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Hamstring – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Hamstring strain is also known as the pulled hamstring. Aches and pains on the back of the legs may be a sign of a hamstring injury.<br>Pulled hamstring injuries are common in athletes participating in many sports.

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Hamstring – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

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  1. Hamstring – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Hamstring strain is also known as the pulled hamstring. Aches and pains on the back of the legs may be a sign of a hamstring injury. Pulled hamstring injuries are very common in athletes as they participate in many sports. Field and track athletes are particularly at risk, as hamstring strain has been estimated to make up to 29% of all injuries in the sprinters.

  2. What Are The Hamstrings? Hamstrings the three muscles that can locate in the back of the thigh to bone.It is very large muscle that pulls on these tendons. In Layman’s terms, it is a long muscles at the back of the thigh. Academic anatomists will refer to them as the posterior thigh muscles and more specifically the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus. The origin of the word hamstring comes from the old English Hamm, which means thigh.String refers to the characteristic appearances and feel of the tendons that will just above the back of the knee. The hamstring muscle can actively help in the bending of knee. They also act and straighten or the hip as in the motion of moving the thigh backward. Surprisingly, these large muscles are not very with normal for standing or walking. Hamstring muscles are very crucial for power activities such as climbing, jumping, and running.

  3. Anatomy Of Hamstring There are three hamstring muscles:- • Biceps femoris • Semitendinosus • Semimembranosus These muscles start at the bottom of the pelvis at a place called the ischial tuberosity. The hamstring crosses the knee joint and ends at the lower leg. Hamstring muscles will help you to extend your legs straight back and bend the knee.

  4. What Is Hamstring Strain? Hamstring injuries like tears and strain are common in the sports that include either a lot of running or the powerful acceleration. Hamstrings strain refers to an injury in which the muscle or tendon is torn or stretched. Muscle strains and tears are most commonly occur which is known as an eccentric contraction. According to the severity of the stain, the hamstring is categorized into three grades:- • Grade 1: Mild hamstring strain also known as pulled hamstring. • Grade 2: Partial muscle tear more painful than grade 1. It may have moderate bruising and swelling. • Grade 3: Most severe hamstring injury. In this hamstring muscle rips completely or tears off the bone.

  5. The Pulled Hamstring Symptoms Hamstring injuries usually occur with sudden jumping, running, or lunging will result in muscle injury. In the case of a rupture,tear, Severe bruising and swelling will typically occur in the pulled hamstring. The symptoms of hamstring strain depend upon the severity and cause of the hamstring injury. Common Pulled Hamstring Symptoms The pain in the back muscle of the leg is almost always present with a pulled hamstring. The pain is sudden and usually causes when you stop the activity. Some common symptoms will include: • Bruising • Swelling • Muscle Spasm

  6. What Causes A Hamstring Strain? A pulled hamstring generally occurs when the muscle overload.When the muscle overload either stretches beyond the limits, or it will challenge with a sudden, excessive weight load. Hamstring injury is commonly seen in the people who participate in the following activities. • Dancing • Tennis • Basketball • Soccer • Football • Running and sprinting and also some other track events

  7. Sprint Related Hamstring Strain During sprinting, the hamstring muscles works very hard.During sprinting, the hamstring muscles will work extremely hard.It is at this anointing that the hamstring is most likely to the tear. The sprint that relates to the hamstring injuries usually occurs lower down the biceps femoris muscles. Stretch Related Hamstring strains The stretch is related that injuries usually occur higher up at the back of the thigh. The most commonly the tendon of the semimembranosus muscle. This injury will take longer to heal because the blood supply to the tendon is not as good.

  8. Risk Factors Of Pulled Hamstring? A number of the factors increase the risk of developing a pulled off the hamstring including: • Muscle Fatigue • Muscle Imbalance • Exercising With The Tight Muscles • Poor Condition • Previous Hamstring Injuries • Poor Flexibility • Dehydration • Inadequate Warm-up • Existing Lower Limb Injury • Overdoing It • Returning To Activities Too Quickly After An Injury • 12. Sports Participation

  9. How To Reduce The Risk Of Pulled Hamstring? • By avoiding strenuous activities when the muscle is already weak or fatigue. • Doing cross-training • Maintain good physical conditioning • Strengthening the hamstring muscles • Gently warm up the body before doing any physical activity Recover From A Hamstring Injury? It totally depend on how severe the injury is.Minor pulled muscle or strain may take a few days to heal, whereas it could take weeks or the months to recover from a muscle tear.

  10. Diagnose Pulled Hamstring • Physical Exam For Pulled Hamstring • MRI For Pulled Hamstring • X-ray For Pulled Hamstring • Ultrasound For Pulled Hamstring Preventions Of Hamstring Pull • Warm-up Your Body Before Doing Any Physical Activities • Keep Your Muscles Strong And Flexible • Increase The Duration And Intensity Of Exercise • Stop Doing Activity Immediately If You Feel Pain In Thigh

  11. Pulled Hamstring Treatment Most of the pulled hamstring can be easily managed effectively with simple treatments. Here is the RICE method of pulled hamstring treatment:- • Rest • Ice On Pulled Hamstring • Compression For Pulled Hamstring • Elevation For Pulled Hamstring • Physiotherapy Treatment For Strained Hamstring • Pulled Hamstring Surgery

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