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The Common Component Architecture and XCAT. Indiana University Extreme! Lab. What is a Component Architecture?. A systematic way of encapsulating special functionality and behaviors of a piece of software into reusable units. More than an object model.
The Common Component Architecture and XCAT Indiana University Extreme! Lab
What is a Component Architecture? • A systematic way of encapsulating special functionality and behaviors of a piece of software into reusable units. • More than an object model. • It defines the rules for the way objects can be instantiated and composed. • It defines the environment of services that a component can use. • It defines the way in which we discover how to interact with them.
Isn’t this what a subroutine library does? • Subroutine libraries or class libraries have • well defined interfaces • encapsulate functionality • But are often hard to reuse because they • often have complex resource requirements • make conflicting assumptions about their operating environments. • Subroutine libraries that follow very strict sets of design and use rules get reused. • Above all else, a component architecture is framework of standard rules of behavior for objects.
Standard Component Archtectures • Examples: • Microsoft COM/DCOM, COM++ • the foundation of all Microsoft office products • Java Beans • Java standard for building user interfaces • Enterprise Java Beans • a standard for client-server applications in Java • CORBA 3.0 • The new component spec for CORBA.
Look at One Design in Detail • The U.S. Dept of Energy DOE2000 project • The Common Component Architecture • Lawrence Livermore National Lab • Sandia Labs • Argonne National Labs • Los Alamos National Labs • Universities: Utah, NCSA, Indiana • A specification for component design for parallel and distributed applications
Two parts to the CCA Architecture • Components • An encapsulated “object” defined by its public interfaces. • Can be Java, C, Python, C++ or C++ and Fortran. • Frameworks • The software systems that provides basic services to components • Used to compose components to make apps. • Many implementations: Parallel and Distributed.
Some Concepts in Detail • Ports: the public interfaces of a component • defines the different ways we can interact with a component and the ways the component uses services and other components. setImage(Image I) Uses Ports - interface of a service used by component Image getImage() Image Processing Component adjustColor() calls doFFT(…) setFilter(Filter) Provides Ports - interfaces functions provided by component
How do you “compose” two components? • There are three basic approaches: • Events: A component can generate an “event” of a particular type. Other components are added as “listeners” for such events from that component. • Services: A source component “uses” services “provided” by a target components. • “use” = calls a function provided by the target. • Dataflow: A typed data “output” stream is connected to a similarly typed “input” port of another. • In XCAT all three are supported. • The services model is the basic mechanism. • Dataflow is emulated in CCA by “pushing” data from a user to a provider, or by having a user “pull” data from a provider. • Events are managed by a separate mechanism.
Building Applications by Composition • Connect uses Ports to Provides Ports. Image database component setImage(…) Image Processing Component getImage() Acme FFT component doFFT(…) adjustColor() Image tool graphical interface component
Ports and Interfaces (CCA) • Component composition: • Connect (possibly at runtime) a “provides” port of one component to a “uses” port of another. • A provides port is simply an implementation in the component of the interface defined by the port type (interface defn.). • A Uses port is a “proxy” that a component “uses” to make a request of another component. Source Component A Provides port A uses port Target Component
How do you describe the interfaces a port has? • Standard Methods: • Use an Interface Definition Language - a formal description of the interface objects. • CORBA IDL is one. • The LLNL Scientific IDL by Scott Kohn, Andrew Cleary, Steven Smith, and Brent Smolinski is better for CCA. • A simple IDL compiler can be used to automatically generate the Uses and Provides Port code for a specific IDL type. • For the XCAT java version the interface of a component port are defined as Java interfaces.
