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BP OIL SPILL!. Why did the British Petroleum oil spill happen?.
Why did the British Petroleum oil spill happen? • The BP (British Petroleum) oil spill happened because of many measurements that should have stopped a blow out (A high pressure flow of oils and gases), but it didn’t help a lot. Drilling into the productive zone (which was what they were doing) is part of what was causing the different measurements of pressures. The piping was about 5000 feet underneath the oceans grounds. That let the oil and gases get into the ocean. The devices that were supposed to stop the oil and gases to get into the ocean, failed. That is how the BP oil spill occurred!
WHAT IS BEING DONE TO STOP THE BP OIL SPILL? • A new device was found. It is called Oil eating microbes. They helped to stop the oil spill because it would brake down the oil without changing the oxygen level. They had to plug the leak. If the pressure gets to high again they’re going to have to re-open the well to take off pressure.
WHAT IS BEING DONE TO CLEAN UP THE OIL SPILL? • Some workers have to clean up the grass by wiping it till its oil free. They are using 4.5 million feet of boom to block the oil to come up on the shorelines. Also part of the cleanup would be restoring the beaches and properties so it is safe and show able again. Many planes have taken something called dispersant and sprayed it on the oil. They also skimmed the oil of the surface of the water. That is how BP cleaned the oil spill.
WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE OIL SPILL? • There are so many environmental impacts that the oil spills have done to the world. One of the big impacts is on the animals. They can’t fly because it affects their skin. Most of them died because the oil got into the lungs or into their blood, which is just like poisoning them. It also effects the eco system it effects our environment horribly! That is how it impacts on our animals, our environment, and us!
HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO THE A.O.I? • The oil spill relates to the A.O.I (Health and Social Education) because it stopped the animals and the environment from being healthy! We have had to fix the environment to make it healthy again. We had to take in many animals and clean them, to make sure they are healthy so we can put them back into the ocean. We have to take responsibility and clean up the mess it has done to the world!
Link for BP animals: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20110914/BP-oil-spill-report-110914/ • Link for video: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/gulf-oil-spill-5488/Overview#tab-Videos/08189_00