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This document outlines the agenda for the DBHEI Meet in New Delhi, focusing on creating a model for campus ministry through a continuous reflective process. It references various Salesian documents and guidelines to support the development of this model.
CAMPUS MINISTRY in Don Bosco Higher Education Institutions A BASIC FRAME OF REFERENCE from Salesian Documents DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
AgendaDevelop a model for Campus Ministry in DBHEIs through a continuous reflective process with SYM as the frame of reference DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Basis: Salesian Documents Background Identity, Strength & Impact (Policies) Salesian Youth Ministry Salesian Educative Pastoral Project Campus Ministry & SEPP(Plan)
Salesian DocumentsGeneral Guidelines of the Congregation DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Constitutions and Regulations (especially articles 20 and 26-43 of the Constitutions) • Chapter documents : • Educating Youth in the Faith (CG23, 1990), • Salesians and the Laity: Sharing the Spirit and Mission of Don Bosco (CG24, 1996) • Salesian Community Today (CG25, 2002); • Salesian Youth Ministry: Frame of Reference (3rd Edition)
Salesian DocumentsSpecific Guidelines of the Congregation DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Circular letter of the Rector Major Fr. Juan E. Vecchi, For You I Study • IUS 2001 Diagnosis Report • Identity of Salesian Institutions for Higher Education (2003) • Policies for the Salesian Presence in Higher Education • 2003-2008 • 2012-2016
Background DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Journey of the Salesian Congregation in the field of Higher Education since 1934 Recognition as part of the Salesian Mission (1997) – 40 Institutions across the world Application of a process to define its identity, strengthen the institutes in order to make impact in the society and Church with the gift of Salesian Charism
Background DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Common Programmes of Action • Diagnosis Report 2001 • Continental Meeting (Hyderabad, 2002) • Institutional Coordination (Rome, 2002) • Faculty Development (Virtual Course) • General Assemblies (Six Times) • The Network – Thematic & General
Background DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Common Programme 4 (2012-2016) • The IUS Network • Developing a system of communication of the IUS • Creation of the IUS data base • Promotion of thematic networks • Identity and Mission • Process of reflection on the Salesian university ministry • Developing seminars at the continental level (America, Europe, Africa and Asia)
Identity of DBHEI DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Institutions for higher education with • a Christian inspiration • a Catholic character • a Salesian nature • scientific and academic factors. • Varied types • in terms of their relationship with the Church and to the Salesian Congregation • in terms of the academic degrees offered • the local situations in which they are located • Universities, Colleges, University Residences
Identity of DBHEI DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Christian - An academic community that shares and promotes a vision of the world and human beings which is rooted and in harmony with the Gospel of Christ Catholic – Positive and faithful link with the Catholic Church with the commitment to serve society and the Church
Identity of DBHEI DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi The values of the Salesian spirit and pedagogy, resulting from the Preventive System lived by Don Bosco in the Oratory of Valdocco (Constitutions, no. 40), enrich the nature, activity, and style of being a DBHEI
DBHEI Unique Elements DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Preferential option for young people from the lower social classes (the beneficiaries) Academic community committed to the institutional project (the subject) Institutional project with a Christian and Salesian-orientation (content, values) Educative-pastoral aim (the goal)
Triple Challenge DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi To ensure the quality of the educative and cultural proposal To guarantee the fulfilment of pastoral educational purpose, a/c to the charismatic Salesian identity To achieve an economic and financial sustainability to ensure its continuity in time
Policies 2012-2016Identity and Mission DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Ensure an on-going and deep reflection on the identity and mission of the Salesian presence in higher education. Ensure in each institution an on-going process of reflection and evaluation of the criteria, mechanisms of management of academic structures to be innovative and consistent with the educational and pastoral purpose that characterizes the identity and mission of DBHEI.
Policies 2012-2016Identity and Mission (Cont..) DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Guarantee in each institution an active Salesian presence, both quantitative and qualitative, made up of religious and collaborators, capable of directing and animating a project at cultural, scientific, academic and pastoral level.
Policies 2012-2016The Institutional Strength DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Ensure the institutional strength of the IUS and the quality of its educational programmes so that it stays relevant to the integral formation of the young and to the ever changing needs of society. Ensure an efficient economical and financial management of the DBHEI institution to promote sustainable self-reliance while at the same time paying special attention to underprivileged youth.
Policies 2012-2016THE EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL IMPACT DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Guarantee the quality formation of its students within a university model inspired by the principles of the preventive system of Don Bosco ensuring their personal and professional growth, and their formation to be committed and productive citizens of the country. • Promote a social and cultural impact through academic activity in every DBHEI. It shall strive to contribute to better understanding of the social situation and its transformation through study and research. In this endeavour, it shall concentrate especially on those aspects that concern the living conditions of the young and care for the marginalised.
Policies 2012-2016THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi 8. Continue to work on strengthening the DBHEI network and the development of synergy between the DBHEI institutions and other such institutions within the larger society through active involvement and participation. 9. Continue to work consistently on strengthening the IUS network through the structures of government of the Provinces.
Academic Community DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • The academic community needs • Identification with the charism and the Salesian educational method, • focus on the circumstances of young people and an ability to relate to young university students • identification with and commitment to the Institutional Project • compliance with the respective functions and roles assigned to each member of the community • Care for and promotion of an environment and cooperation in which the human individual is central, and in which dialogue are the basis of the educational method.
The Institutional Project DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi A true constitutional charter that guides the life of the whole institute Defines strategic objectives, goals, action plans and identified resources; institutional evaluation and accreditation Planning is an attitude of mind and heart before being something we do concretely.
