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NANOCOMPUTING BY FIELD-COUPLED NANOMAGNETS. AUTHORS : Gyorgy Csaba Alexandra Imre Gary H. Bernstein Wolfang Porod (fellow IEEE) Vitali Metlushko REFERENCE : IEEE TRANSACTION ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, VOL 1, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2002. REPORT EDITED BY : Andrea Anzalone Marco Scagno CIRCLE :

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  1. NANOCOMPUTING BY FIELD-COUPLED NANOMAGNETS • AUTHORS: Gyorgy Csaba Alexandra Imre Gary H. Bernstein Wolfang Porod (fellow IEEE) Vitali Metlushko • REFERENCE : IEEE TRANSACTION ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, VOL 1, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2002

  2. REPORT EDITED BY : Andrea Anzalone Marco Scagno • CIRCLE : course of: NANOELETTRONICA 1 professor: E. DIZITTI


  4. INTRODUCTION Achievements: from thin magnetic film technologies to patterned magnetic media on the deep submicron and nanoscale

  5. INTRODUCTION Basic structure: use of individual ferromagnetic dots ONE DOT ONE BIT OF INFORMATION

  6. INTRODUCTION ADVANTAGES: • Lower energy dissipation • Higher speed • Larger storage density

  7. INTRODUCTION TARGET DEVICES : STORAGE : Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAM) NANOMAGNETIC WIRES MAGNETIC MAJORITY GATES ( “programmable” elementary logic devices )

  8. FIG 1 - (a) Individual access of nanomagnets in an MRAM device (b) Field-coupled structure

  9. SPICE MODEL FOR SIMULATION Presence of dipolar interaction between neighbouring magnetic particles: THIS EFFECT IS : a disadvantage for HDDs and MRAM ( limit to packing density of dots) an advantage for nanomagnetic wires and magnetic majority gates

  10. SPICE MODEL FOR SIMULATION We need models for: • each single micromagnetic dot • interaction dot to dot

  11. SPICE MODEL FOR SIMULATION 1) General mathematical approach : use of the well-established theory of micromagnetics • PROBLEM : this theory is: • TOO COMPLEX • COMPUTATIONALLY INTENSIVE

  12. SPICE MODEL FOR SIMULATION 2) Use of SPICE macromodels : based on single-domain approximation ( SDA ) THIS IS A NEW, INNOVATIVE SOLUTION useful to design large dots arrays

  13. SPICE MODEL FOR SIMULATION ADVANTAGES: • more efficient simulations • very powerful possibility to design nanomagnetic structures integrated in microelectronic circuits

  14. FIG 2 - Circuit blocks of two coupled nanomagnets i e j

  15. FIG 3 - Schematic diagram of the dot-circuit. It have six inputs and three-outputs

  16. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE WHAT IS IT ? • It is a line of coupled nanomagnets

  17. FIG 4 - Operating scheme of the nanowire. (a) Initial configuration (b) High-field state before and (c) after the application of the input. (d) Final ordered state.

  18. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE Digital information is represented by the vertical component of the magnetization (mz) • mz = 1 if BIT = ‘1’ • mz = -1 if BIT = ‘0’

  19. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE An external magnetic field is applied to drive the dots from an arbitrary initial state to the ordered final state

  20. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE STANDARD STEPS FOR A NANOWIRE : • 1) we considered a general initial configuration

  21. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE STANDARD STEPS FOR A NANOWIRE : • 2) an initial strong external field erase the “memory” of the initial state: • mz = 0 for each dot

  22. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE STANDARD STEPS FOR A NANOWIRE : • 3) an input current influence the magnetization of the input dot

  23. NANOMAGNETIC WIRE STANDARD STEPS FOR A NANOWIRE : • 4) the external field is adiabatically lowered and the input signal can propagate through the structure

  24. FIG 5 - SPICE simulation of the nanowire. The driver current and the mz components are shown . The phases (a), (b), (c), (d), corresponds to schematics of FIG 4 . The dashed line is the pump field


  26. FIG 6 - Physical layout of the majority gate. The input dots (dot 2, 3, 4) are driven by electric wires and the result of the computation is represented by dot 6

  27. MAGNETIC MAJORITY GATE IT HAS: • 3 inputs • 1 output • The device is clocked by an external pumping field in a similar way to the nanowires

  28. MAGNETIC MAJORITY GATE THE INPUTS HAVE NO PREDEFINED FUCTIONS: if we force one of them to ‘1’ the device realizes a logic NOR function between the other two inputs and the output if one input is ‘0’ the gate computes the NANDfunction

  29. FIG 7 - SPICE simulation of the magnetic majority gate. The currents correspond to the perpendicular magnetization of the dots. The dashed line is the pump field.

  30. FINAL REMARKS Need of input wires and output sensors only at the interface of the device: WHITIN IT EACH SINGLE BASIC MODULE CAN BE CONNECTED USING NANOWIRES • High integration density: • above TERABIT / inch²

  31. FINAL REMARKS If only quasi-static behaviour is of interest the dinamic circuit model can be replaced by its non-linear static model: IT DEPENDS ON GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS : High pliability for the models • USE OF NANOMAGNETICS ARRAYS TO SIMULATE BEHAVIOUR OF GENERAL NON LINEAR CIRCUITS

  32. FINAL REMARKS We have seen that a magnetic majority gates can perform basic logic functions ( NAND & NOR ): we can suppose to use more gates (connected with nanowires) to realize any kind of boolean function and more in general to manage signal-processing tasks

  33. FINAL REMARKS PROMISING APPLICATIONS FOR THE FUTURE: • Intelligent magnetic field sensors • Processing-in-memory type architectures • Complex signal-processing units

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