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Poetry Alive!

Poetry Alive!. 8 th Grade Humanities Unit created for Ms. Ling Hsiao January 11, 2002 T527. Poetry Alive!. Overview. 8 th Grade Humanities Unit created for Ms. Ling Hsiao. A 12-lesson unit introducing: Poetic forms Poetic devices PowerPoint features. Leverage technology to:

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Poetry Alive!

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  1. Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao January 11, 2002 T527

  2. Poetry Alive! Overview 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao • A 12-lesson unit introducing: • Poetic forms • Poetic devices • PowerPoint features • Leverage technology to: • Drive student motivation for expression • Simplify presentation of information • Make understanding goals explicit & model performances • Document and assess student understanding

  3. Unit Overview Table

  4. Generative Topic Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao 1. Understand that the various forms of print provide opportunities to broaden fluency in the English language and the American culture. 2. Greater confidence in ability to express themselves in English using multiple formats and mediums Throughlines Poetry as a literary genre & method of self-expression. Increasing students’ level of literacy and fluency while addressing the grade-level content that they must also learn.

  5. Understanding Goals Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao UG 1: Poetry as a Literary Genre and Form of Expression 1.1 What are the different types of poetry and how they can be used to express emotion, tell stories, entertain etc.? 1.2 How do the building blocks of poetry contribute to its effectiveness? 1.3 How can I describe what I experience when I read poetry? 1.4 How can poetry help me express myself? UG 2: Using Multimedia to Complement and Enhance Written Work 2.1 What is multimedia and why does it matter in my life? 2.2 How can multimedia provide me with another way to express myself? 2.3 How can my written work can be complemented and enhanced by multimedia? 2.4 How can a multimedia presentation format help others understand my written work? UG 3: PowerPoint as a Tool for Stimulating Creativity and Organizing Work 3.1 What are the key features of Microsoft PowerPoint? 3.2 How can PowerPoint be used for more than creating a presentation? 3.3 How can PowerPoint help me organize, brainstorm and share my work?

  6. Performances of Understanding Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao Students will create a PowerPoint slide to present an original work of poetry that follows the poetic form presented that day. The poem should also incorporate the poetic device and multimedia element of the day. Students will reflect on peer's work and offer written and/or verbal feedback. Students will incorporate peer and teacher feedback into their work as appropriate. Students will describe in written or verbal form the poetic devices used in a poem. Students will explain the significance of the poetic devices used in a poem. Lesson Specific Performances

  7. Performances of Understanding Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao Culminating Performance Final Portfolio of Poetry • 7 different poems on PowerPoint slides • Different poetic devices • Appropriate multimedia to enrich and complement the writing

  8. Lesson Overview: This lesson will introduce the quatrain poem structure and the concept of rhyme scheme. This lesson will also distinguish between describing a poem’s structure and its affect/impact. Simple animation in PowerPoint will be introduced. • LESSON 8 • POETIC FORM: • Quatrain • POETIC DEVICES: • Rhyme Scheme • Couplets • POWERPOINT SKILLS: • Animation • TIME REQUIRED: • 100 minutes • MATERIALS: • Quatrain Poems PPT • Slips of paper with words for Rhyming Game • Large slips of paper (1/student at least) • Masking Tape • Rhyme Scheme Check-in Activity PPT • Understanding Goals: • 1.1 What are the different types of poetry and how can they be used to express emotion, tell stories, entertain etc? • 1.2 How do the building blocks of poetry contribute to its effectiveness? • 2.2 How can multimedia provide me with another way to express myself? • 2.3 How can my written work be complemented and enhanced by multimedia? • 2.4 How can a multimedia presentation format help others understand my written work? • 3.1 What are the key features of Microsoft PowerPoint? Standards: • MA Curriculum Frameworks: ELA • Students will understand and acquire new vocabulary and use it correctly in reading and writing. • Grades 7-84.22 Determine pronunciations, meanings, alternate word choices, and parts of speech, or etymologies of words using dictionaries and thesauruses. • Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the theme, structure, and elements of poetry and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. • Grades 7-814.4 Respond to and analyze the effects of sound, form, figurative language, and graphics in order to uncover meaning in poetry: • ·Sound (alliteration, internal rhyme, rhyme scheme); • ·Figurative language (personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole); • ·Graphics (capital letters, line length, word position) • Students will design and create coherent media productions (audio, video, television, multimedia, Internet, emerging technologies) with a clear controlling idea, adequate detail, and appropriate consideration of audience, purpose, and medium. • Grades 5-627.3 Create a media production using effective images, text, music, sound effects, or graphics. • ISTE Standards: Grades 6-8 • Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum. • Design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom. Source:

