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Learn to say no without feeling guilty

Learn to say no without feeling guilty

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Learn to say no without feeling guilty

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  1. Learn to say no without feeling guilty! Saying no is just a two-letter word, yet it is the toughest thing to express. We all face situations where we do not want to say yes still end up saying yes. So, in reality, when someone asks you to do anything, you invariably say yes- of course! Happy to help. But in reality, you might feel the opposite. You know that you do not have the bandwidth for the commitment you made, or you have something else that you enjoy doing more, or simply, you just want to be home and relax. But still, you said yes! Why? Why do we find it difficult to say no? The reason is that we all find it wrong to say no and feel guilty about it. Saying no makes us feel awkward, selfish and leave us embarrassed. But we must learn to say no and take back the control of our lives into our own hands. It is necessary to know that saying yes, come with a cost. It takes a toll on your mental wellbeing, your time and energy. Always saying yes deprives you of your own happiness and peace of mind. So why live in such a formality and say yes, when it is not even required? So, if saying yes is a habit, or you just can not disappoint the other person, you should learn to say no. But how to say no without feeling guilty? And here is the good news! Saying no without hurting the other person is a skill that you can sharpen as you become more experienced. The more you become adept at saying no, the more comfortable it will feel. Why saying no is a genuine idea? Saying no is a great idea to regain control over your life. It saves a lot of time for yourself like, time for contemplations, recharge and introspection. It also helps you to better plan your day, allows you to focus on more important things, and lets you set your boundaries with your social circle. Ultimately, it gives you an ample opportunity to regain control of your life. It eventually leads to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. So saying no is not selfish. It is an attempt to safeguard your mental health first. And the good news is that you can deny and say no, by being respectful, compassionate, and kind. So let us learn to say no without feeling guilty. How to say no without feeling guilty? Here are a few handy tips that will make you more comfortable saying no: 1.Say no politely when you do not want to say yes, or do not want to commit to anything that you are not sure about. One way to do so is to express your inability politely and ask the other person if there is anything else you can help them with? 2.Do not give any justification for saying no. It is your right to deny and focus on things that are more important in your life. The more you will justify, the more you will feel guilty. 3.Do not say yes, and then roll back or ditch! Set the expectations right from the beginning. Backtracking always creates a problem and shall be avoided at all the cost. If you commit to something and said yes, honour your commitment. Or else do not commit. The rule is simple. 4.Saying' no in the first place will save a lot of your energy and time. It will also safeguard your mental peace. You won't regret rolling back and feeling guilty. You will not make the other person angry and upset. And will avoid any possibility of resentment sneaking in.

  2. 5.Practice saying no with your friends till it starts coming naturally to you. Trust me, it works! You should take arbitrary situations and deny saying yes always. You will thank me later! 6.Avoid saying I will update you later, or I will think and let you know. It actually sets subtle expectations in the other person's mind and prolongs the situation. And later, it can take an ugly turn. So, as they say, prevention is better than cure it is better to avoid such a situation by being upfront, once and for all. 7.Remember that it is only you who really cares for you. So do not succumb to the pressure, and commit. Instead, focus on your wellbeing. Once you are stable, you will be better able to help others. 8.Express your gratitude, and thank the other person for considering you for help. Display your gratefulness but do not commit if you do not want to. Always remember that when you learn to say no, you reclaim your life back. You put yourself first and demonstrate a high commitment to the most important person in your life- and that is you! Also, you should know that the art of saying no is a major part of your self- care routine. So go for it and make yourself happy before you make others comfortable!

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