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standard deviation. the formula for the standard deviation:. Product Moment Correlation. The formula:. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH. The GOAL OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables.
standard deviation the formula for the standard deviation:
Product Moment Correlation The formula:
EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH The GOAL OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables.
The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in Teaching Speaking CHAPTER I: Introduction A. Background of the Study B. Problem Identification C. Problem Limitation D. Problem Statement E. Objective of the Study F. Benefit of the Study
CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature A. Review of Theories 1. The nature of Speaking Skill 2. The nature of Cooperative Learning 3. The nature of Audiolingual Method 4. Review of Related Studies B. Rationale C. Hypothesis
CHAPTER III Research Methodology A.The Place and Time of the Study B. The Method and Design of Research C. Population, Sample, and Sampling D. Technique of Collecting Data E. Technique of Analyzing Data
CHAPTER IV The Result of the Study A. The description of the Data B. Normality and Homogeneity Test C. Hypothesis Testing D. The Discussion of the Findings
CHAPTER V Conclusion, Implication, and Suggestion A. Conclusion B. Implication C. Suggestion
PROBLEM STATEMENT Is Cooperative Learning more effective than Audiolingual Method to teach Speaking Skill? Do the students taught by using Cooperative Learning have significant improvement in speaking skill? Do the students taught by using Audiolingual Methodhave significant improvement in speaking skill?
OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH This research is aimed at discovering whether: Cooperative Learning is more effective than Audiolingual Method to teach Speaking Skill. The students taught by using Cooperative Learning have significant improvement in speaking skill. The students taught by using Audiolingual Method have significant improvement in speaking skill.
RATIONALE 1. The difference between Cooperative Learning and Audiolingual Method ..... The nature and characteristics of CL in teaching speaking..... ..... The nature and characteristics of AM in teaching speaking..... So it is predicted that Cooperative Learning is more effective than Audiolingual Method.
2. The significance of Cooperative Learning in teaching speaking. ..... the importance of CL in teaching speaking ..... ..... the role of CL in teaching speaking ..... So it is believed that the students taught by using Cooperative Learning have significant improvement in speaking skill.
3. The significance of Audiolingual Method in teaching speaking. ..... the importance of AM in teaching speaking ..... ..... the role of AM in teaching speaking .... So it is assumed that the students taught by usingAudiolingual Method have significant improvement in speaking skill.
HYPOTHESIS Cooperative Learning is more effective than Audiolingual Method to teach Speaking Skill. The students taught by using Cooperative Learning have significant improvement in speaking skill. The students taught by using Audiolingual Method have significant improvement in speaking skill.
RESEARCH METHOD The aimof experimental research is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables. The Independent Variablecauses the changes in theDependent Variable. The changes or effects may beinfluenced by many other factors. The purpose of experimental designs, therefore, is to eliminate the intervening factors,so that the Independent Variable is really the cause.
Independent variable The variable the researcher manipulates The cause for the difference The treatment is given to Dependent variable The skill, knowledge, or attitudes which may have changed due to the experiment That which depends on the independent variable Must be measurable
Three Characteristics of an Experiment Three characteristics of an experimental research: there is manipulation or treatment to the independent variable, other extraneous variables are controlled observing the effect of the independent variable treatment on the dependent variable.
RESEARCH DESIGN There are three variables: one dependent variable (Speaking Skill) and two indepen-dent variables (Cooperative Learning and Audiolingual Method). The research design used in this experimental research is Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Groups Quasi-Experiment.
Type 3 N= Nonequivalent X = TREATMENT O1 = PRETEST O2 = POSTTEST
DATA COLLECTION Penelitian eksperimental dengan mengguna-kan design Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Groups Quasi-Experiment, data yang dikumpulkan adalah hanya satu jenis data yaitu data untuk Speaking Skill. Instrumenyang digunakan adalah TEST, yakni berupa Speaking Performance Test. SpeakingTest diadakan dua kali yaitu sebelum tindakan (Pre Test) dan sesudah tindakan (Post Test).
Data yang telah terkumpul (berupa rekaman) dinilai berdasarkan Scoring Rubric yang telah disusun berdasarkan Construct of Speaking Skill.
DATA ANALYSIS Sebelumanalisis data dilakukan, data penelitianygtelahterkumpuldideskripsikanterlebihdahulu. Deskripsi data dilakukanuntukmengetahuidistribusifrekuensiyang dinyatakandalambentuktabeldanhistogram, dan untukmengetahuimodus,median,rata-ratadansimpanganbaku.
Hypothesis Testing 1. Hipotesis 1:Pertama, menggunakan Independent t-Test untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi antara kelompok E dan C signifikan atau tidak. Kedua, setelah terbukti berbeda secara signifikan, mean score dari kelompok E dan C dibandingkan, dan kelompok yang memiliki mean score lebih tinggi berarti teknik mengajar yang digunakan lebih efektif.
2. Hipotesis 2:Pertama, menggunakan Non-Independent t-Test untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi antara Pretestdan Posttestsignifikan atau tidak. Kedua, setelah terbukti berbeda secara signifikan, mean score dari Pretestdan Posttest dibandingkan, dan bilamana Posttestmemiliki mean score lebih tinggi berarti siswa yang diajar dengan Cooperative Learning mengalami kemajuan berbicara (Speaking Skill) yang signifikan.
3. Hipotesis 3:Pertama, menggunakan Non-Independent t-Test untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi antara Pretest dan Posttest signifikan atau tidak. Kedua, setelah terbukti berbeda secara signifikan, mean score dari Pretest dan Posttest dibandingkan, dan bilamana Posttest memiliki mean score lebih tinggi berarti siswa yang diajar dengan Audiolingual Method mengalami kemajuan berbicara (Speaking Skill) yang signifikan.