosis What is the probable course or outcome of the disorder? What are the chances of improvement, manageability, or recovery? -lead to feelings of depression and anxiety later in life -The outlook for people with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder tends to be better than that for other personality disorders. The rigidness and control of OCPD may prevent many of the complications such as drug abuse, which are common in other personality disorders.
References Halgin, R.P. & Whitebourne, S.K. (2005). Abnormal Psychology: Clinical perspectives on Psychological Disorders New York ,NY: McGraw-Hill Myer’s, D.G.(2011).Myer’s psychology for ap. New York , NY: Worth Publishers Moore DP, Jefferson JW. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. In: Moore DP, Jefferson JW, eds. Handbook of Medical Psychiatry. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2004: chap 142. MB. Personality disorders. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington, DC:American Psychiatric Association; 2000. GroholJohn , Psy.D. (2010) Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.Retreivedfrom http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx26.htm
Discussion Question Do you agree or disagree with what Freud believed, that having Obsessive compulsive personality disorder has something to do with being fixated in the anal stage ? Explain .