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TOTEM physics analysis DPE : explore pp -> p jet jet p pTjet>10 geV/c AND down to no jets (min bias) Cross sections 1 m b (incl); 7nb(excl) (pT>10) 1 mb
TOTEM physics analysis DPE : explore pp -> p jet jet p pTjet>10 geV/c AND down to no jets (min bias) Cross sections 1 mb (incl); 7nb(excl) (pT>10) 1 mb 0.3 mb ; 2 nb(pT>15) 4 nb ; 0.03 nb (>35) 1.5 nb ; 0.01 nb (>50) #events (∫Ldt=3 10^35) 3 10^5 ; 2 10^3 (pT>10 GeV); 3 10^8 1 10^3; 9 (pT>35); 450 ; 3 (pT>50 GeV); with acceptance cut: (b=90 30% protons) 10^5 ; 600 (pT>10GeV) 10^8 300 ; 3 (pT>30 GeV) (8 10^6 b=1540, 80% protons) 150; 1 (pT>50)
Trigger strategy: p+p trigger (for xi indep. optics) p+gap trigger (for b<18 m) What to measure Dijets: 1) dijets cross section as function of pTjet 2) remnants: Energy(2jets)/Etotal 3) rapidity gap distributions 4) Mass distribution: protons only – central only 5) multiple jets (2 jets + gluon radiation) 6) topology of jets 7) jets + lepton(s) Soft DPE: 1) ds/dM 2) Mass distribution: protons only – central only 3) Rapidity gap and RG suppression
Same arguments in case of Single Diffraction: higher cross sections, investigate if there is a trigger issue