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AMDAL. HOME STUDY OBJECTIVE LESSON CONTENT PRACTICE ENRICHMENT. STUDY OBJECTIVE. describe analysis hits environment impact (AMDAL) describe analysis hits environment risk (AMRAL). INTRODUCTION.

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  2. STUDY OBJECTIVE • describe analysis hits environment impact (AMDAL) • describe analysis hits environment risk (AMRAL) AMDAL

  3. INTRODUCTION • strategic rumors towards environment control efforts among others includes 3 important elements, that is how dig and • a. find pollution source dominant test, • b. find waste circulation that endanger, • c. do solution AMDAL

  4. ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION • a process enter it ingredient or energy into environment that can causes incidence change not demand either from physical aspect, chemical also biological so that affect negative for well-being, mortal existence. • ingredient that dirty environment is called pollutant. pollutant can be in the form of /particle matter and or energy. AMDAL

  5. Study hits big impact and important a effort and/or activity that planned in environment that need for process decision making about exertion a effort and/or activity. Aim and target amdal guarantee a effort and development activity or project so that ambulatory according to continuous without botch environment. ANALYSIS HITS ENVIRONMENT IMPACT AMDAL

  6. AMDAL ACTIVITY picture 14.1 one of [the] exploration business activity example and mineral exploitation not yet carry out AMDAL and inclined disturb life society around location. society around location do to protest towards mineral exploration activity. society reaction appearance that averse this show that society not yet involved fully in activity AMDAL so that appear reaction negative towards effort. picture 14.1 mineral exploration produce environment facilities damage (source: suparwoto, 2008) AMDAL


  8. ACTIVITY AMDAL AND AMRAL MAIN RUMORS • Quantitative environment impact or measurese to declared in number, physical influence consequence environment damage, air pollution for example is measurese standard ppm, waste acidity is measurese with ph, noise is measurese with unit db • Has qualitative, that is difficult impact is declared with number. culture social aspect, society attitude for example towards development that be planned, in convenietly society around development location AMDAL

  9. AMDAL PROCEDURE Involve initiator, society around, official klh, local government and side that has commitment towards environment. Activity amdal a. Censorship process (screening) obligatory amdal. b. Announcement process and consultation to society around location or region that hitted impact. c. Arrangement and environment impact analysis frame of reference evaluation (KA-ANDAL) d. Arrangement and reliable evaluation, environment management plan (RKL) and environment monitoring plan (RPL). AMDAL

  10. Analysis activity hits environment risk / activity audits environment. This activity is carried out moment project or effort has walked, but not yet carry out activity AMDAL. Audit ingredient preparation efforts environment as a means of in decision making for industrialist, government, society AMRAL AMDAL

  11. STAGE AUDITS ENVIRONMENT Do foreword research. this research is melandasi with intention to gets objective field data with true method. Determine how big chemistry compound dose. analysis farther with dose as big as that further be done can waste have consequences to endanger for mortal. Do study about risk management. this risk management analysis is efforts analyzes to what found target compound that present in environment/region tetentu. Implementation stage or applications. this step is part from decision making in makes regulation or wisdom. AMDAL


  13. PRACTICE 1. toxic, lethal 2. speed up incidence glasshouse effect 3. evoke glasshouse effect 4. evoke glasshouse effect 5. evoke glasshouse effect 6. irritation in eye, skin 7. clean, refresh 8. glasshouse effect composers 8. necessary for activity breathes AMDAL

  14. ANSWER congratulation, you are true! AMDAL

  15. ANSWER sorry, you less luck, try again! AMDAL

  16. PUBLISHED REGULATION Appearance many importance that impersonate. this importance quantity is marked with enter it factor non technical, that is policies strength, social economy and culture. this factor impersonates to formulate regulation. At here obstacle will appear, mediate result audits less heavy because economically doesn't beneficial investor and government, although risky big towards biological creature alive continuance around project that is operating. AMDAL

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