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EVST – European Vocational Skills Training

INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika DE/10/LLP- LdV /TOI/147319. EVST – European Vocational Skills Training.

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EVST – European Vocational Skills Training

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  1. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 • EVST – European Vocational Skills Training

  2. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 What is a European Vocational Skills Project? „An EVST-Project dealswiththematicareas, whichare also relevant forvocationaltraining. Abroadyouresearchrelatedinformation, whileyouarelearning a lotaboutthecountry - itspeopleandtheculture“.Jennifer, Mobility Student

  3. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 What is a European Vocational Skills Project? „Youstay a certain time abroadandthereyouareallowedtosolvesometasksconcerningyourprofession, withoutbeingattachedtotheworkingprocess in a company.“Maurice, Mobility Student

  4. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 What is a European Vocational Skills Project? „This was mybestexperiencewithothercultures. Mystayabroad was reallyhelpfulformeto open myeyestowardsthisgreatworld!“Paul, Mobility Student

  5. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 What is a European Vocational Skills Project? „I guess, a work-placementoffers a goodinsightinto a company. But itisdifficulttointegrateintowork-procedureswithin an four-weekinternshipabroad. Thisis also difficultwithwork-placementsathome in Germany. Abroadyouhaveadditionallyto deal withthelanguageandculturaldifferences. Therefore I assume, that an EVST-projectis a goodopportunitytoget a short but preciseinsightinto a profession“Tamara, Mobility Student

  6. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 What is a European Vocational Skills Project? European Vocational Skills Projects (EVST projects) offer an exciting alternative to simply doing an internship abroad. Trainees do not work, or do not work exclusively, at companies for these projects, but instead work on training related project tasks and bring the results presented by you at the company or at the school back home with you.

  7. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 Concept: The objective of these Vocational Skills Projects is to increase the learning effect of a stay abroad. The project reports can also be assessed and recognized as a training-related learning performance through the association with the framework curriculum or outline curriculum.

  8. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 Concept: In general, these European Vocational Skills Projects also include an accompanying language class, the preparation of participants as well as supervision and support in the destination country. The EVST project database will help you to create project tasks, look at project tasks already completed or simply to find a body responsible for the project, which takes over the project organization for the trainee or student.

  9. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 Background: The demand for internships in Europe within the vocational training in Germany is increasing. But most of the participants are only able to participate in short-term mobility activities of 3-4 weeks due to a limited leave by their vocational schools and sending companies.

  10. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 Background: Because of a lack of foreign language skills and previous intercultural experiences most of those trainees are not able to carry out complex professional tasks during their stay abroad. Therefore the internships often are reduced to simple professional tasks, not reflecting the individual level of qualification and skills of the participants. This is relevant for professions in the service sector in particular, where the working process is determined to a high degree by the communication with clients and business-partners. The internships are reflecting therefore only to a low extend the professional skills obtained by the trainees abroad.

  11. INTAKT- Interkulturelle Berufsfelderkundungen als ausbildungsbezogene Lerneinheiten in berufsqualifizierenden Auslandspraktika • DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147319 Background: In general, these European Vocational Skills Projects also include an accompanying language class, the preparation of participants in Germany as well as supervision and support in the destination country. The EVST project database will help you: to create project tasks, to look at project tasks already completed or simply to find a body responsible for the project, which takes over the project organization for the trainee or student.

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