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Webinars Best Practices for Virginia’s School Libraries. Welcome to The Teacher Performance Assessment f or Librarians Webinar Series sponsored by VAASL, the Virginia Association of School Librarians VAASL appreciates the support of
Webinars Best Practices for Virginia’s School Libraries
Welcome to The Teacher Performance Assessment for Librarians Webinar Series sponsored by VAASL, the Virginia Association of School Librarians VAASL appreciates the support of Old Dominion University’s Center for Learning Technology for the Use of Adobe Connect
Library Program Elements and Indicators for Virginia’s Teacher Performance Standards 1-6 Mary Keeling and Julie Tate VAASL Webinar May 22, 2012
Code of Virginia § 22.1 – 295 School boards shall develop a procedure for use by division superintendents and principals in evaluating instructional personnel that is appropriate to the tasks performed and addresses, among other things, student academic progressand the skills and knowledge of instructional personnel, including, but not limited to instructional methodology, classroom management, and subject matter knowledge.
Local Implementation of State Law • Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers • Code of Virginia requires • Formal observations of teachers • Demonstration of student academic progress • Multiple sources of evidence • Actual implementation is left to school divisions
The Formula Professional Knowledge 10% Instructional Planning 10% Instructional Delivery 10% Assessment of/for Student Learning 10% Learning Environment 10% Professionalism 10% Student Academic Progress 40%
Definitions of Standards, Sample Indicators, and Rubrics • Definition of a Standard: Explains what a teacher who is proficient in the standard does • Sample indicators: Explain specific things an administrator might see in the classroom of a proficient teacher • Rubric: What the administrator uses to evaluate the teacher (connected to the definition of proficient) • Rating scale: The terms associated with various scores (“Proficient,” “Needs Improvement,” etc.)
Performance Standard 1:Professional Knowledge Definition: The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, and the developmental needs of students by providing relevant learning experiences. • Sample Performance Indicators: • 1.1 Effectively addresses appropriate curriculum standards. • 1.2 Integrates key content elements and facilitates students’ use of higher level thinking skills in instruction. • 1.3 Demonstrates ability to connect present content with past and future learning experience, other subjects, real work experiences, and applications. • 1.4 Bases instruction on goals that reflect high expectations and an understanding of the subject. • 1.5 Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of students’ physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. • 1.6 Understands how parent, family, and community values, language and culture influence learning.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Professional Knowledge • Information Literacy • Multiple Literacies • Inquiry Process • Reading
Sample Library Indicators Standard 1 (Newport News) • Designs learning tasks that incorporate the Inquiry Process • Instructs on search strategies in various formats • Recommends formats most appropriate to the learning task • Uses read-aloud, booktalks, displays, exposure to authors. . . . to motivate learners to read widely • Models, integrates, and /or applies appropriate reading strategies. . . in formal and informal settings
Sample Library Indicators, Standard 1 (Spotsylvania) • Designs learning tasks that incorporate the Inquiry Process. • Uses a variety of strategies to motivate learners to read widely. • Instructs in search strategies in various formats and recommends formats appropriate to the learning task.
Performance Standard 2:Instructional Planning Definition: The teacher plans using the Virginia Standards of Learning, the division’s curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data to meet the needs of all students. • Sample Performance Indicators • 2.1 Uses student learning data to guide planning and adjust instruction. • 2.2 Plans time realistically for pacing, content, mastery, and transitions. • 2.3 Plans for differentiated instruction. • 2.4 Aligns instruction and objectives to standards and curriculum. • 2.5 Develop appropriate long- and short-range plans and adapts plans as needed. • 2.6 Selects relevant instructional goals that reflect high expectations. • 2.7 Selects and uses appropriate resources and materials. • 2.8 Connects instruction to students’ prior learning and experiences.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Instructional Planning • Instructional Design • Collaborative Planning
Sample Library Indicators Standard 2 (Newport News) • Collaborates with classroom teachers and/or specialists to • design, implement, and evaluate inquiry lessons and units • integrate reading strategies into lessons and units of instruction • embed skills associated with multiple literacies into lessons and curricular units
Sample Library Indicators Standard 2 (Spotsylvania) • Embeds skills associated with multiple literacies. • Collaborates with classroom teachers and specialists to design and implement lessons which support classroom instruction. • Integrates reading strategies into lessons and units of instruction. • Follows procedures for selecting, acquiring, and cataloging materials and resources. • Administers the library budget in order to purchase new materials to support the curriculum as well as student interests.
