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Jeopardy for the Civil War and the other amendments Test

Jeopardy for the Civil War and the other amendments Test . As the Civil War began, President Abraham Lincoln stated that his primary goal was to . Preserve the Union. (Keep the Southern states from leaving the USA).

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Jeopardy for the Civil War and the other amendments Test

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  1. Jeopardy for the Civil War and the other amendments Test

  2. As the Civil War began, President Abraham Lincoln stated that his primary goal was to

  3. Preserve the Union (Keep the Southern states from leaving the USA)

  4. The Bloodiest day of battle in US military history; caused Lincoln to issue to the __________________________.(symbolically set the slaves free)

  5. Antietem, The Emancipation Proclamation

  6. The revolver used in the Civil War and out in the west-“the 6 shooter”

  7. Colt 45 revolver

  8. The Colonel of the 54th Massachusetts black regiment

  9. Robert Gould Shaw

  10. Reconstruction and Jim Crow Laws

  11. What was segregation

  12. Legally Separated facilities for blacks and whites

  13. What were the Jim Crow Laws?

  14. The nickname for Laws that kept blacks from voting and allowed for segregated facilities all over the south

  15. What was the name of the Supreme court case that made “separate, but equal” facilities in the USA legal?

  16. Plessey vs. Ferguson

  17. What is the name of court case that made segregated facilities (espec schools) illegal?

  18. Brown v Board of ED

  19. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois shared the belief that African Americans should pursue _________________as the key to improving social status.

  20. education

  21. What were 3 methods used by white southerners and the KKK during the Jim Crow Law days that denied African American men the right to vote

  22. 1.Poll Taxes2.Literacy Tests 3.Grandfather clauses

  23. Provide 3 examples from our study of facilities in the southern United Statesthat were separate but unequal.

  24. schools, bathrooms, lunch counters, railroad cars, etc.

  25. Sit-ins

  26. The man shot while trying enroll at Ole Miss…he returned to enroll anyway w/ help of other Civil Rights marchers

  27. James Meredith

  28. The event in which Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech

  29. The March on Washington August 28, 1963

  30. She overcame discrimination by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery Alabama

  31. Rosa Parks

  32. He broke the “color barrier” in professional sports in 1947 by becoming a starter on the Brooklyn Dodgers

  33. Jackie Robinson

  34. An African American movement of jazz, art and literature in the 1920s that started in New York-increased pride amongst African Americans

  35. The Harlem Renaissance

  36. Events during the Civil Rights movement in which blacks and whites together forcibly integrated lunch counters, buses, bus stations and other segregated facilities in the south

  37. ___th amendment: Constitutional amendment that officially made slavery illegal-all slaves were set free

  38. 13

  39. ____th amendment: Constitutional amendment that declared all blacks in the USA to be citizens giving them “equal protection” under the law.

  40. 14

  41. ___th amendment: Constitutional amendment that gave black men the right to vote

  42. 15

  43. other amendments

  44. The federal tax on ________________was authorized by the 16th amendment in 1913

  45. income

  46. The 17th amendment changed from the indirect to the direct election by the people of United States of

  47. US Senators

  48. The 18th amendment also called ____________________ stated that the ______________ and manufacture of _________________ is banned.

  49. Prohibition, sale, alcohol

  50. Which amendment repealed or canceled the 18th amendment

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