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What to Do On the First Day After Moving In Your New Home?

Donu2019t know which tasks to complete first after arriving in your new home? Feeling overwhelmed seeing the numerous unpacked boxes? Relax & read this blog now. https://bit.ly/3nMnFDD

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What to Do On the First Day After Moving In Your New Home?

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  1. What to Do On the First Day After Moving In Your New Home? Packing all the household items? Check. Boxes loaded in the moving truck? Done. Belongings safely delivered by the Sydney removalists? Completed. Finally, your hectic moving day is over and now, you’re inside your new home, standing and admiring the beauty. While you’re overwhelmed by a sea of emotions, the sad truth is the post-relocation tasks are still left despite being through your final moving day.

  2. Surrounded by an ocean of boxes, it’s natural to feel tempted to unpack all at once but you’re totally exhausted and ready to hit the bed. And do you think you’ll be able to sleep peacefully without taking out your night suit, toothbrush, toothpaste and bedsheet? Surely, not! We know how much you’re excited as the most strenuous part of the move is over. At the same time, don’t forget that you’ve still got plenty of things to do. However, it all depends on the time of your arrival; if you reach your new home late in the evening, it’s better to spend those few hours sleeping! Should you arrive in the morning, here are the things that you should be doing on your first day in your new home. Tasks to be Done on the First Day in Your New Home 1.Check all the utilities: You enter your new home and switch on the lights but all you see around is complete darkness. You turn on the water heater only to find cold water discharging from it. When you move into your new home, you have numerous things to do but first of all, you should check if all the house utilities are working properly. Among all the different types of utilities, it’s quite obvious to be concerned about the electricity supply, running water and gas. You wouldn’t want to step into your new home and use a flashlight to see everything, do you? If you’ve already set up your utilities before moving in, everything should be working properly. Find out the electricity and water meters. Record their readings and note them down. This is a vital step in case of disparities and differences in future. Other utilities like the cable, internet, sewage and phone services are also important but you can connect to all these utilities or find a utility service provider later on when your new home is comfortable to reside in.

  3. 2.Let the removalists keep the boxes in the proper rooms: You know you’re smart because you’ve hired professional removalists in Sydney to pack and transport all your belongings in the safest possible manner. But their job isn’t over; they’ll unload your items from the trucks and put them in the assigned rooms. If you’ve labelled all your boxes correctly, then you needn’t worry. Knowing which box belongs to which room becomes easier when the boxes are properly labelled. Some removalist companies also offer unpacking services. If you’ve booked it, you can count on their professional skills to unpack all your items in a safe and secure manner. The movers will use a wide range of quality equipment like moving dollies and crates to safely unload the possessions from the truck, move them to the elevator or use the stairs and finally, keep the boxes in the appropriate rooms. Besides saving your time, you don’t even need to perform the heavy lifting yourself and encounter the unnecessary hassles. 3.Unpack the essentials: You’ve packed an essentials box and there’s a practical purpose for that. It contains all the things that you’ll need on the first few days in your new home. From toiletries like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo to some dry food items and bedsheets, this box has everything that will take care of your basic needs at least on the initial days till you get adjusted in your new home. Leave aside all the other boxes and unpack the essentials box first. Take out all the items and keep them in their proper place. Here’s what you should be unpacking first when you enter your new house: Bedding – pillows, bed sheets, blankets

  4. Toiletries and personal hygiene products – toothbrush, toothpaste, hair and skincare products, toilet paper, towels, etc. Medicines – pain killers, first-aid box, allergy medicines, any prescription drugs Electronic devices – night lamps, chargers, music player, laptop Your kid’s and pet’s favourite toys, story books, blanket and anything that they might need everyday (if applicable) 4.Assemble the bed: The final moving day is always going to be exhausting. After travelling for such long hours, naturally, you’ll feel worn out by the time you’re inside your new home. And would you be able to have a good night’s sleep without a comfortable bed? Not exactly! By having a comfortable bed, we don’t mean to set up the perfect luxury bed like the ones in upscale hotels. Have your Sydney removalists to assemble the various components of your bed. Place the mattress, spread a clean bed sheet and put all the pillows. It may look like a stressful job initially but trust us, it’s worth your time and effort when you’re sleeping comfortably, among your favourite pillows and watching the most pleasant dream! 5.Unpack the bathroom: Let’s not forget that a house move is not only exhausting but it’s also going to leave you dirty. Whether you’re moving locally or interstate, relocation will take anywhere between few hours to few days. After unpacking your first-night essentials, you’ll be looking forward to having a relaxing shower before satisfying your grumbling tummy

  5. and catching up on your sleep. And to be able to do that, your bathroom should have all the necessities in place. Unpack your ‘bathroom’ labelled box. Take out the toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap and other toiletries. Arrange them in proper order. Hang the shower curtains and also unpack the towels and bathrobes. But before that, if your bathroom looks dirty, you may need to give a quick clean up. Finally, when your bathroom is good to use, have a nice warm shower and let all your moving day stress flow down the drain! 6.Take care of your kids and pets: More than anything else, you need to make sure your kids and pets are safe and comfortable in your new home. You can even consider this to be as one of the high- priority tasks for your post-move mission. If you have small children in your family, you already know that nothing is more important than their well-being, safety and comfort. The same thing applies to your pets. A change in the environment can make them feel insecure, anxious and tensed. That’s why you must try to restore your kids’ usual routine as soon as possible. Relocating with your pets can be arduous. Compared to birds and fish, dogs and cats are more sensitive to a sudden change in their surrounding. On the first few days, they might display the usual symptoms of stress and anxiety like extreme barking or meowing, lack of sleep and appetite and more. Like your kids, provide all the facilities to your pets that they are familiar with. Offer your pets their favourite food, treats and toys. Keep them dehydrated as well. Introduce them to each of the rooms gradually as they might be scared of unknown smells, views or strange sounds.

  6. Conclusion: That’s exactly what you should be doing on the first day in your new home rather than trying to complete everything at once. After stepping inside your newly acquired property, figuring out what tasks to accomplish first can be overwhelming; you may feel like doing it all within the first night itself as if there’s no tomorrow! But that’s not true. If you’ve engaged reputable Sydney removalists like Sydney Domain Furniture Removals, moving to a new home is always a seamless experience. The professionals use high-quality equipment and packing materials to pack, move and unpack your items. Source: https://sydneydomainfurnitureremovals709353408.wordpress.com/2020/12/24 /what-to-do-on-the-first-day-after-moving-in-your-new-home/ Sydney Domain Furniture Removals Email ID: info@sydneydomainfurnitureremovals.com.au Phone No.: 0414478686 / 7059153147 Visit Us: https://www.sydneydomainfurnitureremovals.com.au/ Stay Connected Via: https://www.youtube.com/user/SydneyDomainRemovals https://www.facebook.com/SydneyDomainFurnitureRemovals https://twitter.com/domainremovals

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