SALESIAN YOUTH MINISTRY • Is a participation in the ministry of the Church • Through the gift of the Salesian charism it enriches and brings this action to the world of young people. • It is the way of living out the Salesian mission with Don Bosco’s spirituality and Preventive System • Serves the Church’s mission of evangelisation DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
SALESIAN YOUTH MINISTRYKey Characteristics • A Decisive Choice: The Young, Especially the Poorest • The Task: To Educate by Evangelising and to Evangelise by Educating • A Community Experience DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
SALESIAN YOUTH MINISTRY Key Characteristics • A Specific Style: Animation • Holistic Pastoral Work: Unity in Diversity • A Significant Presence in the Church and in the World DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
A DECISIVE CHOICETHE YOUNG, ESPECIALLY THE POOQREST • Don Bosco consciously chose the poorest, those at risk, those who live on the margins of society and of the Church. • He sought them in the places where they were to be encountered, proclaimed the Good News to them, accepted them, recognised and respected what they had within, journeyed with them and adapted his pace to theirs. DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Practical Implications • Aware of different situations of poverty and social exclusion • Understand educational institutions • Aware of other factors influencing the young • Aware of young people’s attitudes towards religion and the Church • Understand local culture • Familiar with the youth condition DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
The Task: To Educate by Evangelising and to Evangelise by Educating DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Salesian Youth Ministry emphasises the profound relationship between educative activity and evangelising action. The entire educative process is directed towardsopenness to God and conformity to Christ. The process contributes to each young person’s growth in freedom and responsibility with Gospel values and Christian inspiration.
COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE • Community experience is a characteristic of the apostolic work and educative style of the Salesians. • Community is subject and agent of pastoral mission • Salesians lead young people to an experience of the Church by having them share in the life of a community • Family spirit, personal relationships, mutual trust between educators and young people, fostering youth groups and youth leadership – these elements are characteristic of the Salesian style of education and evangelisation DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
A SPECIFIC STYLE:ANIMATION Animation “means giving life to a work which raises questions, gives motives for hope, brings people together, prompts collaboration, and gives rise to an ever more fruitful communion for the realisation together of a plan of life and action in line with the Gospel.” (Juan Vecchi) DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
HOLISTIC PASTORAL WORK: UNITY IN DIVERSITY • A holistic and unified approach to Salesian Youth Ministry has a single goal: “the all-round welfare of young people and the world in which they live” and which is a significant presence in the Church and in the world. DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
A Significant Presence in the Church and in the World • The community lives and acts as a meaningful presencein the Church and in the world • As part of the Church community • As a significant presence of the saving action of God in the social and political community • As a presence of the Church in a pluri-religious and pluri-cultural context DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Educative and Pastoral Proposal Elements • Orientation and accompaniment of the individual, integrating human, Christian, professional and social development dimensions; • Explicitly proclaim Jesus Christ and his Gospel through programmes of education in faith, liturgical and sacramental celebrations and community experience of faith • Create the possibilities for dialogue and spiritual direction DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Educative and Pastoral Proposal Elements • Propose opportunities for reflection on the circumstances of youth today; • Offer formation proposals, services and tools which focus on young people in response to the situations and challenges posed by their status as students; • Encourage experiences of Christian commitment and solidarity through community or volunteer services for the poor and needy; • Make places and structures available for coming together and growing as Christians DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Campus Ministry Dimensions • a life-inspiring environment in an atmosphere of acceptance and family spirit that encourages serious commitment to study from the perspective of an all-rounded individual formation. • Times and places for communal sharing, in which they learn to live together and share an experience of community; • Personal accompaniment and guidance that helps young students to live and integrate their different learning experiences; DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Campus Ministry Dimensions • Shared formation programme which encourages personal, social and cultural development. • Faith formation programme based on the values of Salesian Youth Spirituality, through spiritual direction and prayer occasions DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Salesian Educative and Pastoral Plan DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi SEPP is the tool to offer a formation programme that allows the students to grow as individuals, professionals and citizens. Objectives, reference personnel, contents, method and timing are defined in SEPP.
Salesian Educative and Pastoral Plan DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi • Drawing up a SEPP requires deep knowledge of the circumstances of young people and the peculiar dynamics that characterise university studies and subsequent employment. • Special attention to be given to : • the transition from family life to the university environment and the need to develop new relationships and learn to live with other people. • Adapting to the needs and the methods of university study • Ability to integrate scientific and professional training with one’s life and faith beliefs.
Educative & Pastoral Proposal in SEPP DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi human growth oriented towards full maturity, involving the ability to handle life in an autonomous and responsible way; the value of interpersonal relationships, living together and of service to others; growth in personal responsibility for study and formation; growing ability to reflect, discuss and be committed to the pursuit of truth;
Educative & Pastoral Proposal in SEPP DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Development of a notion of professionalism open to solidarity in the service of the most needy; Spiritual growth through gradual awareness and experience of a personally and communally lived faith; Discovering one’s vocation and drawing up a project of life at the service of God in the Church and in society according to Gospel values.
Provincial/Community Animation Plan SEPP General objective for the year Specific targets Processes and interventions – evaluation procedures General organisational chart Calendar a/c to the Provincial Council animation plan to be given special attention during the year Detailing personnel, specific tasks and times Graphic representation of general organizational structure All Events throughout the year
Analysis of the situation Careful observation and awareness of context/young people living there Educative and pastoral interpretation Deciding on preferred options Practical planning General objectives bearing in mind personnel in the EPC and the four dimensions and pastoral animation settings Process and interventions indicating recipients, responsibilities, tasks, actual resources and proposed schedules Evaluation of the project and renewed planning DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Thank You DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi
Group Work DBHEI MEET- 23 to 25 October – New Delhi Considering SEPP as a basic frame of reference, • propose specific objectives and practices for Campus Ministry that enables the total development of the students in the pluralistic context of India. • Local, provincial and national level.