Performance Standard 3:Instructional Delivery Definition: The teacher effectively engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs. • Sample Performance Indicators • 3.1 Engages and maintains students in active learning. • 3.2 Builds upon students’ existing knowledge, skills, and strengths. • 3.3 Reinforces learning goals consistently throughout lessons. • 3.4 Uses a variety of effective instructional strategies and resources. • 3.5 Uses instructional technology to enhance student learning. • 3.6 Communicates clearly and regularly checks for understanding. • 3.7 Provides students the opportunity to explore concepts in varying degrees of depth, breadth, and complexity. • 3.8 Paces instruction to accommodate learning needs of the students. • 3.9 Provides clear and concise learning goals, content-specific vocabulary, explanations, and directions.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Instructional Delivery Educational Technology
Performance Standard 4:Assessment for/of Student Learning Definition: The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses all relevant data to measure student academic progress, guide instructional content and delivery methods, and provide timely feedback to both students and parents throughout the school year. • Sample Performance Indicators • 4.1 Uses pre-assessment data to develop expectations for students, to differentiate instruction, and to document learning. • 4.2 Facilitates students in setting learning goals and monitoring their own progress. • 4.3 Uses a variety of formative and summative assessments that are valid and appropriate for the content and students. • 4.4 Uses grading practices that report final mastery in relationship to content goals and objectives. • 4.5 Gives constructive and frequent feedback to students on their learning. • 4.6 Provides timely feedback to parents regarding student progress. • 4.7 Uses student achievement data to assess the effectiveness of instruction and adjust teaching.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Assessment of and for Student Learning • Assessment for Learning
Sample Library Indicators Standard 4 (Newport News) Uses performance-based assessments (rubrics, checklists, portfolios, journals, observation, conferencing, self-questioning) In collaboration with classroom teacher, creates rubrics for student work that integrate information literacy skills in curriculum areas
Sample Library Indicators Standard 4 (Spotsylvania) • In collaboration with classroom teacher, creates rubrics for student work that integrate information literacy skills in curriculum areas. • Uses a variety of formative and summative assessments that are valid and appropriate for content and students.
Performance Standard 5:Learning Environment • Definition: The teacher uses resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student-centered environment that is conducive to learning and building relationships. • Sample Performance Indicators • 5.1 Arranges the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment. • 5.2 Establishes clear expectations, with student input, for classroom rules, routines, and procedures and enforces them consistently and fairly. • 5.3 Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring, attentive, and respectful. • 5.4 Respects students’ diversity, including language, culture, race, gender, and special needs. • 5.5 Encourages students to develop self-discipline and conflict resolution skills.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Learning Environment • Climate for Learning • Resources and Materials • Resource Sharing • Equitable Access • Intellectual Freedom • Social Learning • Social Responsibility • Use of Resources - Facility
A Few Library Indicators Standard 5(Newport News) • Maintains a library website that provides 24-7 access to digital information resources and instructional support. • Fosters an environment to encourage students to actively seek multiple perspectives and to work collaboratively with other students. • Advocates for and protects intellectual access to information and ideas
Sample Library Indicators Standard 5 (Spotsylvania) • Regularly seeks input from students and staff (through surveys, suggestion boxes, etc.) to determine interests and motivations. • Acquires, manages, and provides access to current and relevant collection.
