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Aditya Nur Pratama Zaenal Mustopa Kurnia Dewi Swapradinta Gini Anindita Bayu Adi Permana. COMPANY AND MARKERTING STRATEGY. Chapter 2. 1. Company-wide strategic planning: defining marketing’s role.
Aditya Nur Pratama Zaenal Mustopa Kurnia Dewi Swapradinta Gini Anindita Bayu Adi Permana
1 Company-wide strategic planning: defining marketing’s role
This is the focus of strategic planning–the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goal and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. • Steps in Strategic Planning Business Unit, Product, and Market Level Corporate Level
Defininga Market-Oriented Mission • A mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose–what it wants to accomplish in the large environment.
Setting Company Objectives and Goals • This Board mission leads hierarchy of objective and marketing objectives. • Marketing strategies and programs must be developed to support these marketing objectives.
2 Design the Business Portfolio
Design the Business Portfolio • Guided by company’s mission statement and objectives, management now must plan its business portfolio–the collection of business and products the make up the company. • The best business portfolio is the one that best fits the company’s strengths and weakness to opportunities in the environment. • Business portfolio planning involves two steps, current business portfolio and future portfolio.
Analyzing the Current Business Portfolio • The major activity in strategic planning is business portfolio analysis. • Portfolio Analysis–The process by which management evaluates the products and business that make up the company. • The Boston Consulting Group Approach. Using the now-classic Boston Consulting Group (BCG) approach, a company classifies all its SBUs according to growth-share. • Growth Share–A portfolio-planning method that evaluates a company’s SBUs in term of its market growth rate and relative market share.
Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing • One useful device for identifying growth opportunities is the product / market expansion grid. • Product / Market Expansion Grid–A portfolio-planning tool for identifying company growth opportunities throught market penetration, market development, produk development, or diversification.
The Product / Market Expansion Grid Existing Product New Product Existing Markets New Markets
3 Planning marketing: partnering to build customer relationship
Partnering with Other Company Department • Each Company deparment can be thought of as a link in the company ‘s internal value chain. • Value Chain–The series of internal departments that carry out value-creating activities to design, produce market, deliver, and support a firm’s products.
Partnering with Others in Marketing System • More companies today are partnering with other members of supply chain–suppliers, distributors, and ultimately, costumers–to improve the performance of the costumers value delivery network. • Value Delivery Network–The network made up of the company, its supplier, its distributors, and ultimately its customers who partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system.
4 Marketing strategy and the marketing mix
Costumer-Driven Marketing Strategy Each company must: • Devide up the total market • Choose the best segment • Design strategies for profitably serving chosen segments This process involves: • Market segmentation • Market targeting • Market differentiation and positioning
Costumer-Driven Marketing Strategy Each company must (masing-masing perusahaan harus): • Devide up the total market (membagi keseluruhan pasar) • Choose the best segment (memilih segmen terbaik) • Design strategies for profitably serving chosen segments (merancang strategi untuk melayani segmen terpilih dengan baik) This process involves (proses ini melibatkan): • Market segmentation (segmentasi pasar) Membagi pasar menjadi kelompok pembeli berbeda yang mempunyai kebutuhan, karakteristik, atau perilaku yang berbeda dan yang mungkin memerlukan produk atau program pemasaran terpisah. Segmen pasar: sekelompok konsumen yang merespons dengan cara yang sama terhadap sejumlah usaha pemasaran tertentu. • Market targeting (penetapan target pasar) Proses mengevaluasi daya tarik masing-masing segmen pasar dan memilih satu atau lebih jumlah segmen yang dimasuki. • Market differentiation and positioning Perusahaan harus memutuskan bagaimana mendiferensiasikan penawaran pasarnya untuk setiap segmen sasaran. Diferensiasi: benar-benar mendiferensiasikan penawaran pasar untuk menciptakan nilai pelanggan yang tinggi. Positioning: pengaturan prosuk untuk memasuki tempat yang jelas, berbeda, dan diinginkan relatif terhadap produk pesaing dalam pikiran konsumen sasaran.
Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix Marketing mix is the set of tactical marketing tools – product, price, place, and promotion – that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.
Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix Marketing mix is the set of tactical marketing tools – product, price, place, and promotion – that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market. (Bauran pemasaran adalah kumpulan alat pemasaran taktis terkendali – produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi – yang dipadukan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan respon yang diinginkannya di pasar sasaran). Empat kelompok variabel alat pemasaran taktis terkendali: • Product (produk): kombinasi barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan perusahaan kepada pasar sasaran. Berupa: variety (ragam), quality (kualitas), design (desain), features (fitur), brand name (nama merek), packaging (kemasan), dan services (layanan). • Price (harga): jumlah uang harus dibayarkan pelanggan untuk memperoleh produk. Berupa: list price (daftar harga), discounts (diskon), allowances (potongan harga), payment period ( periode pembayaran), dan credit items (persyaratan kredit). • Place (tempat) meliputi kegiatan perusahaan yang membuat produk tersedia bagi pelanggan sasaran. Berupa: channels (saluran), coverage (cakupan), location (lokasi), inventory (persediaan), transportation (transportasi), dan logistics (logistik). • Promotion (promosi): aktivitas yang menyampaikan manfaat produk dan membujuk pelanggan membelinya. Berupa: advertising (iklan), personal selling (penjualan pribadi), sales promotion (promosi penjualan), dan public relations (hubungan masyarakat). The four Ps concept takes the seller's view of the market, not the buyer's view. From the buyer's viewpoint, the four Ps might be better described as the four Cs. (Konsep 4P merupakan sudut pandang penjual tentang pasar, bukan sudut pandang pembeli. Dari sudut pandang pembeli, 4P mungkin lebih baik digambarkan sebagai 4C). Product – Custumer solution, Price – Customer cost, Place – Convenience, dan Promotion – Communication.
5 Managing the marketing effort
Managing the Marketing Effort Analysis Planning Develop strategic plans Develop marketing plans Implementation Carry out the plans Control Measure results Evaluate results Take corrective action Managing the marketing process requires the four marketing management functions.
Marketing Analysis SWOT analysis is an overall evaluation of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Marketing Planning Contents of a marketing plan: • Executive summary • Current marketing situation • Threats and opportunities analysis • Objectivies and issues • Marketing strategy • Action programs • Budgets • Controls
Marketing Implementation Marketing implementation is the process that turns marketing plans into marketing actions to accomplish strategic marketing objectives. Many managers think that “doing things right” (implementation) is as important as, or even more important than “doing the right things”. In order to be successful, the company's marketing strategy must fit with the corporate culture, values and belief systems are perceived by people in the organization.
Marketing Department Organization Most of the implementation responsibilities borne by company’s marketing departments. (Sebagian besar tanggung jawab implementasi dipikul oleh departemen pemasaran perusahaan). The marketing department can be arranged in single or combined form (Departemen pemasaran dapat diatur dalam bentuk tunggal atau gabungan): • Functional organization (organisasi fungsional), di mana aktivitas pemasaran yang berbeda dipimpin oleh spesialis fungsional. • Geographic organization (organisasi geografis), digunakan oleh perusahaan yang menjual melampaui batas negara atau secara internasional. • Product management organization (organisasi manajemen produk), digunakan oleh perusahaan dengan banyak produk atau merek. • Market or custom organization (organisasi manajemen pasar), di mana para manajer pasar bertanggung jawab mengembangkan strategi dan rencana pemasaran untuk pasar atau pelanggan khusus mereka. Dalam era hubungan pelanggan ini, semakin banyak perusahaan yang mengubah fokus organisasi mereka dari manajemen produk atau manajemen wilayah menjadi manajemen hubungan pelanggan.
Marketing Control Marketingcontrol is measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective action to ensure that the objectives are achieved. Kendali pemasaran adalah proses mengukur dan menevaluasi hasil strategi dan rencana pemasaran serta mengambil tindakan korektif untuk memastikan bahwa tujuan telah tercapai. Audit pemasaran adalalah pemeriksaan secara menyeluruh, sistematis, independen, dan berkala tentang lingkungan, tujuan, strategi, dan tindakan perusahaan untuk menentukan wilayah masalah dan peluang serta merekomendasikan rencana tindakan agar meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran perusahaan. Strategic control involves looking at whether the company’s basic strategies are well matched to its opportunities.
Return on Marketing Investment Return on marketing investment or marketing ROI is the net return from a marketing investment divided by the cost of the marketing investment.
Return on Marketing Investment Marketing Investments Marketing returns Improved costumer value and satisfaction Cost of markerting investment Increased customer attraction Increased customer retention Increased cutomer lifetime values and customer equity Return on marketing investment