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CHART ing the Course

C hanging H abits A nd R outines T ogether. CHART ing the Course. Hardwiring Excellence. Goals for Today:. Develop an understanding of what it takes to move from Good to Great Know what you can expect from leadership Understand what is expected from each employee

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CHART ing the Course

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  1. ChangingHabitsAnd Routines Together CHARTing the Course Hardwiring Excellence

  2. Goals for Today: • Develop an understanding of what it takes to move from Good to Great • Know what you can expect from leadership • Understand what is expected from each employee • Increase awareness of the Hardwiring Excellence principles

  3. QuintStuder’s book: “Never under estimate the difference YOU can make” ~ Quint Studer

  4. Hardwired For Excellence Flywheel® •Prescriptive To Do’s •Bottom Line Results (Transparency and Accountability) Purpose, worthwhile work and makinga difference •Self-Motivation

  5. Nine Principles ® Build Individual Accountability Commit to Excellence Measure the Important Things Align Behaviors with Goals and Values Build a Culture Around Service Communicate at All Levels Create and Develop Great Leaders Recognize and Reward Success Focus on Employee Satisfaction

  6. Principle 1 Commit to Excellence

  7. Service Quality People Resources Environment Escambia School District :Pillars and Strategic Goals Goal 6: Provide for a highly competent and diverse staff. Goal 5: Increase public support and awareness for the value of the teaching profession and public education. Goal 7: Utilize resources to their maximum potential. Goal 3: Maximize opportunities for families to prepare children for kindergarten Goal 8: Provide avenues for community and parent participation.. Goal 1:Lay a foundation for continuous learning that allows all students to achieve their maximum potential. Goal 2: Prepare students for the work force... Goal 4: Provide a safe and welcoming environment.

  8. Good to Great means … creating a great place for -staff to work -students and parents to learn -teachers to teach

  9. Principle 2 Measure the Important Things

  10. Why Measure Measurement… • Supports district goals and aligns desired behaviors • Holds the system and people accountable • Results energize the organization • “What we permit … we promote” ~ Quint Studer

  11. How to Measure . . . launching • Customer Satisfaction Survey • Collect data from all ‘customers’ • District staff • School staff • Parents • Students

  12. What to Measure Four things the public (customers) want: • Friendly, caring service • Flexibility • Problem Solving • Solutions

  13. What to Measure

  14. What to Measure Survey will be available in BOTH paper and online formats All employees are responsible for distribution of surveys. Signature block of e-mail will link to on-line survey.

  15. CHART Expectations: Director: • Distribute surveys and process data to produce charts and monthly average by the first day of each month; • Results placed on web page and distributed to departments All other employees: • Distribute surveys for interactions with customers; • Place the survey link to the signature block of e-mail; • Review department data for areas to improve

  16. Principle 3 Build A Culture Around Service

  17. Build a District-Wide Culture Around Service Create a Culture Where Employees… • Feel valued • Manage their own morale • Behave like owners • Are inspired

  18. Principle 4 Create and Develop Leaders

  19. Phases of Change Phase 1: The Honeymoon Phase 2: Reality Sets In Phase 3: The Uncomfortable Gap Phase 4: Consistency Phase 5: Leading the Way

  20. Good to Great: Employees have purpose Employees develop and implement leadership Customers seek you for help Employees want to work in your department Realize you are changing education for the better What others see as impossible is being achieved Phase 5:Leading the Way

  21. Leadership Development Barriers and Excuses • “We don’t need to” • “We don’t have enough time” • “We can’t be gone from the department” • “What more do I need to learn?” • “It’s too costly!” • “We already do it”

  22. High / Middle / Low Performers We have learned that the reluctance to address low/sub-par performance keep an organization from being the best. ~QuintStuder

  23. Principle 5 Focus on Employee Satisfaction

  24. Rounding for Outcomes

  25. Rounding • Questions to expect: • What is working well? • Is there anyone that should be recognized for great work? • What needs improvement? • Do you have the basic tools and supplies for doing your job? • Is there anything I need to help you with?

  26. CHART Expectations • Director: • Rounding will occur with every employee at least once every 3 months; • Rounding data will be reported each quarter. • Prepare and publish analysis of employee satisfaction survey. • All other employees: • Complete Employee satisfaction survey – leave it before you leave TODAY. • Answer rounding questions honestly.