Performance Standard 6:Professionalism • Sample Performance Indicators • 6.1 Collaborates and communicates effectively within the school community to promote students’ well-being and success. • 6.2 Adheres to federal and state laws, school and division policies, and ethical guidelines. • 6.3 Seeks professional growth opportunities and incorporates learning into instructional practice. • 6.4 Engages in activities outside the classroom intended for school and youth development. • 6.5 Works in a collegial and collaborative manner with school personnel and the community. • 6.6 Builds positive and professional relationships with parents/guardians through frequent and effective communication concerning students’ progress. • 6.7 Serves as a contributing member of the school’s professional learning community through collaboration with colleagues. • 6.8 Demonstrates clear and appropriate oral and written English in all communication. • 6.9 Accurately and frequently reflects on instruction and student progress. • Definition: The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics, communicates effectively, and takes responsibility for and participates in professional growth that results in enhanced student learning.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Professionalism Program Advocacy
Sample Library Indicators Standard 6 (Newport News) • Seeks opportunities to teach new skills to the faculty and staff, whether in a group or one-on-one • Meets with school principal to discuss library budget, policies, programs, student outcomes • Analyzes stakeholder goals and issues for potential alignment with library activities and resources, and builds promotional efforts around them.
Sample Library Indicators Standard 6 (Spotsylvania) • Seeks opportunities to teach new skills to the faculty and staff, whether in a group or one-on-one. • Seeks additional funding through fundraisers, grant writing, and/or donation programs.
Performance Standard 7:Student Academic Progress • Definition: The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress. • Sample Performance Indicators • 7.1 Sets measurable and appropriate achievement goals for student learning progress based on baseline data. • 7.2 Documents and provides evidence for the progress of each student throughout the year. • 7.3 Provides evidence of targeted support for student learning progress towards achievement goals. • 7.4 Uses available performance outcome data to continually document and communicate student progress and develop interim learning targets.
Virginia Teacher Performance Standard School Library Program Element Student Academic Progress • Program Planning and Evaluation • Reporting
Sources Consulted • American Association of School Librarians. (2009). Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs. Chicago: American Library Association. • __________________________________. (2012). A Planning Guide for Empowering Learners with Program Assessment Rubric. Accessed 1/31/2012 from http://aasl.eb.com/aasl-webapp-static-content/PDF/aasl_empowering-planning_v6_spreads.pdf • New York State Education Department. (2009). School Library Media Program Evaluation. Accessed 1/4/2011 from http://www.p12.nysed.gov/technology/library/SLMPE_rubric/home.html • Newport News Public Schools (January 13, 2012) Teacher Evaluation and Developing Process: Rubrics. Personal Communication. • Virginia Department of Education. (April, 2011). Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers. Accessed 1/4/2011 from http://www.doe.virginia.gov/teaching/performance_evaluation/index.shtml.
Other General Resources • College of William and Mary. Virginia Supporting and Evaluating Educators Teacher Evaluation Project Pilot Professional Development. Web. 5 Mar 2012. http://va-sig-training.wmwikis.net/ • ICF International, Measuring Student Growth for Teachers in Non-Tested Grades and Subjects: A Primer. Race to the Top Technical Assistance Network . 9 pp., 2011. Web. 15 Feb 2012. http://www.swcompcenter.org/educator_effectiveness2/NTS__PRIMER_FINAL.pdf
Student Growth Assessment Resources • AASL. (2009). Standards for the 21st Century Learner in Action. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians. • Harada, Violet, and Joan M. Yoshina. Assessing for Learning: Librarians and Teachers as Partners. Revised and Expanded. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2010. 242. Print. • "Impact Studies - SLIM." Center for International Studies in School Libraries. Rutgers School of Communication and Information.n.p., 2012. Web. 15 Feb 2012. http://cissl.rutgers.edu/joomla-license/impact-studies/57-impact-studies-slim. • New York City School Library System, "Information Fluency Continuum: Benchmark Skills for Grades K-12 Assessments." New York City Department of Education/Office of Library Services, [2010]. Web. 15 Feb 2012. http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/27A1E84E-65EB-4A54-80DF-51E28D34BF4F/0/InformationFluencyContinuum.pdf.
For further information, contact us! Julie Tate Hanover County Public Schools jtate@hcps4.hanover.k12.va.us (804) 365-4613 Mary KeelingNewport News Public Schoolsmary.keeling@nn.k12.va.us(757) 283-7850, ext. 10255