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I. Dumitrache Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania, dumi@cpru.pub.ro A.M. Stanescu Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania, ams@cpru.pub.ro. The Human Resources Training Centre Initiative based on advanced IST – F6 projects to develop Professional Virtual Community in Romania. Agenda.
I. Dumitrache Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania, dumi@cpru.pub.ro A.M. Stanescu Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania, ams@cpru.pub.ro The Human Resources Training Centre Initiative based on advanced IST – F6 projects to develop Professional Virtual Community in Romania
Agenda 1. From Information Society Towards Knowledge Society 2. Life Long Learning cycle for Learning Organization 3. Some reference IST - F6 Projects to be customized in Romania Conclusions
From Information Society Towards Knowledge Society Knowledge Economy as a support for Knowledge Society is induced by a new set of both qualitative and quantitative changes that are going to transform the macro-and micro economy rules within digital business ecosystem according to a holistic approach for e-citizens The innovative ideas and knowledge become driving forces in the new economy substituting of material and financial resources planning and management in old economy
The law of progressive decrease of incomes is replaced by the first law of interconnectivity providing e-support for e-work and e-research [Kevin Kelly, 1997]. The aided value is exploding if the number of networked participants/entities of Internet oriented metasystems is increasing. The members for Collaborative Enterprises are going to contribute at the profit oriented consolidation of results. After connectivity the total incomes are shared within networked contributors.
The creative processes of new knowledge production are the key-drivers to developing knowledge society. The individuals will aim at self development, but the other partners (social, economic, cognitive, and cultural) should involve them within fast reactive communities. The Collaborative Dynamic Enterprises maps the concept-based e-activities on a specific culture enterprise and/or intercultural virtual enterprises or organizations
Information society (knowledge becomes the central “productive power”) Communication society or networking society (New communication technologies unite people) Post-industrial society (Change of production paradigm) Expert society (The role of learned people and experts becomes increasingly important) Learning society or knowledge society (Personal learning capacity becomes the critical skill)
Know- ledge content Communication ITC Business management Learning New economy Organizational development Personnel management Science KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SOCIETY
e - e-
7 e-business G R A N U L E S A P P L I C A T I O N S 6 e-services (wirwless) P L A T F O R M S 5 Resource planning & management S U B S Y S T E M S S Y S T E M S 4 Concurrent engineering integrate design M E T A S Y S T E M H I P E R S Y S T E M 3 Logistics (supply chain & costumer relationship) 2 Automated manufacturing system 1 Communication I3 / www METAOBJECTS DISTRIBUTED DATABASES DISTRIBUTED KNOWLEDGE BASES RESOURCES AGENTS ACTIVITIES PROCESSES & JOBS Z d design Y X
Virtual Breeding Environment Definition [Camarinha, Prove `05, Valencia]: A Virtual Organization Breeding Environment (VBE) is an association of organizations and their related supporting institutions that adhere to a base long term cooperation agreement and adoption of common operating principles and infrastructures, with the main goal of increasing their preparedness towards collaboration in potential Virtual Organizations. 3. Some reference IST - F6 Projects to be customized in Romania
1.Agility in opportunity based VO creation Supporting reduction of needed efforts and complexity, flexibility for VO re configurability, and cost effectiveness 2.Provision of base effective ICT infrastructures for VBE members The common grounds for interoperability / inheritability / collaboration 3.VBE bag of assets, providing properties of interest for its members General sharable information/knowledge (e.g. standardized product definitions and processes), software tools, lessons learned 4.Provision of mechanisms, guidelines, and assisting services to both motivate and facilitate configuration of VOs Creating system of incentives, mechanisms to create positive reputation, and services for partners search, contract negotiation , etc. 5.Proactive management of competencies and resources in VBE Assuring coverage of the needed competency/resources within the VBE
6.Provision of related consulting/life maintenance support for VBE members through its support institutions Supporting insurance, branding, training, etc. 7.Introduction of approaches/mechanisms to build trust among members By recording the performance history, and definition of criteria for organizations’ trust worthiness 8.Provision of general guidelines for collaboration Constituting rules of conducts, working and sharing principles, value systems, collaboration ethics and culture, IPR protection, etc. 9.Increasing the chances of VO involvement for VBE members, even from remote geographic regions Through provision of members’ profiles in the VBE catalog, including their competencies, resources, products, services, etc. 10.Improving the potential / capacity of risk taking by the VO initiators Due to the reduction of the VO setup efforts/time, availability of both a wide variety of competency/resources as well as indicators of the level of trust worthiness and past performance of the VBE members
Definition: A Professional Virtual Community is an association of “individuals” (being those employed by Companies or Individual Professionals) explicitly pursuing an economic objective, identified by a specific knowledge scope and aimed at generating value through members’ interaction, sharing and collaboration. This interaction is optimized by the synergic use of ICT-mediated and face-to-face mechanisms. The overall PVC generated value consists of advanced knowledge, professional services and social cohesion among members. The PVC members temporarily aggregate in Virtual Teams (VT) for addressing specific business opportunities. It is up to the members to decide the extent of their individual involvement in PVC activities, which is complementary to, and co-existent with, other classical occupational forms.
Remarks: Professional Virtual Communities (PVC) are emerging as human focused new organizational arrangements aimed at leveraging knowledge development, value creation and social welfare. The innovativeness of the Professional Virtual Community concept, as compared to already existing individual associational forms such as Professional Communities, Communities of Practice (CoPs), Virtual Communities etc., is in the comprehensive and appropriate inclusion of the three following dimensions:Knowledge / Business / Social The PVC is intended to give to individuals a sense of purpose, a mean for economical sustainability and a feel of belonging, whilst addressing the objectives of the whole society, respectively in terms of supporting the realization of a knowledge-based economy, business growth and social welfare.
In the concept of a Single Electronic European Market (SEEME) an electronic market places with the appropriate legal aspects and regulations solved as a level playing field across the whole of the EU, with no national exclusions or special condition prevailing. An electronic work environment in with the numerous continuously changing networks of companies that create added value products and services are supported by extremely high quality common tools and services for effective eBusiness
In the concept of the Single Electronic European Market – SEEM – an electronic market place with the appropriate aspects and regulations solved as a level playing field across the EU, with no national exclusions or special conditions prevailing. An electronic work environment in which the numerous continuously changing networks of companies that create added value products and services are supported by extremely high quality common tools and services for effective e-Business
The list of stakeholders includes: Public administration Industry System vendors Researchers and technology developers eService providers Standardization bodies
Virtual Organization design and implementation is based on developing collaborative networks. They are already recognized in the society as a very important instrument for survival of organizations in a period of turbulent socio-economic changes. A growing number of collaborative-networked organization forms are emerging as a result of the advances in the information and communication technologies, the market and societal needs, and the progress achieved in a large number of international projects. The Human Resource Training Centre is aiming at the design and implementing a virtual organization pilot addressing the carmaker industry as a high priority domain in Romania. Conclusions
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