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Test of 3DReshaper

Test of 3DReshaper. PH-DT-PO-MH July 09. Introduction Here I present the importation of the point cloud data and the mesh creation using 3DReshaper . The cloud of points is found at the following: G:WorkspacesReverseEngineeringAurelieScan_Feb2009TestLogicielsScanningFaceATest2.xyz

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Test of 3DReshaper

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Test of 3DReshaper PH-DT-PO-MH July 09

  2. Introduction • Here I present the importation of the point cloud data and the mesh creation using 3DReshaper. • The cloud of points is found at the following: • G:\Workspaces\r\ReverseEngineering\Aurelie\Scan_Feb2009\TestLogicielsScanning\FaceATest2.xyz • « Le fichier a déjà été traité dans Faro par Aurélie. Donc on le prend tel quel et on joue avec. »

  3. X View

  4. Z view Y view

  5. Comparison Same as before ?

  6. 3D Mesh creation – default settings

  7. 3D Mesh creation – finer settings

  8. 3D Mesh creation – less fine settings

  9. Conclusions • Far from expert so take these comments accordingly: • Question the number of points imported compared to those displayed. No difference witnessed if point cloud is reduced or not on importation ? • The “Y” and “Z” views show many stray points – not good. Not a reflection on 3DReshaper more a comment on the scan results. • Post treatment of point cloud data is very time consuming – working somewhat in the dark on this new software. ‘Archidata’ have 2 pc’s side by side so when one is busy calculating they work on the other one. • An experienced practitioner may be able to go much faster but even so should not underestimate the effort required create a mesh that can be useful. • At first view other products seem to do more BUT this may be due to lack of knowledge of the software. • To be able to make a judgement of 3DReshaper compared to other software packages it would be fairer to ask a trained practioner to produce a mesh result from the point cloud data.

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