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CS200: Algorithm Analysis. Mathematical Foundations for this class are found in book appendices - begin reviewing Appendix A. Introduction to Algorithms - CH1. What is an algorithm?.
CS200: Algorithm Analysis Mathematical Foundations for this class are found in book appendices - begin reviewing Appendix A.
Introduction to Algorithms - CH1 What is an algorithm? • A well-defined general computational process that takes a set of values as input and produces a set of values as output, {process is finite, output is correct}. • A function that maps an input instance to a correct output instance and halts, f(a) = b.
Application of mathematical techniques to determine the relative efficiency of an algorithm What is algorithm analysis? Why analyze algorithms? • Programmer maturity • Select the best algorithm for the job • Identify intractable problems (NP-complete) • Computers are not infinitely fast nor is memory unlimited
Example: Two Fibonacci algorithms, which is more efficient and why? How to measure efficiency? What efficiency metric should be used? How is the metric quantified? • Recursive algorithm is elegant but time efficiency is exponential in n, space efficiency is linear in n - repeated sub-problems (more later) • Loop algorithm has a linear time efficiency in n and uses a constant amount of space - a simple dynamic programming algorithm (more later) • Recursion is still a powerful tool
Fib1 - 2(2n) and runs on Machine A (109 instr/sec) • Fib2 - 1000n and runs on Machine B (104 instr/sec) • If n = 30 then Fib1 runs in 2.15 sec., and Fib2 runs in 3 sec. But if n = 100 then Fib1 runs in 3.16887646 × 1012 years while Fib2 runs in 10 sec. WE ARE INTERESTED IN LARGE N, as N approaches infinity. Should hardware and software differences be considered when analyzing algorithm efficiency? i.e. How important are factors such as clock rate, programming language, OS, compiler, etc?
Find the median of a sorted sequence if the sequence is stored in an array versus stored in a linked list - impacts time efficiency no difference in space efficiency. • Search for a key stored in a sorted array versus a Hash Map - impacts time efficiency no difference in space efficiency. • etc. Does the choice of a data structure impact algorithm efficiency? Can someone give an example.
The Basics - CH2 of Text Goals: • Start using frameworks for describing and analyzing algorithms • Examine two algorithms for sorting: insertion sort and merge sort • See how to describe algorithms expressed as pseudo code • Begin using asymptotic notation to express running-time • Learn the technique of “divide and conquer” in the context of merge sort
Example: General Sort Algorithm • Input : sequence of values A = <a1, a2, ... , an> • Output : a permutation of A, A' = <a1', a2', ... , an'> such that a1' <= a2' <= ...<= an'
Insertion Sort Pseudo Code Example InsertionSort(A) 1. for j = 2 to n do 2. key = A[j] • i = j – 1 • while(i>0)and(A[i]>key) do 6. A[i+1] = A[i] 7. i = i -1 8. A[i + 1] = key A good algorithm for sorting a small number of elements. It works the way you might sort a hand of playing cards.
Algorithm Execution Description. • Instance of Insertion Sort, A = <5, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3>, traced. • Animation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort
Analyzing Algorithms 1 • We want to predict the resources that the algorithm requires. Usually, running time. • In order to predict resource requirements, we need a computational model. Random-access machine (RAM) model • Instructions are executed one after another. No concurrent operations. • It’s too tedious to define each of the instructions and their associated time costs. • Instead, we recognize that we will use instructions commonly found in real computers:
Analyzing Algorithms 2 • Arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply, divide, remainder, floor, ceiling. • Data movement: load, store, copy. • Control: conditional/unconditional branch, subroutine call and return. • Each of these instructions takes a constant amount of time.
Run-Time Analysis of Algorithms • (predicting the time resource requirements of an algorithm). This requires determining two quantitative measures: 1. A count of number of primitive operations: view taken, each line of pseudo-code is a primitive operation and takes a constant amount of time. 2. Input instance • Input size (6 elements vs. 6000 elements) • Input structure (partially sorted vs. reverse order)
In analysis we are most interested in the worst-case (UPPER-BOUND) on run-time -> maximum number of primitive operations that are executed on an input of size n. Types of analysis: • Worst-Case : T(n) = maximum run-time on any input of size n. • Average-Case : T(n) = average run-time over all inputs of size n.
Average: This type of analysis assumes a statistical distribution of inputs. i.e. For insertion sort, this would require determining the average run-time for all possible permutations of A. Typically, average-case behavior degrades to worst-case behavior. • Best-Case : T(n) = best run-time on any input of size n. • Best: This type of analysis is cheating as a slow algorithm appears fast on a special case of its input. Used to show a bad lower-bound on run-time for an algorithm.
What is Worst-Case run-time of Insertion Sort if performing a runtime benchmark? • Depends on the speed of the primitive operations in the algorithm. • relative speed (on same machines) • absolute speed (on different machines)
ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS • Ignore machine dependent run-time constants. • Look at growth of T(n) as n –> infinity • Use asymptoticnotation • drop low order terms. • ignore leading constants
Formal Application of Asymptotic Notation Insertion Sort Analysis Cost Times 1. for j = 2 to n do c1 n 2. key = A[j] c2 n-1 4. i = j -1 c4 n-1 5. while(i>0) and (A[i]>key) do c5 (tj) 6. A[i+1] = A[i] c6 (tj-1) 7. i = i -1 c7 (tj-1) 8. A[i+1] = keyc8 n-1
Collecting Terms (proof) T(n)=c1n+c2(n-1)+c4(n-1)+c5( tj)+c6([ tj-1])+ c7( [tj-1])+c8(n-1) bound on each summation is j = 2 … n • Worst-case occurs when array is in reverse sorted order: tj = j for j = 2, 3, ... , n because each A[j] must be compared to each element in the sorted sub-array. • Simplify T(n) by finding closed form for summations and gathering terms. • T(n) = an2 +bn + c = Q(n2) Worst Case
Average-case run time for insertion sort occurs when all permutations of elements are equally likely: tj = j/2 because on average half of the elements in A[1..j-1] are < A[j] and half are > A[j]. • Simplify T(n) by finding closed form for summations and gathering terms. • T(n) = an2 +bn + c = Q(n2) Average Case
Best-case run time occurs when the array is already sorted: tj = 1. • Simplify T(n) by finding closed form for summations and gathering terms. • T (n) = c1n + c2(n - 1) + c4(n - 1) + c5(n - 1) + c8(n - 1) = (c1 + c2 + c4 + c5 + c8)n - (c2 + c4 + c5 + c8) . • T(n) = an + b= Q(n) Best Case • Is this a fast sorting algorithm?
Summary • What is an algorithm? • Why do analysis? • Why ignore system dependent issues? • Types of analysis? • Know closed form for simple summations! • Review appendix A