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Deep Scattering of Hadrons. Hadro-production from e + e - Proton form-factor e - -p scattering Parton Model and scaling Quark distributions
Deep Scattering of Hadrons Hadro-production from e+e- Proton form-factor e--p scattering Parton Model and scaling Quark distributions These notes are not original, and rely heavily on information and examples in the texts “Introduction to Particle Physics” by David Griffiths, “Introduction to High Energy Physics” by Donald H. Perkins and “Quarks and Leptons” by A. Martin and Halzen. Much of the content of these slides is acknowledged to come from “Introduction to Elementary Particles” By David Griffiths, Wiley, 1987
Hadron Production from e+e- Annihilation Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
_ e+e-qq Time Time _ e+e-qqg Hadron Production from e+e- Annihilation • When electrons interact with hadrons, lowest order interaction is: • The e/m process is followed by “hadronization” in which gluons tear apart to make quark-antiquark pairs that form hadrons. • Sometimes we see quark or gluon “jets” Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Cross-Section for e-e+ qq • The amplitude is • So • This leads to the cross-section s ´ q2=(p1+p2)2 Quark charge (+2/3,-1/3) p1 p3 q Time p2 p4 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“R” = s (e-e+ Hadrons) / s (e-e+m-m+) • Likewise, the cross-section for m-pair production is: since |Qm|=1 • Therefore Sum over Q flavours Each quark Has 3 colours Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“R” = s (e-e+ Hadrons) / s (e-e+m-m+) Predict: u+d+s: 3 [(2/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2] = 2 u+d+s+c: 3 [(2/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2 + (2/3) 2] = 10/3 u+d+s+c+b: 3 [(2/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2 + (2/3) 2 + (-1/3) 2] = 11/3 Recent data fromBaBar Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
More on R • Many additional features are apparent in R • Resonances (near each threshold, in particular) • A large effect is seen from t-t+ threshold • QCD corrections become important at ECMS~LQCD • Big effect as we approach the Z0 mass at high end of plot Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Angular Distribution for s (e-e+m-m+) • In relativistic limit, incoming e- are LH and e+ are RH • Exchanged photon must be transverse (E and B ? k and has equal components of Jz = +1 and Jz = -1). • Parity conservation favours neither Jz, so this leads to Events expected to have symmetric cos distribution + RH LH e + e - LH RH - Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Time Angular Distribution for s(e-e+ -+) • The Z0 amplitude is weak and violates parity, thus populating the two DJz states differently. Interference leads to asymmetry in cos • Two kinds of exchange are allowed and interfere p1 p3 - p1 p3 - Z0 + + + p2 p4 p2 p4 s/ 1/s Z0 has mass mZ=m0+ i GZ Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“Elastic e--p Scattering and Proton Form Factor Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
q q Time Elastic e--p Scattering • e--p scattering is like e-m scattering if p is point-like • For e-m scattering we obtained: e - e - e - e - p form-factor m m p p e- mass Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
q q Time Proton Form-Factor • e - ’s (or ’s) can be used to “probe” inside the proton • As a (virtual) does the probing, we anticipate both electric and a magnetic form-factors, GE(q2) and GM(q2) • Factorizing the two vertices: e - e - e - e - p form-factor m m p p Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • K must be a symmetric, rank 2 tensor, as is L • It is formed from p = p2 and q = p4 - p2 = p3 – p1 • It can be shown (homework) that this must be written as • leading to Anti-symmetric Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • First we note that qmL= 0 : • Using q = p1 – p3 : (since p12 = p32 = m2c2). • This implies, that qmK= 0 also … (though not obvious). Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • Evaluating qmK: • If this is zero for any p or q, then Using p¢q = -q2 / 2 we obtain: Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • Therefore we write K as: • Now evaluate • So that Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • Evaluate the cross-section in the lab frame where and we neglect m (<< M) to obtain (more homework!) – the “Rosenbluth formula”: • Simplest model (point-like proton) Mott scattering: K1 = -q2 ; K2 = 4M2c2 GM(q 2) GE(q 2) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • Next simplest form that works to larger q2 is “MV”~ 0.9 GeV/c2 Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • Best data so far – from e+e- p p atBaBar Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Proton Form-Factor • BaBar was, for first time, able to distinguish GE from GM Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“Inclusive” (Inelastic) e--p Scattering Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