  27. CHART Expectations • All other employees: • Attend full group staff meetings (scheduled every quarter): • November 14, 2007 – Room 153 FDLRS • December 17, 2007* – Room 160 (Christmas Luncheon) • February 20, 2008 – Room 152 FDLRS • May 14, 2008 - Room 153 FDLRS • July 16, 2007 – TBD (Department Awards) • All staff meetings to begin promptly at 2:00 PM. • Each department should be prepared to present data and “What’s Right”

  28. Principle 6 Build Individual Accountability

  29. Owning not renting Take Ownership of Your Development

  30. Don’t Wait for Others to Lead the Way • “What am I doing well?” • “What can I be doing better?” • “Are my priorities in place?” • “Is there some training that would be helpful for me in my development?”

  31. Individual Accountability • Evaluation is NOT an annual event … it becomes a daily event • Harvest Bright Ideas • Employees who act like owners • Don’t wait for ‘The Boss’ to tell you to do the right thing

  32. Principle 7 Align Behaviors with Goals and Values

  33. Personal Accountability • Starts with senior staff, directors and principals • Specific objective goals • Behaviors / goals match district’s goal • Servant leadership

  34. Principle 8 Communicate at All Levels

  35. Communication Fundamentals A Acknowledge I Introduce D Duration E Explanation T Thank You

  36. Managing Up Positioning Others in a Positive Light . . . • Makes you better • Makes your organization better • Aligns everyone Manage Up when . . . • Things are going well • You need to recognize specific goals and direction • Your co-workers deserve praise

  37. Advantages of Managing Up • Customer feels better about their next interaction. • Customer feels more at ease with a handoff, thus the coordination of services is smoother. • Staff member managed up has a head start in winning confidence.

  38. Advantages of Managing Up Other Departments • Reinforces coordination of care and teamwork. • Positions other department or employee to win the customer over. • Decreases anxiety and concern.

  39. Advantages of Managing Up • Shows coordination between district staff and school • Decreases anxiety and concern • Hardwires positive word of mouth • Emphasizes “team” • Reinforces coordination of care and teamwork. • Positions other department or employee to win the customer over.

  40. Communication Suggestions • Carry wins back to your department • Spotlight high performers – Don’t be afraid to specifically acknowledge winners! • Bring successes to meetings • Relish the success of others • Put your ego in your pocket • Stop We / They • Communication boards

  41. CHART Expectations: Director: • Manage up at least 3 employees each month (1 from Evaluation Services; 1 from other District departments; 1 from Schools); • Record on log. • Anyone can ask to see log All other employees: • Manage up at least one employee each month. Record on log. • Create a communication board in each department. • Complete and return Staff Preference Sheet.

  42. Principle 9 Recognize and Reward Success

  43. Recognize and Reward Behavior • Reinforces positive behavior • Creates role models for other staff • Shows staff how they can make a difference • Creates improved results across all Five Pillars

  44. Top 5 Workplace Incentives Written Thanks From Leader Personal Thanks From Leader Promotion for Performance Public Praise Morale-Building Meetings 1 2 3 4 5 Study conducted by Dr. Gerald Graham, Management Professor at Wichita State University Motivating Today’s Employees, Bob Nelson Talent+, 1998

  45. Reality • People like specific feedback • Complimented and recognized behavior will be repeated • There is more to a job than pay! • It is okay to be uncomfortable as you begin to compliment

  46. Compliment to Criticism Ratio Source: Tom Connellan, “Inside the Magic Kingdom”, pgs 91-95

  47. CHART Expectations: Director: • Write Thank You notes to 4 employees each month (1 from Evaluation Services; 1 from other District departments; 1 from Schools, 1 to any group); • Record on log. Anyone can ask to see log • Thank you notes must be handwritten and mailed to home address of employee (Director pays for stamps) • Organize annual award meeting (July 16, 2007) All other employees: • Thank you note to at least one employee each month. • Record on log. • Thank you notes may be typed or sent via e-mail. Each individual works to create a work environment that utilizes the 3:1 compliment to criticism ratio

  48. Never Underestimate the Difference You Can Make

  49. When one pebble is dropped into a pond . . . How much of the water feels the impact?

  50. Review Expectations

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