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2 Co.3:18

2 Co.3:18. We all : every believer Unveiled face : looks at Lord w/o veil, unlike Moses (covered face before Israel) Behold ... and reflect : Jn.1:14; 2 Pt.1:16-17; Ac.4:13; 1 Pt.2:21 Transformed : Mt.17:2. Moses reflected God’s glory; our face reflects glory

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2 Co.3:18

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2 Co.3:18 • We all: every believer • Unveiled face: looks at Lord w/o veil, unlike Moses (covered face before Israel) • Behold ... and reflect: Jn.1:14; 2 Pt.1:16-17; Ac.4:13; 1 Pt.2:21 • Transformed: Mt.17:2. Moses reflected God’s glory; our face reflects glory • Image: 4:4; Ga.4:19; 2 Pt.1:4 • Glory to glory: progress in spirituality

  2. A Contrast, 2 Co.4:2 • Renounce = disown, disclaim • Shame= disgraceful, underhanded • Craftiness= capable of anything, 12:16; Lk.20:23 • Deceit= falsify, cheapen (2:17); 12:16 • Commend= 3:1; 5:12; 10:12, 18 • Conscience= every person’s aware-ness of what is right

  3. The Light, 2 Co.4:6 • The second, “Let there be light” • The newcreation (cf. 5:19) • God’s light dispels darkness • Isa.9:2; Jn.1:4; 8:12; 2 Pt.1:19 • There is no evolution of light; dark cannot produce its opposite

  4. Earthen Vessels, 2 Co.4:7 • Treasure– ministry (1), word, truth (2)… • Vessels – Ac.9:15; Ep.3:3-5 • Apostles chosen to reveal gospel • Earthen – fragile; breakable. 2 Tim.2:20 • What vessel is suitable for gospel? • That (purpose): to show that such power could not originate w. men • 12:9; 5:1; 1 Co.4:11-13; 1:26-29

  5. Reasons for not quitting • Privilege of ministry in covenant of unfading splendor, 3:17-4:1 • Mercy of God, 4:1 • God’s instrument for revealing life of Jesus, 4:7-11 • Enhancement of God’s reputation as converts grow, 4:13-15 • Daily death is pathway to eternal life, 4:16-18

  6. Sustained by hope, 4:16 • We do not lose heart (v.1) • Our outward man is perishing– Mt.10:28. Earthen vessel (4:7…10) • Inward man is being renewed…Spiritual renewal matches physical decline step for step

  7. Contrasts, 4:16-18 • Outward man • Perishing • Light • Affliction • Moment • Not look • Seen • Temporary • Inward man, 16 • Being renewed, 16 • Weight,17 • Glory, 17 • Eternal,17 • Look, 18 • Not seen, 18 • Eternal, 18

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