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Embedding information literacy into the curriculum - How do we know how well we are doing?

Embedding information literacy into the curriculum - How do we know how well we are doing?. Katharine Reedy (Open University) Cathie Jackson (Cardiff University). Session content. Setting the scene What are we aiming for? How do we measure provision? What are other people doing?

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Embedding information literacy into the curriculum - How do we know how well we are doing?

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  1. Embedding information literacy into the curriculum - How do we know how well we are doing? Katharine Reedy (Open University) Cathie Jackson (Cardiff University)

  2. Session content • Setting the scene • What are we aiming for? • How do we measure provision? • What are other people doing? • Where do we go from here?

  3. Setting the scene • Information literacy becoming core component of learning and teaching in higher education • University and library strategies adopting aim for IL to be integrated into taught courses • Librarians working with academic colleagues to achieve this

  4. What are we aiming for?

  5. What are we aiming for? • OU context • Moving from packaged study materials to independent and lifelong learning skills • Challenge of IL for distance learners • What we are trying to measure • IL skills in undergraduate and taught postgraduate courses, guidelines provided by OU’s Centre for Outcomes Based Education • Annual targets set by Library for number of new courses with embedded information literacy and % students doing courses with embedded IL

  6. What are we aiming for? • Cardiff context • Research-led • 18 libraries tailoring services to 28 Schools • Over 30 subject librarians with an IL role • What are we trying to measure? • Progress towards University strategy action: “to ensure IL skills are embedded within taught programmes of study” • Information Services PI: “proportion of students provided with IL training embedded into the curriculum and to at least level C”

  7. How do we measure provision? • Progress logged in a database and reviewed regularly with OU senior management against annual targets set by Library for each Faculty • IL integrated or just recommended? • Integration / recommended use of IL planned, in progress, or completed? • Level of IL and course learning outcomes? • Activities optional or assessed?

  8. Provision of IL at OU 2005/6 • 48 courses with embedded IL – aiming for 70 by end 2006/7 • 5.7% students doing courses with integrated IL (=12,664 students across all faculties) – aiming for 35% by end 2006/7 • Small % because staff mainly only working on new courses – but large numbers of students being reached

  9. IL in Social Work programme • Level 1 – Develop your skills in finding, selecting and using information or data in defined contexts • Level 2 – Find, critically evaluate and use information or data accurately in a range of contexts • Level 3 – Find, critically evaluate and use information or data accurately in complex contexts

  10. Social Work Programme

  11. Extending IL provision • Work ongoing to map IL activities at different levels and share good practice (via Wiki) across Library subject teams • This will inform more detailed Information Literacy Strategy with suggested activities at each level • Aim to roll out IL to all courses over next 5 years

  12. How do we measure provision? • Data gathered through self-audit by subject librarians at Cardiff University • Categorised by levels derived from ACRL IL competency standards • Clear definition of “embeddedness” • Results displayed in graphical format for Information Services • Report on overall progress to University

  13. Provision of IL at Cardiff University 2005/6 Information Services was involved in providing: • 93% of taught students with an introduction to the library • 76% with training in accessing information through databases or the web • 61% with IL training • 39% with IL training embedded into the curriculum

  14. What are other universities doing? • OU carried out informal benchmarking survey of UK HE institutions via SCONUL list (end 2005) • Asked them to estimate % students for whom IL integrated • 20 institutions replied, wide range of responses, but all making progress with IL integration

  15. Some examples • Bristol University audit of information literacy teaching • University of Sheffield Learning, Teaching & Assessment Strategy • University of Southampton – student-centred learning a key part of Learning & Teaching Strategy • Many other examples of innovation and good practice

  16. Issues and challenges • Difficulties of defining terms • What to measure • Methodology • Tracking progress over whole degree programmes • Differences between subject areas • Partnerships – academic staff, library, and educational technologists

  17. Where do we go from here? • Standardisation of terminology and methodology needed • What difference does embedding IL in the curriculum make? • SCONUL VAMP project looking at impact measurement • More research on impact of provision needed • End goal – the Information Literate University? • Over to you!

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