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HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me

HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me. Karen Galassi-Ferrer East Chapel Hill High School Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina. What are mnemonics?.

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HOOKED ON MNEMONICS: It worked for me

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  1. HOOKED ON MNEMONICS:It worked for me Karen Galassi-Ferrer East Chapel Hill High School Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina

  2. What are mnemonics? Mnemonics are cognitive devices used to improve memory and to recall important concepts by linking unfamiliar information to familiar information (Meece, 2002).

  3. Why use mnemonics? Krashen explains the need to make rules more “learnable” and “simple”. Rules need to be made easy enough for the brain to remember (1983).

  4. Types of Mnemonics • Acronyms • Acrostics • Narratives

  5. Acronyms Acronyms-a word formed out of the first letters of a series of words Ex. Great Lakes HOMES-Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

  6. Acrostics Acrostics-phrases in which the first letter of each word functions as a cue to help you recall information Ex. Order of notes on a musical scale-Every good boy does fine.-EGBDF

  7. Narratives Narratives-words that create a story that include the words to be remembered in the appropriate order. Example to follow in discussion of subjunctive mnemonics.

  8. Spanish 1-Estar vs. Ser • Estar vs. Ser • P -T • L -O • A -P • C -P • E -I -C -T

  9. Estar Position Location Action Condition Emotion Ser Time Origin Profession Possession Identification Classification Trait Estar vs. Ser

  10. Preterite S I M B A Imperfect C H E A T E D Spanish 2-Preterite vs. Imperfect

  11. S ingle action I nterruption M ain event B eginning action A rrivals/ departures Characteristics/Description H ealth E motion A ge T ime E ndless activities D ate PRETERITE vs. IMPERFECTSIMBA CHEATED

  12. Affirmative Tú commands • Víctor, VEN • Set SAL • Down DI • The TEN • V VE • H HAZ • S SÉ • Please PON

  13. Para C C U P I D D Por Everything else! Spanish 3-Para vs. Por

  14. Para Career Considering Use Purpose/Goal In order to (infinitive) Destination Deadline Por Everything else! Para vs. Por

  15. PARA is P E R F E C T • P urpose- Lo hizo para ganar dinero. • E ffect- Estudia para maestro. • R ecipient – El regalo es para mamá. • F uture- La tarea es para el lunes. • E mployment- Carlos trabaja para IBM. • C omparison- Para un gato es inteligente. • T oward- Pablo camina para el parque.

  16. Irregular Past Participles RevvMac just received his PhD. • Roto • Escrito • Vuelto • Visto • Muerto • Abierto • Cubierto • Puesto • Hecho • Dicho/Descubierto

  17. IRREGULAR VERBS- Present Subjunctive • D dar dé • I ir vaya • S ser sea • H haber haya • E estar esté • S saber sepa

  18. Spanish 4-When do I use the subjunctive? With WEDDING verbs • W ish, want • E motion • D oubt (No creer, No pensar) • D enial • I mpersonal Expression • N egation, non-existing • G od (Ojalá) / Guess

  19. Other variations • Wish/want • Emotion • Impersonal • Recommendation • Doubt/denial • Ojalá • Wish/want • Advice • Suggestion • Preference

  20. Versión en español • (Y) Impersonales • Avisos • Deseos • Ojalá • Negación • Dudas • Emoción • ¿Existencia?

  21. ESCAPA= ¡Use subjuntivo! Cláusulas adverbiales • E n caso de que • S in que • C on tal (de) que • A ntes (de) que • P ara que • A menos que

  22. ¿Subjuntivo? Ask yourself-- Has the action happened yet? • L uego que… C • A sí que…/A fin de que. . . H • T an pronto como… Or… A • C uando… D • H asta que… A • E n cuanto… T • D espués de que… E

  23. ALSO… • That = Tan pronto como • Dog = Después de que • Can’t = Cuando • Eat = En cuanto • Hay = Hasta que

  24. Narrative Mnemonic • Subjunctive in adverbial clauses: Pepe y Elena han estado casados por varios años. Pepe es muy desordenado, y Elena se enoja mucho con él. Ella siempre le grita, y él dice “¡¡IADONDEE ESCAPA(R)!!” Entonces, Pepe sale de la casa y le dice a Elena que deje la puerta unLATCHED.

  25. V O C E S = ¡No use el subjuntivo! • V erdad que… • O bvio que… • C ierto/Claro que… • E vidente que… • S eguro que… • NEGATIVE “VOCES,” however do use the subjunctive

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