Component Communication • Use a simple Remote Procedure Call Mechanism • XSOAP • Implementation of Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP) • Performance Issues • in-process calls • Events/Messages • Objects encoded as XML documents • Proteus • Multiprotocol Messaging and RMI
Creation Service • Creates a running instance of another component • Encapsulates authentication issues Globus resource Y Launch an instance of component X on resource Y Creation Service Component X Returns: remote reference to new component instance
Connection Service • A component that can be used to connect a “uses” port of one component to the “provides” port of another • Can export ports of another component X Connection Service Component A Connect port A of component X to port B of component Y B Y
Builder Service • combination of Creation and Connection service • standardized as part of recently updated CCA specification • we are now in process of implementing it in XCAT
Simple Example in Java public class SimpleEchoImpl implements SimpleEcho { public String echoHello(String s) throws RemoteException { return "SimpleEchoImpl says: Hello " + s; } }
Simple Example in Java public class EchoPrinterComponent implements Component { public void setServices(Services cc){ PortInfo portType = new PortInfoImpl( "simpleEchoProvidesPort", "http://example.com/echo.wsdl"); simpleEchoImpl = new SimpleEchoImpl(); cc.addProvidesPort(simpleEchoImpl,portType); } }
Simple Example in Java public class EchoGeneratorComponent implements Component { public void setServices(Services cc){ PortInfo portType = new PortInfoImpl( "simpleEchoUsesPort", "http://example.com/echo.wsdl"); cc.registerUsesPort(portType); } }
Simple Example in Java SimpleEcho usesSimpleEcho = (SimpleEcho) cc.getPort("simpleEchoUsesPort"); usesSimpleEcho.echoHello("Extreme Lab"); cc.releasePort(“simpleEchoUsesPort"); Echo Generator Component A Provides port simpleEchoProvidesPort A uses port simpleEchoUsesPort Echo Printer Component
Scripting XCAT Applications import xcat generator = xcat.createComponent(‘GeneratorComponet’) printer = xcat.createComponent(‘Printer’) xcat.setCreationMechanism(generator, ‘gram’) xcat.setCreationMechanism(printer, ‘ssh’) xcat.createInstance(generator) xcat.createInstance(printer) xcat.connectPorts(generator, ‘simpleEchoUsesPort’, printer, ‘simpleEchoProvidesPort’)
generatorComponent = EnvObj() generatorComponent.put("exec-name", "simpleGeneratorComponent") generatorComponent.put("exec-fqn", "samples.simpleEchoGenerator.SimpleEchoGeneratorComponent") printerComponent = EnvObj() printerComponent.put("exec-name", "simplePrinterComponent") printerComponent.put("exec-fqn", "samples.simpleEchoPrinter.SimpleEchoPrinterComponent") # create component wrappers generator = cca.createComponent(generatorComponent) printer = cca.createComponent(printerComponent) # assign a machine name printermc = "exodus.extreme.indiana.edu" generatormc = "exodus.extreme.indiana.edu" cca.setMachineName(generator,generatormc) cca.setMachineName(printer, printermc) # create live instances cca.createInstanceWithTimeOut(printer, 120000) cca.createInstanceWithTimeOut(generator, 120000) # connect their ports cca.connectPorts(generator, "simpleEchoUsesPort", printer, "simpleEchoProvidesPort") # start the components – invoke go() on GoPort usesGoPortClassName = "samples.idl.goPort.UsesGoPort" usesPortType = "http://example.com/go.wsdl" providesPortName = "providesGoPort" methodName = "go" methodParams = zeros(0, Object) cca.invokeMethodOnComponent(generator, usesGoPortClassName, usesPortType, providesPortName, methodName, methodParams) print "Done" Scripting XCAT Applications
Scientific Components and Applications • Recognized as one of the “Top Ten Science Achievements in 2002” by the DOE Office of Science (see http://www.sc.doe.gov/sub/accomplishments/top_10.htm) • Many demonstrated at SC2001 and SC2002 • Combine application-specific components with more general-purpose components that can be reused across a range of applications • More than 40 components, many reused in apps such as • PDEs on unstructured and adaptive structured meshes • Unconstrained minimization problems • Leverage and extend parallel software developed at different institutions • Including CUMULVS, CVODES, Global Arrays, GrACE, MPICH, PETSc, PVM, and TAO
