They came on. I opened the gate and they stopped, turning. I was trying to say, and I caught her, trying to say, and she screamed and I was trying to say and trying and the bright shapes began to stop and I tried to get out. I tried to get it off of my face, but the bright shapes were going again. They were going up the hill to where it fell away and I tried to cry. (53)
"I know, I know," said Mother. It's all my fault. I'll be gone soon, and you and Jason will both get along better." She began to cry. (60) (1928) "I know I'm nothing but a burden on you." Mother said. "But I'll be gone soon. Then you'll be rid of my bothering. (62) (1900)
(67) Quentin threw her napkin on the table. Hush you mouth, Jason, Dilsey said. She went and put her arm around Quentin. Sit down, honey, Dilsey said. He ought to be shamed of hisself, throwing what aint your fault up to you. (71) Quentin pushed Dilsey away. She looked at Jason. Her mouth was red. She picked up her glass of water and swung her arm back, looking at Jason. Dilsey caught her arm. They fought. The glass broke on the table, and the water ran into the table. Quentin was running. (71)
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