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Raising Literacy Standards St Robert of Newminster School September 2013

Raising Literacy Standards St Robert of Newminster School September 2013. Key Messages from July Inset. We are all teachers of literacy: science teachers want students to think and talk and write like scientists; history teachers want students to think and talk and write like historians ….

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Raising Literacy Standards St Robert of Newminster School September 2013

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  1. Raising Literacy Standards St Robert of Newminster School September 2013

  2. Key Messages from July Inset We are all teachers of literacy: science teachers want students to think and talk and write like scientists; history teachers want students to think and talk and write like historians … Teachers and educators need to create learning environments in which students can learn, practise, develop literacy skills which will enable them to be succeed in each subject

  3. Target 1: Creating a Reading Culture

  4. 1001 books you must read before you die

  5. Why Read? Visit far off places…take shape in our imagination… battles fought in Narnia… play Quidditch at Hogwarts… journey 20,000 leagues under the sea… walk bare foot through the Shire… learn about places in our world… because you don’t want someone else to determine how your imagination should take shape because sometimes things are better understood when you read them for yourself

  6. Why should all staff take an interest in students’ reading habits? We all want students who are creative, imaginative and knowledgeable and who can speculate, predict, empathise, analyse, consider, debate, reason, deduce, discern, discuss… and books provide opportunities for students to engage in all of these processes.

  7. TARGET 1: Creating a Reading Culture Every student in Year 7 is to bring in 2 reading books. One currently being read and one to begin after the first is finished. (This will avoid students having to go to library to change books in lesson) Each student, at the beginning of every lesson, should have the book which is being read on his/her desk. Teacher could direct reading at beginning (when computer register is waiting to boot) or at end of lesson. In registration, after prayers and notices, students could read for ten minutes. Subject teachers / registration tutors could recommend books to students Reading suggestions will be provided

  8. TARGET 2 Highlighting of literacy errors for students to self correct in Years 7-13 Teachers highlight errors made in using capital letters and full stops in key pieces of work in formative, extended written responses in exercise books before setting the summative assessment Use capital letters (at beginning of sentences and for proper nouns e.g. names of places and people) and full stops correctly In your baseline assessment, if students meet target award M for Met and or if students are working towards meeting the literacy target then indicate with W Ask students who have made mistakes to self correct. Students will be able to identify the error and write up to 3 sentences of their choice with correct punctuation and capitalisation. They could ask peers or teachers for help. The aim will be to encourage automatic self correction in all subjects when they see literacy errors highlighted.

  9. Student Work Dear mrhurn, I think that we Should do a bike Ride or a fun fair for the RNLI because they don’t get paid for there job. I think year 7 Should go on a bike ride some Where and then £5 per person and give the money to NLRI to buy some life boats and they don’t have much money. How Would you feel if it Was you? The funfair Would be good because loads of people will enjoy it. There could be rides and it wil be lots of fun. I really hope you consider my idea as it wil be a load of fun. Your Sincarely Kate w.w.w. Your letter is well structured and you have good ideas about how to raise money. e.b.i. You must use capital letters for peoples names and at the beginning of senctences.

  10. Students work Dear mrhurn, I think that we Should do a bike Ride or a fun fair for the RNLI because they don’t get paid for there job. I think year 7 Should go on a bike ride some Where and then £5 per person and give the money to NLRI to buy some life boats and they don’t have much money. How Would you feel if it Was you? The funfair Would be good because loads of people wilenjoy it. There could be rides and it wil be lots of fun. I really hope you consider my idea as it wilbe a load of fun. Your SincarelyKate w.w.w. Your letter is well structured and you have good ideas about how to raise money. e.b.i. You must correct your spelling errrors. You should try to remember how to spell them in future. You could learn them for homework.

  11. Target 2 Other literacy targets for self- correction Variety of Sentences Grammar Key Vocabulary: spelling/understanding Capital letters and full stops Correct up to three errors Basic spellings

  12. Target 3: Raising Standards of Presentation Yrs 7-11

  13. bad handwriting

  14. Target 3 Raising Standards of Presentation Yrs 7-11 • Date and title. Both must be underlined with a ruler • Rule off at end of piece of work • Use school pen, not a novelty pen • Write in blue/ black ink • Use pencil for drawings • No graffiti on books • Neat handwriting to be encouraged

  15. Literacy Targets 2013-2014 September Creating a Reading Culture Year 7 Highlighting Literacy Errors Years 7-13 Presentational Skills Years 7-13 Next Steps Reading for Meaning students to highlight key words in texts e.g. fact, opinion, metaphor, simile, irony students to summarise/ bullet point key ideas Structure extended writing Typical features of genre Writing frames, thinking maps, connectives, AFOREST techniques Key Terms: spelling and meaning Speaking and Listening Language of examination: deconstructing examination jargon

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