q “Inclusive” (Inelastic) e--p Scattering • For elastic scattering, q2 depends on E and : where we neglect m (<< M) • A better probe is to use all inelastic channels: • Typically, record only p1 and p3 (e- in and e- out) electron lab. energies E1 =E and E3 = E0 respectively. p3 p1 E’ e - e - E p form-factor p2 =p p X (p4, …pn) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
q q Time Elastic Scattering Inelastic Scattering • E’determined by E and • Invariant mass MX = Mp • Only one invariant q q2 = 2MX(E`-E) p¢ q = -q2/2 • E’notdetermined by E and alone, but E’´ E’ (E, , MX) • MXis a free variable = Mp • Two invariants: q q2 = 2MX(E`-E) - Mp2 + Mx2 Bjorken x (=1 for elastic case) E’ e - e - E’ E E e - e - E, p E’, p’ p X (p4, …pn) Mp Mp Mp p p MX Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
q Time “Infinite Momentum System” (IMS) • Proton momentum is very large: • Neglect M (proton), m (electron) and mi (“parton”) • Neglect transverse momentum components of partons • All partons of type i carry momentum xi P • Important kinematic quantities: • Collision of parton with photon: p3 p1 E E 0 P P W = MX Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“Inclusive” (Inelastic) e--p Scattering • We can compute the cross-section, as before, but more complicated as we integrate over all X phase space: for mass-less e -,in proton rest frame, where: • Integration leads to All possible X ’s Not determined by E and Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
“Inclusive” (Inelastic) e--p Scattering • Proceed as before (replace K’s by W’s): • As X has continuous mass distribution, the W ’s depend on two (not one) invariants: Chooseq2andx = - 0.5 q2/ p¢ q • Compare with elastic scattering (where x = 1): To get Rosenbluth formula, we need: In-elastic structure functions W1,2´W 1,2(q2, x) “Bjorken x” Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Bjorken Scaling • Bjorken predicted that q2 dependence of W’s would vanish at high energy (IMS). Define: • This prediction was based on the idea that, as q2 increases, the virtual photon penetrates deeper into the proton to reveal individual “partons” (i.e. quarks). • At this level, then, the scattering becomes g-q scattering and the q2-dependence vanishes. Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Bjorken Scaling • Callen and Gross computed what is expected for g-q scattering and predicted that F1(x) and F2(x) were related • for spin ½ partons [ “ “ 0 “ ] • Both these relationships are seen to be obeyed in the data • Are predicted if “partons” of spin ½ exist • Feynman (1969) concludes that partons ARE quarks Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Bjorken Scaling & Callen-Gross Relation nW2 (¼ F2) vs. q2 at x = 0.25 (Friedman & Kendall, 1972) For perfect “scaling” there is no q2-dependence. 2xW1/F2vs. q2 /(2Mn) For spin ½ partons, this is equal to 1.0. (For spin 0 it is = 0) 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2xF1/F2 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 n W2 0 2 4 6 8 0 0.5 1.0 q2 (GeV/c2) 2 x = q2/(2Mn) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
Quark Distribution Functions • The “parton model” views the proton (and all hadrons) as made up from Dirac (point-like) quarks and by gluons. • Each quark or gluon has a distribution of momentum p = x P (P is momentum of parent hadron) inside the hadron given by a distribution function f(x) with • The probability that the momentum of the quark (or gluon) lies between x and x+dx is f(x)dx . Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
The Parton Model • The physical reason for the Bjorken relations arise from the picture that exchanged photons scatter from individual, point-like quarks with charges Qi so that • If a proton is made only of 2u and 1d“valence quarks” then: with Analogous to Rosenbluth scattering Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
The Parton Model • In practice, quarks interact through gluons, and q-q pairs are sometimes made so we also expect a “sea” of all other quark and anti-quark types. • Anticipating that all “sea” quarks have same distributions • So with terms for c, b and t quarks that are small due to their large masses (small propagators). Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati
N 3 GeV 1.0 0.1 F2(x) e-d 15 GeV N 100 GeV 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 x Structure Function F2(x) Structure function F2(x) for various beam energies Of e-N and n N scattering experiments. (N is a nucleon) The shrinkage is apparent as the beam energy increases. x 3 GeV nN - Gargamelle (bubble chamber at CERN) 15 GeV e- d - SLAC (fixed target experiment) 100 GeV nN - CDHS at Fermilab (fixed target experiment) Brian Meadows, U. Cincinnati