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Project Partners

Project Partners. Project Collaborators. The Council for the Central Laboratory. of the Research Councils. £1.1 M, 11.5 FTE. Funded by. EPSRC GR/T04465/01. www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk. UKLight. www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk. (Started Feb 1 st 2005). Capability Development Control Plane Software

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Project Partners

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  1. Project Partners Project Collaborators The Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils £1.1 M, 11.5 FTE Funded by EPSRC GR/T04465/01 www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  2. UKLight www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  3. (Started Feb 1st 2005) Capability Development • Control Plane Software • Protocol Development Exploitation • High Energy Physics: CDF, ATLAS • Radio Astronomy: VLBI • High Perf. Computing: RealityGrid • E-Health: Integrative Biology www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  4. Particle Physics www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  5. Radio Astronomy www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  6. High Performance Computing www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  7. E-Health www.eslea.uklight.ac.uk

  8. Summary

  9. ESLEA eVLBI Objectives • Demonstrate advantages of VLBI data transport on UKLight over that available via production networks by April 2006 • Formulate methodologies for optimum use of switched light paths for VLBI by Jan 2007 • Help bring eVLBI to the user, April 2007(in conjunction with EXPress)

  10. UKLight Switched light path

  11. UDP Performance: 3 Flows on GÉANT • Throughput:5 Hour run 1500 byte MTU • Jodrell: JIVE2.0 GHz dual Xeon – 2.4 GHz dual Xeon670-840 Mbit/s • Medicina (Bologna):JIVE 800 MHz PIII – Mk5 (623)1.2 GHz PIII330 Mbit/s limited by sending PC • Torun:JIVE 2.4 GHz dual Xeon – Mk5 (575)1.2 GHz PIII245-325 Mbit/s limited by security policing (>600Mbit/s  20 Mbit/s) ? • Throughput:50 min period • Period is ~17 min

  12. Dwingeloo DWDM link Jodrell BankUK MedicinaItaly TorunPoland e-VLBI at the GÉANT2 Launch Jun 2005

  13. 18 Hour Flows on UKLightJodrell – JIVE, 26 June 2005 • Throughput: • Jodrell: JIVE2.4 GHz dual Xeon – 2.4 GHz dual Xeon960-980 Mbit/s • Traffic through SURFnet • Packet Loss • Only 3 groups with 10-150 lost packets each • No packets lost the rest of the time • Packet re-ordering • None

  14. What’s next at JBO/Man: • Routine eVLBI tests (PB) continue • ESLEA: • Report on European connectivity and use of UKLight • Report on connectivity to US (Haystack) • Tests: • More using UDP-vlbi (JBO, Bologna, Torun, UKLight vs production JBO-JIVE) • SC 2005, UKLight connections to Haystack • Higher spec motherboards? • DCCP tests (2006) • Simon: • Disk data transfer in UDP-vlbi • Characterize internet weather? • Effect of packet loss on correlator performance • EXPress

  15. Conclusion and Future directions • ESLEA project well underway. VLBI part is meeting milestones, Matt Strong (PDRA) just appointed. • G2 launch showed continuous long term flows as in VLBI have different characteristics to those in short term tests (Iperf, UDPmon) : more investigation needed – collaborating with DANTE and SURFnet • Packet loss is a killer for TCP – new protocols needed (ESLEA –DCCP, VSI-E? • The End Host Problem – limits performance • The performance of Motherboards, NICs, RAID controllers and Disks matter: Mk V units??? • New ESLEA objective: 512 Mbps in 2006? • MkV-B 2 Gbps data recording in 2 yrs? • Next generation correlator 10 Gbps in 5-10 yrs??

  16. Thanks to • Richard Hughes-Jones HEP Manchester • Paul Burgess, Simon Casey JBO • Steve Parsley, Arpad Szomoru, Cormac Reynolds JIVE • Colin Greenwood, Nicola Pezzi, John Graham, Peter Clarke ESLEA • EVN observatories staff

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