CCA Scientific Data Components Working Group Basic Scientific Data Objects Lead: D. Bernholdt (ORNL) Unstructured Meshes Lead: L.F. Diachin (SNL, formerly ANL) Collaboration with TSTT ISIC TSTT = Terascale Simulation Tools and Technologies, PIs: J. Glimm, D. Brown, L.F. Diachin, http://www.tstt-scidac.org Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Lead: P. Colella (LBNL) Collaboration with APDEC ISIC APDEC = Algorithmic and Software Framework for Applied PDEs, PI: P. Colella, http://davis.lbl.gov/APDEC Other Groups Linear and nonlinear solvers, eigensolvers, and optimizers Coordinator: L.C. McInnes (ANL) Collaboration with TOPS ISIC TOPS = Terascale Optimal PDE Simulations, PI: D. Keyes, http://tops-scidac.org MxN Parallel Data Redistribution Lead: J. Kohl (ORNL) Part of CCTTSS MxN Thrust Quantum Chemistry Leads: C. Janssen (SNL) and T. Windus (PNNL) Part of CCTTSS Applications Integration Thrust Current Interface Development Activities
Motivation for Common Interfaces AOMD Hypre • Many-to-Many couplings require Many 2 interfaces • Often a heroic effort to understand details of both codes • Not a scalable solution • Common Interfaces: Reduce the Many-to-Many problem to a Many-to-One problem • Allow plug-and-play interchangeability & interoperability • Require domain specific experts • Typically difficult & time-consuming • A success story: MPI • Challenges • Interface agreement • Functionality limitations • Maintaining performance MDB/CUBIT PETSc NWGrid SuperLU Overture linear solver libraries mesh libraries D a t a S o l v e r s AOMD Hypre MDB/CUBIT PETSc SuperLU NWGrid Overture Others … Others … TSTT Data Interfaces TOPS Solver Interfaces
Single component multiple data (SCMD) model is component analog of widely used SPMD model Each process loaded with the same set of components wired the same way P0 P1 P2 P3 Framework Stays “Out of the Way” of Component Parallelism • Different components in same process “talk to each” other via ports and the framework • Same component in different processes talk to each other through their favorite communications layer (i.e., MPI, PVM, GA) Components: Blue, Green, Red Framework: Gray MCMD/MPMD also supported
There are 3 CCA Frameworks • There’s 3 parallelism models in scientific computing Threaded Uintah Ccaffeine XCAT SPMD Distributed
SPMD GUI and Scripted Interface Interactive or Batch Serial or Parallel Components written in C++ Separates CCA Pattern from Implementation 3 Bindings Classic Components SIDL Components Chasm Components Demonstrated at SC2001 & SC2002 Used in CCA Tutorials Ccaffeine Characteristics Achievements
multithreaded & distributed C++ only Used in “real science” (gov’t, academic, commercial) 1K procs Testbed for CCA Concepts Novel work in IDL-based MxN Parallelism and concurrency research for CCA done on Uintah SCIRun2 will integrate SCIRun, BioPSE and Uintah SCIRun/BioPSE/Uintah Characteristics Achievements
Distributed/Grid model Web Services Developed Proteus multi-protocol communication package Novel MxN work at MPI-I/O level Java and C++ components XCAT Characteristics Achievements 8 Application control exported exported Application Coordinator exported Go GS Go 7 wsdl 3 6 sendParameters, start, kill 2 Application Specific component Application Factory Service Go Cntl GS Go GS Directory/ Discovery Service Data Simulation Component 1 Data Provider Comp Ensemble Application 5 Material Archive 4 Authorization Service Resource Broker Service
A Science Portal View of “programming” the Grid App Instance • A Science Portal is a Web server that • Uses a “prepackaged” set of scripts to • Get the users proxy cert from a cert repository • Configure a specific application to users needs • Contact the appropriate application factories • Look for event histories of application execution • Allow the user to contact and control the app. Launch, configure And control App factory User Portals/ Science Portals
Application Factory Service Provide me with an instance of application X • A service that understands a how to instantiate a running instance of an app component. • You provide it with appropriate requirements initial conditions, etc. via an XML file • The service • checks you credentials and authorization • May consult resource broker • launches the app or runs the appropriate grid script. App factory App Instance
Application Component Execution Environment Specification The information needed to generate input to the factory service <componentStaticInformation> <componentInformation> <uniqueID>WebsterComponent</uniqueID> <name>Webster Component</name> <author>Indiana University Extreme! computing</author> <componentAuthor>Dennis Gannon</componentAuthor> </componentInformation> <executionEnv> <hostName>olympus.cs.indiana.edu</hostName> <hostName>linbox2.extreme.indiana.edu</hostName> <hostName>rainier.extreme.indiana.edu</hostName> <creationProto>gram</creationProto> <creationProto>ssh</creationProto> <nameValuePair> <name>exec-dir</name> <value>/u/gannon/xcat_tutorial/scripts</value> </nameValuePair> ….
