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What can be the reasons for heel pain

Go 365 ointment for heel pain can be gently rubbed on the skin to make it get absorbed by the skin pores and stimulate circulation. This best ointment for heel pain is effective in reducing pain and re-oxygenating painful tissues.

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What can be the reasons for heel pain

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  1. What can be the reasons for heel pain We never think much about the heel until we face a pain in them while walking or standing. Usually while standing or walking, there is a constant pressure on our heels. Over a period, this pressure can contribute to the heel pain. Additional stress by standing on one feet and improper shoes can also trigger pain in our heels. Hence, to keep our heels pain free, we first need to understand the causes of heel pain. Here are some of the major reasons for heel pain mentioned below. 1. Plantar fasciitis Plantar fascia is thick band of ligament running from heel bone along the bottom of foot. It plays an important role to keep the bones and joints in position. When this ligament suffers excess stress it tugs, stretches and gets inflamed. It causes agonizing, stabbing pain in your heels which often gets worst in the morning when you get out of bed. Once the daily routine starts, tissue stretches with movement and pain lessens a bit but doesn’t go away completely. The therapy for plantar fasciitis includes taking rest, light stretching and icing the ligament. Some drugs like anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone injections can help reduce the inflammation, one of the main causes of this kind of heel pain. 2. Achilles tendonitis Achilles tendon is the tissue connecting calf muscle to your bone. This tendon helps in walking, running, jumping, going up and down in stairs. Due to overuse of this tendon, it gets inflamed and cause heel pain. Achilles tendonitis is often linked to rapid increases in your exercise routine. It is very common in basketball players and runners. Achilles tendonitis is characterised by pain behind the heel, ankle and calf muscles. A common, but painful condition which can affects your daily routine for days or weeks. Therapy for Achilles tendinitis includes rest, application of ice packs and anti-inflammatory medications. In some cases, heel lift can be added to shoe in order to take pressure off tendon. Also brace or cast to immobilize tendon helps for quick recovery. In very rare cases, surgery is required to relieve this cause of heel pain. 3. Bursitis Bursa are fluid-filled sacs present throughout body. These sacs provide a cushion for muscles, bones and ligaments thus allowing fluid movement. But when these sacs get inflamed, it is called bursitis. Bursitis develops in heel if person choose the wrong shoes or land is too hard on heels for walking or running. In Bursitis there is a dull aching pain at the back of the heel accompanied by redness and swelling. Bursitis can be treated like inflammation in your ligaments and tendons. Rest, Ice application, immobilization and anti-inflammatory medicines helps to relieve bursitis. 4. Heel spurs Heel spur is a bony growth formed on the heel bone. Degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis damage heel bones. This degeneration process provokes innate healing process

  2. to build new bone onto existing bone. Thus small bony projections are formed on the surface of bone called spurs. When the plantar fascia attaches to heel pulls too much at attachment point, calcium builds up and protrusions get developed. Pain and inflammation are the main symptoms of heel spurs. Spurs can also cause cramps, stiffness, nerve pain, and weakness in the heel. Pain and inflammation occurring due to heel spurs can be treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines. But it is better to avoid the leading causes of help spurs. 5. Fracture A heel fracture occurs when your heel bone breaks into pieces. This usually happens due to extreme force such as trauma. Heels also can get stress fracture, which is a hairline crack in the bone. Symptoms of fracture includes swelling and sudden sharp pain in the heels, causing a snapping or popping sound at the time of injury and difficulty in walking. Fracture can be managed with surgery, splints or cast as per its nature and severity. Anti- inflammatory and analgesic medicines are also used to relieve pain and inflammation. Various herbal therapies can be used to ease the heel pain. many herbs contain anti- inflammatory and analgesic properties which helps to relieve pain. Herbs like Camphor, mint and essential oils like Nilgiri, Deodar soothes nerves and relives inflammation. Charak Pharma's Go365 ointment for heel pain is a blend of time-tested oils and nourishing ingredients, like capsicum oil, mint, camphor, etc. which relieve pain and swelling. This best ointment for heel pain is a fast-acting formula that quickly penetrates through the pores and provides prompt relief. Go 365 ointment for heel pain can be gently rubbed on the skin to make it get absorbed by the skin pores and stimulate circulation. This best ointment for heel pain is effective in reducing pain and re-oxygenating painful tissues. Source: https://vedistry.gonevis.com/what-can-be-the-reasons-for-heel-pain/

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