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Chapter 18: Conquest and Survival – The Trans-Mississippi West. 1860-1900. American Communities:. Oklahoma Land Rush. 18.1: Indian People Under Siege. Gold rush (1848) Homestead Act (1862) Alaska Terr. (1867) TRR (1869) Trouble w/Natives. A. Growth of the West.
Chapter 18: Conquest and Survival – The Trans-Mississippi West 1860-1900
American Communities: Oklahoma Land Rush
Gold rush (1848) Homestead Act (1862) Alaska Terr. (1867) TRR (1869) Trouble w/Natives A. Growth of the West
A. Growth of the West 6. Indian Removal Act – 1830 • Removal of Natives by force if needed/Pres. AJ • Trail of Tears after Cherokee Nation v. Ga. 1831 • “No Mans Land” • Leads to “Land Rush” and “Sooners”
Farming Christianity English Education “Friends of the Indians” C. Assimilation of the Native American
Killed by hunters for heads, hides, bones, and fur for sport by RR co. 2. Helped gov’t push Natives onto reservations D. Settlers and the Buffalo
Natives told to make camp at Sand Creek to make peace deal. Col. Chivington >100 Cheyenne killed while sleeping; bodies mutilated Body parts kept as souvenirs Later discredited by Congress E. Massacre at Sand Creek, Co 1864
Ended Great Sioux War of 1865-1867 Lands in the Black Hills, SD, Wy, and Mt. Deposits of gold discovered, which leads to … F. Treaty of Laramie (1868)
7th Calvary sent to take lands of Black Hills – found gold Custer and men overtaken and killed by Crazy Horse Public outcry = forcing more onto reservations Same situation with the Nez Perce in the NW Pacific “Custer’s Last Stand” G. Battle at Little Bighorn, Mt.(aka Greasy Grass ) (1876)
Exposes injustices of the NA by the US gov’t Supporter of assimilation Indian Rights Assoc Women’s nat’l Indian Assoc A. Helen Hunt Jackson (1881)
B. Dawes Severalty Act (1887) • To “Americanize” NA by teaching them that owning land and farming was “right” • Reservation lands distributed to head of household; 160 acres; individuality not communal • Lands left over sold to settlers • NA lost >2/3rd of their lands
1. Return of the buffalo 2. Restorations of their lands 3. Make the white man disappear C. Ghost Dance: prohibited by government
D. Battle of Wounded Knee @ Pine Ridge Reservation (1890) • Started with the arrest and killing of Sitting Bull • A few days later, 7th Calvary rounded up ghost dancers and took them to Wounded Knee Camp • >200 unarmed NA killed and left to freeze • Payback for Battle of Little Bighorn • Brought Indian wars to an end
18.2: Internal Empire Mining, Mormons, and Mexicans
a. Pros Railroads increased Statehood increased Cities developed and “Boomed”- economy grew rapidly b. Cons Increased crime Destruction of land “ghost towns” 1. Pros and Cons of Mining
a. Mine owners - able to invest capital in industries that supported the miners Equip and technology RR Timber hydroelectricity 2. Real Winners? http://cprr.org/Museum/Hydraulic_Mining/
Hazards of Mining The Western Federation of Miners on parade, passing the Southern Hotel in Rhyolite, February 17, 1907. (Nevada Historical Society)
From Boom Towns to Ghost Towns http://cprr.org/Museum/Hydraulic_Mining/
Joseph Smith Brigham Young B. Mormons
Economically and socially tied to land and country Very few prospered Formed political party Poor political conditions in Mex = migration C. Mexican-Americans
McCormick’s reaper A. Farming and Technology
A. Farming and Technology • Efficiency = increase trade 2. Dependent on: • Technology • Nature • Shipping and RR • Global markets
1. Why move to the Great Plains? (future home of the Dust Bowl!) Homestead Act Advertising RR/towns Farming technology A. The Great Plains
B. Homestead Act of 1862 • 160 acres • 5 yrs cultivation (grow crops) • Land for farming was bad • Option of purchasing it at $1.25 acre after 6 months (residency requirement) • Only 10% of farmers received their lands from the act. Why so little? - Better lands closer to transportation and town/mkts