  9. LESSON 8 • POETIC FORM: • Quatrain • POETIC DEVICES: • Rhyme Scheme • Couplets • POWERPOINT SKILLS: • Animation • TIME REQUIRED: • 100 minutes • MATERIALS: • Quatrain Poems PPT • Slips of paper with words for Rhyming Game • Large slips of paper (1/student at least) • Masking Tape • Rhyme Scheme Check-in Activity PPT • Activities: • Introduce the “Purple Cow” quatrain poem . (PPT) • Ask students how many lines are in the poem. Define a quatrain. • Ask students what they notice about the poem • Which words seem to match? Why? What is that called? • Define rhyme and rhyme scheme • What is the rhyme scheme of this poem? How would you describe it? (ABAB) • Highlight the pattern by changing the color of the words that rhyme • Look at the second quatrain – “Mud Turtles.” (PPT) • Repeat same questions as above. • Different rhyme scheme (AABB), highlight with different colors • Define couplets • Explain that there is a new letter for each new rhyme in a poem • Rhyming practice • Ask students to stand up. Say the word “ball.” Each student must think of a word that rhymes to remain standing. If the student can’t think of a word, or if the word does not rhyme, then he/she sits down. If no one in the room can think of a rhyming word (including the teacher) then the student may remain in the game and the teacher begins with a new word. • You may want to prepare a few slips of paper with words that have lots of rhyming options, and that have a variety of vowel sounds and syllables. (i.e. hand, funny, school) • Class couplets • Give each student one piece of 4”x11” paper • In pairs, students write 1 set of couplets about an agreed upon topic (i.e. pizza, Asia, winter, video games). They should write one line on each piece of paper – printed, large, clear • Collect the sheets and tape them to the board to create one long poem of quatrains. Ask a student to read the poem aloud. Ask the class what the rhyme scheme of the long poem is. Write it at the end of each piece of paper. • Ask a different student to rearrange the pieces of paper to make two quatrains. 15 10 15 10 Source:

  10. LESSON 8 • POETIC FORM: • Quatrain • POETIC DEVICES: • Rhyme Scheme • Couplets • POWERPOINT SKILLS: • Animation • TIME REQUIRED: • 100 minutes • MATERIALS: • Quatrain Poems PPT • Slips of paper with words for Rhyming Game • Large slips of paper (1/student at least) • Masking Tape • Rhyme Scheme Check-in Activity PPT • Activities continued: • Class couplets continued • Ask different students to come to the board to rearrange the slips of paper to fit the following rhyme schemes: • ABAB CDCD • AACC BBDD • ABCB ADCD • ABCD ABCD • AABB CCDD • Review first quatrain PPT. Show the animation in the slide show. • Explain the concept of “slide show” • Describe the procedures for adding animation to a slide. • Demonstrate several types of animation • Discuss how using animation could complement a poem (highlight a structural feature, track the listener’s/reader’s attention, capture attention, illustrate a concept etc.) • Students give verbal commands to animate the second quatrain slide. • Independent writing of a quatrain. • In pairs students come to the computer and do a quick rhyme scheme activity. (see next slide) • There is a poem with a lot of rhyming in it on the screen • Ask students to color rhyming words the same color and to write down the rhyme scheme (in letters) in an answer box at the bottom. They only have 4 minutes to do this. • After the teacher checks the work, either the student or the teacher can reset the slide to its default (all text black, clear answer box) before the next group comes up to the computer. 10 20 20 Stations • Assessment: • Informal monitoring during class couplet activity • Quick rhyme scheme activity on computer Source:

  11. Lesson Overview: This lesson does not present any new poetry content. It is meant to be a work session for students to write independently (perhaps with 1-on-1 teacher help), offer and receive feedback from peers and work in the computer lab on their slides. One new PowerPoint feature is presented. • LESSON 9: TECH DAY • POETIC FORM: • REVIEW • Cinquain • Quatrain • POETIC DEVICES: • REVIEW • Personification, Rhyme Scheme, Couplets • POWERPOINT SKILLS: • Slide Transitions • REVIEW • All previous features & Animation • TIME REQUIRED: • 100 minutes • MATERIALS: • Combo PPT of all poem slides used so far • Peer & Self Review Handout • Clip Art CD • Understanding Goals: • 1.1 What are the different types of poetry and how can they be used to express emotion, tell stories, entertain etc? • 1.2 How do the building blocks of poetry contribute to its effectiveness? • 2.2 What is multimedia and why does it matter in my life? • 2.3 How can my written work be complemented and enhanced by multimedia? • 2.4 How can a multimedia presentation format help others understand my written work? • 3.1 What are the key features of Microsoft PowerPoint? • 3.3 How can PowerPoint help me organize, brainstorm and share my work? Standards: • MA Curriculum Frameworks: ELA • Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the theme, structure, and elements of poetry and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. • Grades 7-814.4 Respond to and analyze the effects of sound, form, figurative language, and graphics in order to uncover meaning in poetry: • ·Sound (alliteration, internal rhyme, rhyme scheme); • ·Figurative language (personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole); • ·Graphics (capital letters, line length, word position) • Students will design and create coherent media productions (audio, video, television, multimedia, Internet, emerging technologies) with a clear controlling idea, adequate detail, and appropriate consideration of audience, purpose, and medium. • Grades 5-627.3 Create a media production using effective images, text, music, sound effects, or graphics. • ISTE Standards: Grades 6-8 • Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum. • Design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., Web pages, videotapes) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom. Source:

  12. LESSON 9: TECH DAY • POETIC FORM: • REVIEW • Cinquain • Quatrain • POETIC DEVICES: • REVIEW • Personification, Rhyme Scheme, Couplets • POWERPOINT SKILLS: • Slide Transitions • REVIEW • All previous features & Animation • TIME REQUIRED: • 100 minutes • MATERIALS: • Combo PPT of all poem slides used so far • Peer & Self Review Handout • Clip Art CD • Activities: • Review the goals and expectations for “tech days”. Review the rubric for the final project. • Using a file of all the slides used in the unit so far, illustrate slide transitions in “presentation mode.” • Review animation and the presentation mode • Explain how to make slides transition differently. • Students should make notes on their “PPT Features Guide” • Students give verbal directions to alter the slide transitions for the demo presentation. • RELOCATE TO THE COMPUTER LAB… • Students who have not completed all six poems work on independent writing. • Students who have completed poems are paired up to review each other’s work. They should offer verbal feedback on: • Overall impression • Is the format correct? • Are there poetic devices present? • Students work independently on their PowerPoint portfolios • Students should complete assessment handout (repeat these for each type of poem) • I liked ____’s poem because…. • It used ___________ (poetic device). • How did the poetic device affect the poem? • ______(peer) told me that my poem was __________ (adjective) because… • The thing I like most about my own poem is… 5 15 10 70 Stations • Assessment: • Informal monitoring of independent writing and computer work • Peer and self assessment of portfolios Source:

  13. Ongoing Assessment Poetry Alive! 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao • Self Assessment • Short reflection questions at the end of each week • Mid-unit self assessment worksheet • Mini feedback (self assessment) slips that begin with: • I still need help with.... • I didn’t quite understand... • Final portfolio self review • Teacher Assessment • Informal • Monitoring during independent writing and computer work • 1-on-1 conversations/check-ins • Review of self and peer review worksheets • Review of feedback slips (I still need help with..../I didn’t quite understand... ) • Formal • Personification cards • Poetic Device review sheets • Rhyme Scheme activity • Metaphor and simile worksheets • Mid-unit portfolio check-in • Final portfolio (see Poetry Portfolio Rubric) • Peer Assessment • Verbal peer reviews of work in progress, followed with short worksheets that help structure feedback to the student as well as say what they learned in the process of looking at their peer’s work

  14. 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao Poetry Alive! Poetry Portfolio Rubric

  15. Poetry Alive! Technology Leverage 8th Grade Humanities Unitcreated for Ms. Ling Hsiao • Drive student motivation for expression • Simplify presentation of information • Make understanding goals explicit & model performances • Document and assess student understanding

  16. Mud Turtles 1st Time: Introduce Poetic Form On the rock the turtles get When they are tired of being wet. Back into the pond they slide When they are tired of being dried. • Grace Taber Hallock • The Beauty of the Beast: Poems from the Animal Kingdom, p.24

  17. Mud Turtles 2nd Time: Introduce Poetic Device On the rock the turtles get When they are tired of being wet. Back into the pond they slide When they are tired of being dried. • Grace Taber Hallock • The Beauty of the Beast: Poems from the Animal Kingdom, p.24

  18. Mud Turtles 3rd Time: Introduce PowerPoint Feature On the rock the turtles get When they are tired of being wet. Back into the pond they slide When they are tired of being dried. • Grace Taber Hallock • The Beauty of the Beast: Poems from the Animal Kingdom, p.24

  19. Unit Overview Table

  20. Thanks. Questions?

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