User Portals/ Science Portals Web Server Disc serv Event channel App factory Resource Broker App Instance Steps in creating a app instance from the portal to the factory • User Configures Application from Web Browser • Sets application parameters • Launches job • Web Server contacts appropriate application factory service (FS) • Supplies FS with task parameters • FS contacts Resource Broker and secures job launches. • Returns App WSDL to server to browser • Job begins execution • Publishes its contact point (WSDL) to discovery service • Begins publishing status events to event channel. • Web server discovers application • Allows user to interrogate it or retrieve event traces
An Application Instance • Control Interface • check status • control messages Event stream • Typical Instance • Publishes event stream to “well known” channel. • Has a Control Interface to allow portal level interrogation or remote steering • May be linked to other components/services Links To Other Apps/ services Application Instance
Encapsulating Legacy Apps Control • Common Case • Legacy App that reads files and writes files. • Use a “scripted component” called an app manager. • Component runs a python script loaded at startup or through a control command • The App Script • Stages files • Launches and monitors application • Writes Output files • publishes event streams Event Stream App Mgr App Script application output files input files
XCAT And OGSI • A component based model to the Grid services • Component Assembly: Composition in space • Workflow: Composition in time • Ability to use widely available Web services tooling to interact with components • A richer messaging and notification system that extends the model proposed by OGSI • An application factory service that extends the standard OGSI factory service
XCAT-OGSI Big Picture ComponentID (GSH) (uniquely identifies Component) GridService Port (for lifecycle and metadata) Other XCAT Provides Ports ServiceData (includes list of Port references) XCAT Component
Incorporating OGSI into XCAT • Converting an XCAT component to a Grid service • Addition of an OGSI GridService Port • Addition of Service Data Elements (SDEs) containing references to each of the other ports • Uniquely identifying the component using a ComponentID (GSH) • Using a WSDL representation for the GSR • Adding a set of helper services that are OGSI compliant • A HandleResolver service for mapping a GSH to a GSR • Modifications to the XCAT Creation service to make appropriate calls to the Factory and GridService ports for lifetime management
XCAT Vs OGSI Messaging • OGSI messaging is simple, point-to-point, and non-reliable, whereas XCAT uses XMessages that provides a reliable, persistent network of message channels suited for application level messaging and events • OGSI messaging is push based, and only current moment state can be pulled by accessing SDEs whereas XMessages can be both push and pull based • In XCAT, clients can have more mobility and interoperate more easily with firewalls • there is no assumption that client has IP reachable address
Factories in XCAT and OGSI • OGSI provides a standard Factory Port type for instantiating services • XCAT generalizes this Factory Port type to instantiate a set of XCAT components that constitute an application • Accepts a description of a connected network of components • Launches an Application Coordinator for each application that creates, and links together instances of the described network of components • Exports a subset of the functionality of the components, which are useful for the application, to the end-user • Enables creating and managing complex distributed applications