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Monitoring and assessment of conservation status for habitats and species in Denmark

Monitoring and assessment of conservation status for habitats and species in Denmark. Bjarne Søgaard & Knud Erik Nielsen National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Denmark Department of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity Department of Terrestrial Ecology.

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Monitoring and assessment of conservation status for habitats and species in Denmark

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  1. Monitoring and assessment of conservation status for habitats and species in Denmark Bjarne Søgaard & Knud Erik Nielsen National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Denmark Department of Wildlife Ecology and BiodiversityDepartment of Terrestrial Ecology BJS@DMU.DK KEN@DMU.DK

  2. A preliminary assessment of conservation status in Denmark 2000 http://www.dmu.dk/1_viden/2_Publikationer/3_fagrapporter/abstrakter/abs_365_uk.asp

  3. Conservation status 2000 Preliminary assessment of 13 habitats* on annex I and 79 species on annex II, IV and V • FAVOURABLE: 14 species 2 habitats • UNFAVOURABLE: 22 species 3 habitats • UNCERTAIN: 13 species 6 habitats • UNKNOWN: 17 species 2 habitats • DISAPPEARED: 13 species Background data assessed to be satisfactory for 30 species and insufficient for 49 species

  4. Conservation status 2003 Preliminary assessment of 42 species of breeding birds and 37 species/subspecies of migrating birds • FAVOURABLE: 17 sp. 33 sp. + 1 pop. • UNFAVOURABLE: 14 sp. 2 sp./subsp. • UNCERTAIN: 9 sp. 1 sp. + 1. pop • DISAPPEARED: 2 sp. Breeding birds Migrating birds

  5. Monitoring and assessmentof conservation status Conservation objectives (Criteria for FCS) species & habitats Status report Technical instructions Results of monitoring Conservation status Monitoring

  6. ”Favourable conservation status” Conservation status of a species means the sum of the influences acting on the species • population dynamics data on the species concerned indicate that it is maintaining itself on a long-term basis as a viable component of its natural habitats, and • the natural range of the species is neither being reduced nor is likely to be reduced for the foreseeable future, and • there is, and will probably continue to be, a sufficiently large habitat to maintain its populations on a long-term basis

  7. LOCAL/regional level Populations Size of habitat Quality of habitat NATIONAL level Populations Range Total size of habitats Favourable conservation statusfor species listed in the annex II and IVof the Habitats Directivein Denmark

  8. be able to form the basis for monitoring of conservation status of habiats and species be biologically relevant and contribute to the required protection be widely understood and based on technically solid formulations/simplifications be practical, quantifiable and repeatable in terms of methods of monitoring Conditions for criteria for FCS

  9. FCS for Otter in Denmark on NATIONAL level

  10. FCS for Otter in Denmark on LOCAL level (stream)

  11. A viable population in the peninsula of Jutland (Atlantic + Continental zones), which should be stable or increasing Range: All counties in Jutland (7) and 1 on the island of Zealand Stable or increasing numbers of streams in both biogeo-zones At least 1 viable populations in each of 4 regional areas in the continental zone Increasing total population Range: Increasing and at least 20 localities (now 11 localities) Increasing areas of suitable habitats for Fen Orchid FCS on national level European Otter Fen Orchid

  12. Species/group of species Method Period Frequency Time/ressources Technical instructions

  13. From 2004 a new national programme (NOVANA) for systematic monitoring of species and habitats in Denmark (Technical instructions) The main aim is to fulfil the national obligations according to the EEC Directives for habitats and birds (conservation status) Carried out in six-year cycles National monitoring programme for species and habitats in Denmark

  14. NATURA 2000 in Denmark Habitats Directive - 254 pSCI´s Birds Directive - 112 SPA´s

  15. Monitoring programme for species in Denmark • Mammals: 16 species • Amphibians and reptiles: 10 species • Fish: 9 species • Insects: 18 species • Snails (Vertigo): 3 species • Vascular plant and mosses: 36 species • Birds: 75 species • Total 165 species

  16. INTENSIVE Population size Change of population size: Stable, increa-sing or decreasing Counting of individuals Examples: Harbour Seal and Grey Seal High frequency EXTENSIVE Range Change of range: stable, increasing or decreasing Based on 10 x 10 km grid (650 in DK) Examples: European Otter and Dormouse Low frequency Intensive and extensivemonitoring

  17. Range of otter in Denmark 1984-2003 (extensive) National survey 1996 + deadfound otters/regional surveys

  18. Population size of Harbour Sealin Denmark 1976 - 2002 (intensive) Sealepidemic

  19. Classification of conservation statusExample: Population of Fen Orchid F = Favourable uF = unfavourable In- or decreasing?  ‘Uncertain’ A common scale? 1 1 1: F - Stable 2: F - increasing 3: F - decreasing 3 2 4: uF - increasing 5: uF - decreasing 5 4 6 6: uF - Stable

  20. Criteria for favourable conservation status Technical Report from NERI - 462 pp in a Danish version Criteria for 51 habitats Criteria for 36 species Criteria for 75 birds English version? For link to the Danish report you can email: BJS@DMU.DK

  21. Distribution - Diversity of species Distribution in Denmark of 800 species (birds, amphibians and some insects (butterflies and buzzing flies) Atlas plot 10x 10 km UTM Strategy for Biodiversity

  22. Distribution - Diversity of species Distribution in Denmark of 36 species on Annex II of the Habitats Directive Atlas-plot 10x10 km UTM Strategy for Biodiversity

  23. Distribution - Diversity of species Distribution in Denmark of 40 species on Annex IV of the Habitats Directive. Atlas-plot 10x10 km UTM Strategy for Biodiversity

  24. Are species on Annex II and IV suitable as indicators of species diversity in DK? All species Annex II + IV Annex II Random Strategy for Biodiversity

  25. Conservation objectives species & habitats Status report Technical instructions Results of monitoring Conservation status Monitoring

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