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What are Project Record Books?. Project Record Books are 4-H books which contain knowledge about a subject.Project Record Books come in many subjects. For example: ElectricityHorseLeadership Animal Science. Life Skills Gained Through Project Record Books. Communication skillsDecision making skillsCategorizing

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    1. 4-H PROJECT RECORD BOOKS By: Neil Callahan 4-H Extension Agent

    2. What are Project Record Books? Project Record Books are 4-H books which contain knowledge about a subject. Project Record Books come in many subjects. For example: Electricity Horse Leadership Animal Science

    3. Life Skills Gained Through Project Record Books Communication skills Decision making skills Categorizing & Organizing data Analyzing & Utilizing information Sharing information with others Civic responsibilities in the community

    4. What do you do with the Project Record Book? Use the book to learn about the subject. Expand your knowledge. Learn more about the subject using other sources. Choose an activity that you would like to do that involves using the knowledge you have learned. Complete the activity. Document what you did and learned using the proper project record book sheets.

    5. Project Record Book Sheets Project Record Book Sheets are divided into 5 age categories: Cloverbud (5-8 years old) 9-10 years old 11-12 years old 13-15 years old 16-18 years old Please note that Cloverbud books are not submitted for competition. A 4-H member must be 9 years old to begin competition.

    6. Project Record Categories Animal Science Citizenship & Civic Education Communication Arts Environmental & Natural Resources Family & Consumer Sciences Healthy Lifestyles Personal Development and Leadership Plant Science Science, Technology, and Computers Discovery I (9-10 year olds)

    7. Filling Out Project Records Each Project Record Book Sheet has a separate set of instructions that will tell you how to fill it out. Be sure to read them carefully before starting. Read the Project Record Book Sheet carefully and answer the questions as stated. Always follow the instructions to the letter. If you have questions, please contact Neil Callahan, 4-H extension agent @ 745-4121

    8. Project Selection Sheets Project Selection Sheets list the Project Record Books that 4-H has available. Each selection sheet is divided into 5 age categories that help make it easier to select age appropriate materials. Ask your 4-H agent about what other 4-H Project Record Books may be available. Your 4-H Office may have books that are no longer available for order, but are still useful.

    9. What if? What if I want to do a 4-H Project Record on a subject that has no 4-H Project Record Book? Can you still do the activity? Yes, you still can do it. You do not need to have the book. You could get the basic information you need from other sources. Contact your 4-H agent to discuss what category your project record falls under before beginning.

    10. Things to know about Project Records You must be 9 years old as of January 1 of the current year. Only 4-H members 9 and older can participate in competition events. Cloverbud books are not submitted for competition. They are for fun and practice only. Information for project record ideas can be obtained from the 4-H Office. It is suggested that you submit only three project records on the county level.

    11. Things to know about Project Records Only two county project records per 4-H member can be submitted for district competition. You may not make improvements to project record once it is turned in to the 4-H Office. You can be named a district gold medal winner in a category only once for each age category. Incomplete project records are not accepted for competition. Please include a photo of yourself with each project record, if possible. Color copies of photos are great.

    12. Dates To Remember Project Records due to 4-H Office by January 31. The project records will be judged for county winners. County winners will move on to district competition. Incomplete project records are not accepted for competition.

    13. Adult Supervision Feel free to help your child as needed. The project record work should be the work of the 4-H member, not the adult.

    14. Project Record Recognition District awards are given for each age group. Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals are awarded. Gold winners receive a $100.00 savings bond except for the 15-18 year old Personal Development & Leadership category.

    15. Any Questions?

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