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Career Planning- Its Process, Importance, Goals and Objectives

Career Planning- Its Process, Importance, Goals, and Objectives<br><br><br>Career planning is a step-wise process that helps everyone to focus on where to reach in life professionally. With the long-term goals and the short-term goals in place,

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Career Planning- Its Process, Importance, Goals and Objectives

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  1. Career Planning Its Process, Importance, Goals, and Objectives www.cheggindia.com

  2. Introduction “In each of us rests the power to shape our future and it will be shaped by our action or inaction”. This great quote symbolizes the importance of taking your life into your own hands. Once we reach adulthood, we realize that we will spend the longest part of our lives in deciding our careers. People spend the majority of their lives with their jobs and the people they meet there. Thus, the importance of career planning originates with this identification itself. Career planning actually stems and relies on more complex theories like strategic planning and logical thinking. The idea is to enable the person to weigh the pros and cons of a decision before enacting it. This helps people take charge of their lives, both in a professional and a private sense.

  3. Importance of Career Planning: The world is chaotic. While there are some who have a clear pathway they want to take in their professional lives, with new opportunities rising up almost every day, it is tough for many to decide their goals in life. Thus, for these people especially, understanding the importance of career planning in extremely necessary. The idea of career planning is to make yourself better quipped to analyze your own future. Upon understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you are in a better position to be aware of your individual skills.

  4. Career Planning Process: If you are trying to learn how to better structure your career aspirations, it is always good to better structured how you are trying to achieve that goal itself. Thus, below, We have tried to provide a step by step strategy that tries to encompass what are the different ways in which you can better control and manage your life, and thereby better manage your goals and aspirations in your career.

  5. Step 1: Self- Assessment Step 2: Self Development Step 3: Setting Goals Step 4: Devise an Action Plan Step 5: Lights, Camera, ACTION!

  6. Goals and Objectives While we have covered most of my points in the step-by-step approach of the process of career planning, we would want to impart just some information that we have gathered over the years that may help you in setting yourself some goals for your careers. We understand that while on paper, the process of career planning may seem exceedingly simple. Trust me, it requires a lot of hard work and determination. Thus, a better way to manage your expectations of yourself is to better manage the goals you set for yourself. Thus, we listed down three different types of goals that can help you take care of your ambitions:

  7. 1. SHORT TERM GOALS Generally spread over a duration of one to two years, these goals are extremely specific and result in quick getaways. Short term goals are easier to develop. They also help you in keeping track of your daily activities compared to the burden of your entire career plan. Goals and Objectives 2. MEDIUM-TERM GOALS These goals are usually spread over the next 20 years of your life. At first, it seems like a long time while working to achieve your dream. But 20 years is actually a very small amount of time, and time that vanishes very quickly. Thus, setting yourself targets over the next 20 years helps you keep your dream in perspective. 3. LONG TERM GOALS These basically end when you achieve your dream. Spread for more than 20 years, these goals basically dictate where you want to end up finally. After having worked your entire life, where is it you see yourself? Long-term goals define this.

  8. Conclusion We hope after reading this piece you have understood the importance of career planning in your lives. It’s a way to better manage your dreams and aspirations and structure yourself for better odds of achieving them. There will be setbacks, but the will to complete the long term goals will keep pushing you to achieve greatness.


  10. Thank You.

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