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Report at the 101 st Session of the JINR Scientific Council January 18 – 19, 2007

Report at the 101 st Session of the JINR Scientific Council January 18 – 19, 2007. V.V. Voronov. Fields and Particles D.Kazakov, O.Teryaev Nuclear Theory V.Voronov, R.Jolos Theory of Condensed Matter N.Plakida, V.Priezzhev Modern Mathematical Physics A.Filippov, A.Isaev

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Report at the 101 st Session of the JINR Scientific Council January 18 – 19, 2007

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  1. Report at the 101st Session of the JINR Scientific Council January 18 – 19, 2007 V.V. Voronov

  2. Fields and ParticlesD.Kazakov, O.Teryaev Nuclear TheoryV.Voronov, R.Jolos Theory of Condensed MatterN.Plakida, V.Priezzhev Modern Mathematical PhysicsA.Filippov, A.Isaev Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH)A.Filippov, A.Sorin

  3. Scientific Personnel as of 25.12.2006

  4. Fields and Particles(projects) • Standard Model and its extensions Leaders: D.Kazakov, E.Kuraev • QCD parton distributions for modern and future colliders Leaders: D.Shirkov, A.Efremov, O.Teryaev, • Physics of heavy and exotic hadrons Leaders: A. Dorokhov, M. Ivanov • Mixed phase in heavy-ion collisions Leaders: A.Sissakian, D.Blaschke, A.Sorin

  5. SEARCH FOR GLUINOS WITH ATLAS AT LHC Study of the process of pair gluino production and decay. Gluino decays have a clear signature (4 μ + 4 jets + large missing PT + + up to 4 secondary vertices) and can be detected with ATLAS. The expected number of events for ATLAS after 1 year of running with LHC luminosity 1034 cm-2s-1is 150 V.A.Bednyakov, J.A.Budagov, A.V.Gladyshev, D.I.Kazakov, G.D.Khoriauli, D.I.Khubua,JINR-E1-2006-97, hep-ex/0608060, to appear in PEPAN Lett. (2006)

  6. NLO QCD method of the polarized Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS)data analysis : HERMES (DESY), COMPASS (CERN), E04-113 (JLAB) A. Sissakian, O. Shevchenko, O. Ivanov Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 094026 Results of HERMES data analysis on pion production Measured SIDIS asymmetries NLO extraction method Modified Jacobi polynomial Expansion Method (MJEM) • Simple and transparent formalism • Direct method (no model assumptions!)

  7. Hard exotics: Theoretical Interpretation of L3 data at LEPon neutral and charged rho’s production incollisions of virtual and real photons. Observation: Q dependence of charged/neutral ratio Large Q Small Q have peaks in the region for both large and small Q. The L3 data can be described by exotical 4–quarks isotensor resonance (higher twist 4) which can explain the Q-suppression. and

  8. Exploring hard exotics in QCD I.V. Anikin, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, O.V. Teryaev, S. WallonXXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics, July 26 - August 2, Moscow • The QCD fit of L3 data is compatible with the existence of isotensor (I=2) four-quark exotic meson with mass: 1.5 GeV width: 0.4 GeV neutral – red charged - blue

  9. Hadronic Distribution Amplitudes of Photon in the Instanton Model A.E. Dorokhov, W. Broniowski (Krakow) and E. Ruiz Arriola (Granada), PhysRevD 2006 Leading twist 2 Photon Distribution Amplitude: Magnetic susceptibility of quark condensate q2=0 GeV2 dashed line REAL photon q2=0.25 GeV2 solid line VIRTUAL photon q2=-0.09 GeV2 short-dashed line asymptotic DA dottedline

  10. Search for the Mixed Phase of Strongly Interacting Matter

  11. During the last year and a half possible search for a mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the Nuclotron is widely discussed at JINR. The discussion was initiated by a group of theorists of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics in the mid-2004 and already in July, 2005 the first Round Table Discussion“Searching for a MixedPhase of Strongly Interacting Matter at the JINR Nuclotron” was carried out with outside experts invoked. With the aim of a more detailed discussion of a wide range of questions on 6-7 October, 2006 the JINR hosted a meeting of experts in a format of the second Round Table“Searching for a Mixed Phase of Strongly Interacting Matter at the JINR Nuclotron: Nuclotron Facility Development” (see http://theor.jinr.ru/meetings/2006/roundtable/);

