Midterm Review Today we will cover: Details of Exam; Some material from week 1 that you should focus on for the part of the exam that is cumulative (though everything is fair game); A refresher on values/norms and power/authority theories (review of this week); and some suggestions for how to study.
Details of Exam The exam will be approximately ½ multiple choice and ½ short essay (you will have the back and front of a page to write 3 essays). There will be 15-20 multiple choice questions focused primarily on the last week’s material, and three essays. For two of the essays, you will have a choice of two questions. One of the optional questions will relate Full Metal Jacket to the course material. For the third essay there is no choice. I expect it to take under an hour, but you can take the whole class period if you like.
Material from Week 1 that you can expect to see: Remember what theory is! • explanation of observable phenomena • simplifies reality • Explain social phenomena at aggregate level • Consists of causal relations (xy) and causal mechanisms (micro-level story of how xy). • Remember, the boat will keep you afloat!
More Week 1 material… • Remember what Social Order is!(Predictability & Cooperation) • Weber & Behavioral Mechanisms • Instrumental rationality; • Value rationality; affectual; traditional • Of meaning theories, Marx & Durkheim matter most (if any appear on the midterm, it would be those).
This week: Values & Norms Theories (internal solution) • Values: “internal criteria for evaluation” • work by guilt & self control • Freud: know assumptions about men (e.g., hedonistic, sexual, aggressive beings). How do we get social order? What is the mechanism (story of where superego comes from and how it produces social order)
Compare Freud and Durkheim They have contrasting views on effects of regulation; they have contrasting views on how people internalize values. Norms: (external solution) emergent-level; prescribe/proscribe appropriate behavior; conjoint v. disjoint Require enforcement to be effective (=2nd order freerider problem) Horne: Norms arise two ways: 1) reflect existing patterns of action (“sense of oughtness”) 2) externalities norms (when those affected have power to enforce) Fehr & Gachter: freeriding negative emotions altruistic punishment Goffman: norms social order We need reasons to interact & not interact w/strangers: know 4 positions.
Durkheim on Suicide • His measure of social order is suicide, but he really cares about regulation and integration. • Too little or much integration causes egoistic and altruistic suicide, respectively. Too little or much regulation causes anomic and fatalistic suicide. • Social order occurs in the “happy medium” range ---------------------------------------------------------- Critique of Norms Theories: oversocialized view of people; oversimplifies people’s motivations
fear death, want comfort Surrender liberty to coercive state Hobbes Equal, rational egoists in state of nature Power Theories • Engels • Unequal classes in conflict (based on non/ownership of Means of Prod.) • State intervention on behalf of upper class social order • Authority Theories: • legitimacy voluntary obedience • Weber: 3 bases • Traditional & Rational/Legal & Charismatic • Compare on motivation basis, stability, and efficiency of the three orders. • Critique of Authority as basis of social order: • Willis: school not legitimate authority, but there was predictability • In general, we see ex’s of order without centralized authority