  12. NUCLEAR THEORY The main topics of investigations include: Nuclear structure far from stability valley Nucleus-nucleus collisions and nuclear properties at low energies Exotic few-body systems Nuclear structureanddynamics at relativistic energies

  13. Efimov Effect Theoretically predicted by Vitaly Efimov more than 35 years ago [Phys. Lett. B 33 (1970) 563]: A system consisting of three particles, none of whose two-body subsystems is stable, can, under certain circumstances, produce an infinite number of bound energy levels. Efimov States Observation of the Efimov resonance in measurements of three- body recombination as a function of the scattering length

  14. Efimov-type Properties of Three-Atomic Helium System ab initio Faddeev calculations [E.Kolganova, A.Motovilov, W.Sandhas, Few-Body Systems, 38 (2006) 205] 4He2 asc= 115 ,5 Å Efimov State a2sc= 100 Å Eb=1,3 mK 4He3 E*=2,3 mK Egs=126 mK asc 3He-4He2 4He-4He2 E**→0 4He3 E*→0 S-wave helium atom--helium dimer phase shifts obtained with the LM2M2 potential. The points correspond to an alternative calculation by Roudnev. The normalization δ(0) = 0 is used. [E.Kolganova, A.Motovilov, W.Sandhas, to appear in Nucl.Phys.A]

  15. n n n n x y y x C C ■ L.V. Chulkov et al., Nucl. Phys. A759, 23 (2005) Continuum spectroscopy of two-neutron halo nuclei S.N. Ershov, B.V. Danilin, J.S. Vaagen (Phys. Rev. C74 (2006)014603 ) The kinematically complete breakup reaction 6He + A → n1 + n2 + 4He + A’ Correlations between fragments in different Jacobi coordinate systems Theoretical analysis of various angular and energy correlations of the three fragments in6He breakup on 208Pb at collision energy 240 MeV / nucleon have been performed. The analysis has been based on a microscopic four-body distorted wave approach to breakup reactions and uses the three-body model for the nuclear structure of the two-neutron Borromean halo nucleus 6He.

  16. THEORY OF CONDENSED MATTER • Physical properties of complex materials and • nanostructures • Mathematical problems of many-particle systems

  17. Angle-Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (ARPES) has revealed non-Fermi-liquid properties of cuprate superconductors “Destruction” of Fermi surface: “arc” FS “Kink” phenomenon Electron dispersion at the Fermi energy: E(k) = vF (k-kF ), vF=vF0/(1 + λ), Ca2–xNaxCuO2Cl2 K. M. Shen,Science 307 901 (2005). A. Lanzara, et al., Nature 412 (2001)

  18. Theory of electronic spectra in strongly correlated electronic system We have developed a macroscopic theory which explained ARPES results for cuprates superconductors: Kink phenomena Arc-type FS Electron dispersion N.M.Plakida, V. Oudovenko: JETP, 2007, No.1

  19. Low-energy electronic states in spherical andspheroidal fullerenes The first positive electronic level for spheroidal fullerenes D.V. Kolesnikov and V.A. Osipov, Eur. Phys. J. B 49, 465 (2006) M.Pudlak, R. Pincak and V.A.Osipov, Phys. Rev. B 74, 235435 (2006) The second positive electronic level for spheroidal fullerenes

  20. Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process An exact solution for particle motion is obtained within TAEP • Applications to: • Hopping conductivity of superionic conductors • Queuing problems • Directed polymers in random medium • Traffic problems

  21. In 2006, the following activities in the framework of DIAS-TH were: ·Five Schools and Research Workshop; ·  The regular seminars for students and postgraduates were organized; ·  Computer processing of video records of lectures was continued; ·  Web-site of DIAS-TH was supported.

  22. PPRIORITY FOR 2007 vStudies of Standard Model and its extensions with special emphasis on investigation of astrophysical constraints for new physics;QCD phenomenology, especially for spin-dependent and exclusive processes; vHeavy-ion collisions, of special interest is a search for mixed phase of the strongly interacting matter; vSupergravity, superstrings and cosmology; vNuclear structure far from stability valley and Nuclear astrophysics; vUnconventional solids with anomalous physical properties;Studies of the electronic, magnetic, thermal and transport characteristics of various novel nanoscaled materials and nanostructures; vSupport of the JINR experimental programs; RRecruiting young researches to the Laboratory.

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